The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life Chapter 51:


If you start, you must see the end (1)

The rumors went really fast.

The shocking news that Lawrence defeated Barco.

When people from the northeast part of the country got together, they naturally talked about what happened in Lawrence.

“Really, it must be frustrating for Barco. You made a fuss and lost to Lawrence.”

“But is that really true? It is said that Roman alone attacked the enemy’s rear and slaughtered hundreds of soldiers at once.”

“Of course it is! You know my relatives are Lawrence natives, right? I heard from the relatives, and from what I had witnessed vividly on the wall, Roman appeared to be just like Lawrence’s savior. In an emergency situation where the wall might collapse immediately, Roman Dmitry alone attacked the enemy’s rear and slaughtered Barco’s soldiers. Moreover, it completely reversed the atmosphere by destroying the flare. If Roman had not appeared, would Barco have planted a flag in Lawrence’s land right away?

Rumors are a mixture of truth and fiction.

Like a heroic tale passed down from generation to generation.

Just as the two men were talking, people in the northeast region praised Roman’s achievements here and there.

“This war started with Roman Dmitry and ended with Roman Dmitry. This is a story only those who were in the field know, but even when Chris, who was the vanguard, secured one win, the people of Lawrence thought he would win like this. Do you know who showed up then? Homer, who is ranked 49th in the Cairo Kingdom, came out as the great warrior of Barco. The moment he revealed his name, Lawrence’s people fell into despair. And in a fight that could never be won, I thought that Roman would abstain and save his life this time. By the way.

He had a sad expression on his face.

He spread his shoulders and spoke as if he were even Roman.

“Roman Dmitry, no, the hero’s judgment was different. I proudly declared that I would go to Daejeon. And in front of so many people, Roman Dmitry blew Homer’s head off with just one attack. Red blood is splattered and scattered in the sky… . hey! It was a really great scene. Roman Dmitry, who led the siege to victory, this time put an end to the battle of Daejeon.”

” But you said you weren’t there.

“No, I mean that’s what my relatives say. Anyway, to say the least, Roman Dmitry isn’t the Dmitry **** we knew. look. Subdue Blood Fang, blow the knight’s cheek for his subordinate in Barco, and this time Lawrence’s case. he’s a hero The sleeping dragon, which Dmitry had kept secret, finally ascended to the sky, and he is building up his own heroic story one by one.”

People were excited.

Roman’s actions.

Each one was impressive.

Rumors spread so wildly that children running out on the streets played the role of Roman Dmitry as a hero.

It wasn’t just that.

battle of warlords.

Lawrence has won 3 out of 3 fights.

Although Roman’s impact was great, it was an important point that both of the other two fights were Roman’s.

“Heroes are really born with good fortune. Dmitry’s genius swordsman, Chris, defeated Jansson of 3 stars to the level of 2 stars, and the child who looked like a child soldier completely mutilated Barco’s knight. None of Lawrence’s men took part in this battle of the Great Warrior. Roman’s followers proclaimed themselves great warriors, and they proved their loyalty to Roman in front of everyone. It’s going to be very messy in the future. In the northeast region, after a long time, a talented person who will surprise the world was born.”

Flora’s prediction was right.

this war.

Lawrence won the victory at the cost of many sacrifices, but all the glory of victory went to Roman.

But no one complained about that.

A battle between victory and defeat.

The people of Lawrence didn’t know how fortunate they were to remain victorious even if they got hurt.

* * *


No other words could describe the present situation.

Viscount Barco, who returned to the family as a defeated soldier, despaired of the reality that was right before his eyes.


on the desk.

The papers piled up like a mountain.

The content was clear.

Golden Bank asked how they would repay the principal in the future due to the defeat of the Territorial War, and the Cairo Mercenary Guild was angry at Homer’s death and demanded a penalty.

The logic of the mercenary guild, which I checked briefly, was truly absurd.

At the time of the request for the Battle of Daejeon, Lawrence clearly said that it was a family with only two-star knights, so he shifted responsibility for the variable to Barco.

in short.

I completely despised Barco.

With the fact that Barco would fall to **** with this defeat, everyone was desperate to get something.

“Bad bastards.”

It was bittersweet.

It wasn’t just the two of them who ignored Barco.

After the war was over, there was no news from the friendly forces who seemed to hold a party, and rumors circulated that some were attached to Dmitry.

It was a cold reality.

Obviously, when Barco gained fame as a powerful leader in the northeast region, the behavior of those who visited Barco for a day and a half and confiscated their faces like this was truly disgusting.

I didn’t know.

The truth of the powers entangled by interests.

Viscount Barco was also a person who lived like a bat, but when he was pushed to the edge of a cliff, he couldn’t help but smile.

‘What do you mean by this?’

The responsibility of defeat weighed on his shoulders.

It was cumbersome.

He couldn’t even think of himself to pay off the pile of debts, nor how to recover from the current situation.

It was a fight that started with certainty of victory.

If only the damned Roman Dmitry had not intervened, surely Barco would have been drinking champagne of victory.

“Yeah, it’s all because of Roman Dmitry. Roman showed up with no reason to intervene in this war and ruined everything from start to finish. It’s really absurd. In an aristocratic society where a cause is important, Roman Dmitry has done something he shouldn’t have done.”


It all happened because of him.

Viscount Barco thought.

In order for the Barco family, driven to the edge of the cliff, to survive, they must hold onto the existence of Roman.

‘This is your last chance.’

jumped up from his seat.

the only hope.

From now on, there is much work to be done.

* * *

Viscount Barco contacted the aristocrats in the northeast.

Nobles who still accept contact.

Although they were reluctant to contact Viscount Barco, they allowed only one meeting at their earnest request.

a few days later.

Nobles gathered in the Barco family.

If it had been in the past, everyone except for Dmitry would have expressed their intention to attend, but there were only ten nobles at the round table. grim reality. It was a visible scene where Gase was leaning, but Viscount Barco straightened his back and said to them.

“Before we start the story, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for finding Barco like this. You are a true noble. Unlike some aristocrats who have turned their backs on their backs at once, ignoring their relationship according to their interests, I think the future of the northeast area is still bright because of you.”


“Tell me from the beginning.”

nobles in attendance.

They didn’t like the compliment.

I only allowed him to meet because my relationship with Dmitry was not good, but I knew how dangerous this was.

Viscount Barco said.

“I will tell you straight up. A cause is very important in a fight between noble families. In particular, in a situation where you do not know when a foreign invasion might strike, attacking a neighboring territory simply because you have greed is an act of violating the rules of the aristocratic world. Barco attacked Lawrence with good cause. It was to pay the price of our ancestors, and the central government judged that our cause was right and sent us down to the judges. However, Roman Dmitry intervened in the war without any justification. In his surprise attack, Barco lost his flare and, furthermore, experienced atrocities in which Lawrence’s warriors were not at all in the Battle of the Great Warriors.”

The voice rose.

He demanded sympathy from the nobles, and strongly emphasized his thoughts.

“Does this make sense? How did Roman Dmitry help Lawrence? There would have been no problem if the two families had been related by blood, but Lawrence made it clear that Flora Lawrence was responsible for the breakup. Roman Dmitry remains with Lawrence, and there is no cause in the world to help him. This is behavior that crosses the line. Even though we also had a lot of power around us to get help, we fought with Barco’s power until the end to protect our good as a nobleman, so we have no choice but to experience the horror of defeat.”

“That’s right.”

Yes. Roman Dmitry has no cause.”

everyone agreed

It wasn’t wrong in the first place.

Intervention without justification deserves punishment, and this was an issue that had room for public discussion.

‘I don’t think this will destroy the Dmitry family. But you can at least hold them accountable and demand large amounts of compensation from them. That’s enough. With the wealth of the Dmitry family, they can pay off the money borrowed from the Golden Bank.’

Golden Bank.

It was an urgent matter right now.

Arguments with the mercenary guild can be resolved with words, but Golden Bank is a strict group when it comes to recovering the principal.


If Barco says he can’t pay the principal, they will crush the Barco family down to the bone.

asked a nobleman.

“So what are we going to do?”

opinions were gathered.

Just by the interest of the nobles who had expressed distaste, Viscount Barco knew that his intentions worked.

First of all, the people gathered here.

Viscount Barco was trying to create a voice that could bring out the sympathy of those around him and put pressure on Dmitry.

First .”

That was then.

The door to the conference room swung open.

When Viscount Barco looked at the soldier with a nervous face, the soldier stuttered with a pale face.

“Row, Roman Dmitry. He has come to the Viscount!”


It was a really unexpected situation.

This didn’t make sense.

Roman Dmitry is the culprit of defeat.

But when he came to the Barco family, it was as if he had set foot on a dead ground to kill him.

‘What are you thinking?’

Nobles gathered in the conference room.

They looked into each other’s eyes.

In an unexpected situation, everyone didn’t know what to do.

“Everyone is gathered here.”

it was roman

Ignoring the sanctions of the restless soldiers, Roman walked into the conference room with a calm expression.

That moment.

Viscount Barco thought seriously.

Will you kill Roman?

It’s at the brink anyway.

He wanted to get revenge by killing Roman, but if he did, his last hope of citing justification would be lost.

A situation in which you have to endure even when the object of anger is in front of you.

As Viscount Barco stared at him, struggling to contain his seething anger, Roman sat down opposite him.


No one told me to sit down.

like it’s so natural.

Roman sat across from Viscount Barco, leaned his back on the chair and crossed his legs.

“I heard a lot of complaints about me.”


Roman caressed her lips.

Then, looking into the eyes of Viscount Barco with a smile, he said.

“Then tell me directly. For what reason Barco created this place.”


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