The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life Chapter 56:


Everyone’s Man (2)

The human heart was very deceitful.

If the.

Had she known beforehand that there was going to be a party in Dmitry, Flora would not have attended, even with excuses or other excuses.

Curiosity about Roman was a different matter. Right now, I needed time to reflect on myself, who was only weak, so I stayed in my room for a few days.


Sylvia said this.

” Sister, didn’t you know there was a party going on? Oh my, I think my uncle didn’t say it on purpose because he had problems with the breakup. This party is not hosted by Dmitry, but by Lawrence. Lawrence got through a big crisis thanks to Roman Dmitry, so my uncle planned a party because he had to repay the benefactor. They invited me along the way. I was happy to go to the party with my sister, but if this is the case, I will go alone.”

It was a heartbreaking remark.

Even though I’m not interested in the party.

Even though I had no intention of participating in the first place.

I just got angry

In particular, at Sylvia’s remarks, which she had always been proud of, Flora turned the arrow to her father.

‘Did you just not tell me for that reason?’

breakup issue.

He admitted that it was an embarrassing fact.

However, if it is a party to repay Roman Dmitry for his favor, then as a representative of the Lawrence family, it is right that he should attend.

Wasn’t it his own judgment that drew Roman in the first place?

Flora struggled to smile in front of Sylvia, but as soon as the conversation was over, she went straight to her father.

father! There’s a party going on in Dmitry. Why didn’t you tell me?

asked bluntly.


I wanted to know what my father was thinking.

By the way.

My father’s answer was unexpected.

Viscount Lawrence looked at Flora and said with a very serious expression.

Flora. Through this incident, this father has realized a lot. So in the future, I made up my mind that I will never force you to do things you don’t like.”

that’s true

It was an embarrassing answer.

War with Barco.

It was an event that made me think a lot as Viscount Lawrence.

In particular, Flora’s awakening was shocking.

I still thought it was just a flower in a greenhouse, but she showed her true self in the midst of a family crisis.

‘I was stupid. Flora is a person who can do more, but her father’s lack of insight didn’t make him aware of her daughter’s potential. Flora’s decision to break up was a natural choice. Flora deserves to live her life for herself, not for someone else’s woman.’

Watching her daughter fight to the end.

Viscount Lawrence reflected on her actions.

really ugly

A father who, without knowing what his daughter is good at, forces her to marry by arrangement in order to solve the family crisis.

I never wanted to do that again.

Because I found out who my daughter was.

I made up my mind that I would not have any regrets in my future life.

“Daughter. At the crossroads of life and death, this father witnessed a talent shining brighter than anyone else. Not as a father, you were really cool back then. We were able to win the war because we had the judgment to know exactly what was right in a situation where no one could make a decision, and by bringing Roman Dmitry into the battlefield. So, from now on, live for your dreams. I will not repeat the mistake of dropping your value to the ground, and I am ready to support whatever you want.”

It was an inspiring statement.

Viscount Lawrence looked at Flora with eyes dripping with love and spoke of her commitment to her.

the problem is.

Flora didn’t want that.

‘ I want to attend the party.’

Sylvia is simple on her behalf.

I didn’t like that.

Sylvia is a fox.

When I imagined the scene where she was flirting to seduce Roman, it seemed that she was already grumpy for nothing.

To be honest.

He also wanted to have a proper conversation with Roman.

In the process of speaking through magical communication, Roman expressed Flora as ‘his person’ in the case of Anthony Barco.

It was surprising.

Because I always thought he was a cold and pragmatic person.

The appearance of revenge on Anthony Barco for touching his own person was an opportunity to see Roman again.

The time for self-blame is over.

Now I am ready to face Roman.

Is that so?

Flora spoke differently than usual.

By the way. Why did you invite Sylvia to a party I don’t even know about?

“It is because of my personal greed.”

“If you are greedy surely.

Viscount Lawrence laughed softly.

I let go of my daughter’s future.

In the future, I plan to consider Flora so that she can live independently, but apart from that, greed for Roman is boiling over.

‘He’s a really coveted man.’

this war.

Roman’s actions were astonishing.

In a bold decision to change the atmosphere of war by attacking Barco’s rear, he defeated Homer and proved his potential as a four-star swordsman.

Lately, people have called Roman Dmitry the man of all men.

He was a man coveted by everyone in the northeast region, and Viscount Lawrence was no different.


I had no intention of sacrificing Flora.

So, after figuring out a way, Sylvia came up with a great replacement.


Viscount Lawrence let out a cough.

In response to his refusal to answer, Flora said.

I know. For that reason, I’ll follow Sylvia and act as a guide. Still, it’s an event to pay back the favor to Roman Dmitry, but it doesn’t make sense for me not to attend because I’m entangled in the past.

Okay. You don’t have to go out. daughter. I hope that in the future you will marry someone you truly love. I’ll never have anything to do with Roman Dmitry in the future, so don’t worry about that.

Viscount Lawrence who resists to the end.

How can you be like a green frog?

For a brief moment, it was Flora who wanted to bang her father’s head.

As a result, Flora decided to attend the party.

It wasn’t because of her stubbornness.

I was about to give up on my father’s stubborn attitude, but an invitation came from Dmitry.

[Even though our relationship has deteriorated due to an unfortunate incident, how about proving to people that this incident has restored our relationship? Dmitry is ready to forget the past and start anew. So, at the party for Roman Dmitry, I hope Lawrence’s flowers will shine.]

Baron Romero.

He was a big man.

Although Flora Lawrence’s behavior was to completely ignore Dmitry, he responded willingly to Lawrence’s message of reconciliation by hosting a party.

It was very fortunate for Lawrence.

With the collapse of Barco and Dmitry’s dictatorship predicted, if Dmitry had shown a hostile attitude using the past as an excuse, Lawrence’s future would have been hopeless.


Viscount Lawrence was relieved of her worries because Flora had announced her intention to attend the party first.

that afternoon.

Flora, Sylvia, and other ladies of noble families visited Dmitry together.

The party is scheduled for the evening, but we arrived early on purpose.

That was the majority opinion.

Except for Flora, everyone had a clear purpose of snatching Roman, so I wanted to see what kind of land Dmitry was in advance.

“This is Dmitry.”

“It’s drab as rumored.”

walking through the center.

The ladies of noble families showed a slightly dissatisfied reaction.

Sylvia was particularly bad.

Seeing Dmitry, who didn’t care about beauty, she frowned and looked around.

“I don’t know anything else, but I do know that Dmitry’s owner is far from art. I don’t know how to live in a town like this. In the capital, even commoners who are not nobles care about basic aesthetics, but Dmitry is dull from beginning to end. They are deliberately protesting in case someone is not the blacksmith’s land.”

The complaints continued.

how far did you walk

As Iman was about to return to the party hall, they saw an unfamiliar sight in their gaze.


“Are those the miners?”

far away

A series of hordes were seen walking by.

It was dusty as if he had just finished the job, and his face was also black, so he couldn’t recognize it properly.

It was an instant when the faces of the women, who were curious at first, frowned.

As the miners approached and spit dust, some women responded by covering their noses with their fingers in reluctance.

“Ah, that pretty dress is going to get dirty.”

“That’s why Dmitry is a problem. Mines workers roaming the streets.”

It was a double attitude.

nobles in the northeast area.

They recognized Dmitry’s power.

However, knowing that Dmitry came from a family of commoners, they thought that they were a little different from theirs by birth.

By the way.

Flora’s reaction was different.

At one time, she also hesitated to marry due to her prejudice against Dmitry, but as she experienced Roman, she realized how foolish and premature she was.

Now I don’t judge people harshly.

For that reason, Flora did not go as far away from the miners as everyone else did.

Knowing that the miners in the mines are the source of Dmitry.

She looked at the miners with curious eyes, then suddenly her eyes widened and she saw the face of one of the miners.


It was clear.

familiar face.

One of the miners was Roman Dmitry.

At first I thought I saw it wrong.

Why did Roman Dmitry appear covered in dust like the miners in the mines?

shabby clothes.

Skin soiled with dirt.

However, as far as the face visible under the hard hat on his head, he was just like the Roman Dmitry he remembered.

That was then.

A middle-aged man rushed to Roman.

young master!

It was Hans.

Hans looked at Roman’s condition, and trembling with fuss, wiped Roman’s body with a handkerchief.

“I can’t stop you from going to the mine, but if you work while looking at your body, will you feel any pain? I told you last time. The master is not the only body of the master. However, it seems that Hans’s heart will be torn when he appears every day covered in dust. Take a look at this soup stock. Even after wiping a little with the handkerchief, didn’t the handkerchief become dirty?”

“That was enough.”

no! No!”

Was it because Hans’s voice was loud?

The ears of noble women, including Sylvia, pricked up.

Dmitry’s master.

Now that the rest of the sons left Dmitry, there was only one person who Hans called the master.

Roman Dmitry.

In an instant, the eyes of noble ladies turned to Roman.

‘You mean that person is Roman Dmitry?’

Those eyes are like

It was like a hyena that caught its prey.


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