The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life Chapter 55:


Everyone’s Man (1)

It was around the time when the issue of the Barco family was still buzzing.

Rihanna Dmitry went to a social gathering after a long time.

“Oh, are you here?”

“I was waiting for you to come!”

At her appearance, all the wives in the northeast area, who had gathered in advance, stood up from their seats.

this meeting.

The organizer was Helena of the Meloch family.

Originally, he was famous as a person of pro-Dmitry, but when the Barco family collapsed and Dmitry’s stock price rose, he quickly scheduled a meeting.

It was a kind of show off.

To show the fact that the northeast area will dominate with Dmitry as the center, wives with heavy hips moved in large numbers.

By the way.

There were also new faces that were not existing members.

The wives who were more pro-Barco than Dmitry welcomed Rihanna’s appearance with a fake smile.

“Somehow, I think you are getting prettier day by day.”

“Rihanna, I have prepared a special wine for you. Think of it as my heart, and please enjoy it comfortably.”

The intention was clear.

The fall of Barco.

The wives of the noble families who had fallen apart expressed their intention to attend this meeting in order to somehow get attached to Dmitry.

Self-esteem didn’t matter.

Every day, he went to visit Helena of the Meloch family and made friends, and asked for a chance to meet Rihanna Dmitry, even if it was just once.

this situation.

Rihanna had been told in advance.

She wasn’t much of a fan of strange conversations, but she knew what to do now.

Thank you.


as if it were natural.

Received hospitality and gifts from around.

There is something that people often misunderstand.

The Dmitry family believes that Baron Romero’s wealth brought him to the present position, but behind the scenes was Rihanna Dmitry’s devotion.

Rihanna created her own power by attracting wives from around the northeast.

It was a political skill that Baron Romero couldn’t do, and Rihanna and the wives she used to hang out with formed a pro-Dmitry.

If the board had not been made in advance in such a way, Dmitry might have collapsed before he was able to establish himself as the Barco family’s check.

Dmitry’s wife.

She induced the organizers of this meeting, and naturally proved Dmitry’s changed status as a small society.

“Thank you all for attending this meeting. The reason we came together is not because we have a special purpose, but because we thought that as people living in the same area, we needed at least time to understand and get to know each other. Of course, not all of us have been looking in the same direction until now. However, as the situation has changed, it will be necessary to change the changed reality.”

Eonjung Remains (言中有骨).

The horse had bones.

Rihanna secretly touched those who were on Barco’s side, while at the same time showing graciousness to accept them.


After the meeting, the wives will return to the family and tell Dmitry that they should do well.

It was a small but very big difference.

Rihanna knew all too well from her experience that Rihanna’s summoning of Barco’s wives, which showed room for cooperation, would yield great results later.

The Dmitry family became a powerful force in the northeast area thanks to Rihanna’s help. In the eyes of others, it may seem that the wives are just gathering and talking hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

like that.

We chatted for a while and enjoyed refreshments.

The wives, who were sipping tea while asking each other’s well-being, began to focus on one concern.

“Rihanna, what do you think of our Veronica? I think it would be a good match for Roman.”

Helena’s words.

In an instant, the wives’ faces hardened.

arranged marriage.

In the aristocratic world, this is quite common.

But where does the arranged marriage come from?

It was a gathering of mothers-in-law.

No matter what other people’s reactions were, Helena, who had the luck of getting married first, added immediately.

“Roman is already twenty-five. For a bright future ahead, I think it is necessary to quickly find a wise wife and start a family. And although it’s embarrassing because it’s a compliment to my daughter, I think Veronica would go well with Roman. Is it some kind of arrogance, **** ho ho?”

Helena covered her mouth and smiled.

The atmosphere became strangely chilly.

6 years ago from now.

Roman Dmitry was the ruler of the aristocratic world.

As the Dmitry family, I really want it, but the fact that I am the eldest who will not inherit the family caught my ankle.


Apparently Helena said:

“Veronica is still too young to be with Roman. If it’s a little bigger, then think about it.”

She is also pro-Dmitry.

He was reluctant to marry Roman by arrangement.

Even so, there was no family that welcomed Roman to the extent that he secretly talked about marrying the second son.

It was the same with other people.

People who had a similar attitude to Helena expressed discomfort at Helena’s remarks.

“Hey, Veronica and Roman are a little different, aren’t they? I know that Veronica had an arranged marriage with the heir of another family not so long ago. Helena, I understand your greed, but Roman is way too much.”

mother-in-law 1.

He was a person who had seen Roman scars in front of Rihanna in the past and was bitterly scolded. She even asked if she was offended by Dmitry’s move to be called a fool, but now she appreciated Roman’s value.

Yes. Rihanna’s marriage to Roman needs to be chosen carefully. Don’t limit your options, it’s good to meet a variety of people. In that sense, please visit our family once in the future. In fact, I didn’t say it on purpose, because my child said that he fell in love with Roman at first sight.”

mother-in-law 2.

If it was Roman, she was also a person who took the crane.

As if she had completely forgotten her past actions, she readily recommended Geum Ok-yeop’s daughter as Roman’s spouse.

There was a riot.

The fight ignited by Helena.

The wives who attended the social gathering showed their greed for Roman. It wasn’t just about parents with daughters. Without a daughter, he coveted Roman, even citing his cousin’s relationship.

It was a really fun sight.

Barco’s case.

As a result, Roman’s stock price skyrocketed.

I had no choice but to do so.

Roman proved his potential as a four-star swordsman by defeating Homer. It means a solid future, and if he inherited the Dmitry family, there was no such thing as a son-in-law.

It was the moment when he changed from Gyereuk to the man of all people.

Not long ago, the breakup with Lawrence was a big blemish, but now the blemishes about Roman’s potential were not at all concerned.


They thought they were really lucky that Lawrence didn’t **** Roman.


“It makes me feel good that everyone thinks so well of my son.”

Rihanna put down her teacup.

current atmosphere.

It wasn’t bad.

However, she had no intention of using her son politically.

“Roman went through a lot of pain recently. They promised to marry the Lawrence family, but for bad reasons they had no choice but to break it. Then I had this thought. Let’s not give the same pain to Roman, who has experienced the pain of love. So talking about arranged marriages doesn’t make any sense to me. I hope to find someone who Roman truly loves, and who also loves him. That’s all I want as Roman’s spouse.

definitely drew a line.

There is no arranged marriage.

the problem is.

Those remarks, on the contrary, ignited the rivalry of the wives.

‘In other words, regardless of the conditions, the first person to occupy Roman is the owner, right?’

everyone’s man.

Due to the greed for Roman, the expressions of the noble wives changed unexpectedly.

* * *

The war is over.

Flora locked herself in her room.

Fortunately, Lawrence survived the crisis, but her experiences on the battlefield shocked her.

‘You need strength to live in the world.’

Lawrence and Barco.

In fact, it was a fight that Lawrence lost.

Lawrence could not afford the flare prepared by Barco nor Homer.

He said that he had a good chance of winning if he survived the winter with the knowledge he read in the book, but in reality, there wasn’t much Lawrence could do.

The feeling of helplessness at that time cannot be described in words. As she watched the enemy forces rushing in like a swarm of ants, Flora felt a complete mental breakdown.

By the way.

Roman was different.

A single individual’s strength defeated Barco and won the battle with great defeat.

‘How in the world can I be that strong?’

It was great.

It’s not just about personal powerlessness.

Roman showed the audacity to attack Barco’s rear with a small force, and even after hearing the name of the 49th ranker Homer, he said he would deal with it.

It was an amazing amount of courage.

It was the confidence of the powerful, and Roman looked different that time.


He had the ideal type he had dreamed of.

The imaginary being, full of confidence in everything, began to overlap with Roman from a certain moment.

Shaking my head.


He shook his head.

I didn’t like the person named Roman.

He did not think that a person who was very selfish and cared only for his own interests was his ideal type.


I wanted to know a little bit.

How can you be so strong.

What kind of person is Roman?

The problem was that the relationship had already ended when they broke up, and Flora had no way of seeing Roman again.

‘For now, let’s focus on my reality.’

He turned his attention to the book.

I also wanted to be strong.

like roman.

I hoped for the power to solve any problem in any situation.

So she stayed in her room even after the war was over, and books piled up like a mountain near her.

Books are not the perfect solution.

But at least.

I wanted to relieve the feeling of being in a maze, even a little.

How many days have passed like that?

She came out to get some fresh air, and found an unexpected visitor.

“Sister, it’s been a while!”

“Sylvia ?”

It was a familiar face.

A woman with the typical beauty features with her sky-blue hair that has grown in the sky.

It was her cousin Sylvia.

‘What is he doing here?’

It was surprising.

Sylvia’s father was the younger brother of Viscount Lawrence, who ceded the title of Viscount to his brother, and established himself in the capital as a merchant.

Is it because I spent my childhood in the capital? Sylvia hated coming down to her hometown of Lawrence.

Like Flora, she inherited the bloodline of Lawrence and had a pretty appearance, but she was also called Lawrence’s witch due to her nervous and picky side.

like that she

Appearing in Lawrence.

Knowing how much Sylvia hated Lawrence, Flora’s appearance was abrupt.

“What happened to Lawrence? And .”

He glanced his opponent up and down.

it was pretty

Looking at the beautiful dress, it didn’t seem like he was visiting for an ordinary purpose.

“What about that outfit?”

“What’s going on? They say they are throwing a grand party for the eldest son of the Dmitry family. My uncle told me that I should brighten up the place, so I came running after a month. But sister. Is Roman Dmitry such a great and handsome man? Everyone was so proud of how proud they were.

Sylvia made a fuss.

At the sight of her flirting as if to show off her appearance, Flora felt slightly uncomfortable in the moment.

” A party for Dmitry’s eldest son?

It’s not little news.

Of course you should know.

As long as Sylvia comes to Lawrence, it is correct that she should be preparing the party by now.

By the way.

‘Why am I hearing this for the first time?’

Dmitry’s party.

Flora didn’t know anything about it.


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