The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life Chapter 44:


Participation in war (2)


People of the faction Moorim said.

“A heavenly demon is always present at the forefront of demonism. If we can block his attack even once, we can stop the attack of the magician that comes like a wave, but that is impossible, so there is no hope for the faction Moorim. People of the faction Moorim must remember. Heaven is invincible, and confronting him head-on is suicide.”

Moorim unification.

Baek Joong-hyeok led the magician at the forefront.

First, they faced the enemy with their swords, and along the path that Baek Jung-hyuk had made, the magicians ran wild.

people asked


Are you taking on the most dangerous role?

The reason was the same then and now.

‘The strongest man must be at the forefront and completely destroy the morale of his enemies.’

In battle, momentum is important.

Just as he had risen to an unreachable position by defeating a child bigger than himself in a dark cave, Baek knew how important it is to gain momentum in life.

The role of the strong is not to wait for time in the rear.

Indeed, if you have enough force to not back down even after facing numerous enemies, the only way to win is to actively use your force.

Right away.

like now.



The soldier’s arm was blown away by Roman’s attack.

The screaming soldier tried to run away, but Roman immediately followed and cut off his head.


blood was splattered

Roman received the **** rain from the sky and flew towards the soldiers who were forming the wall in front of him.

It was an instant that the solid formations collapsed.

At the presence of Roman who appeared like lightning in the dry sky, the soldiers pierced their spears at once with frightened faces.




The attack didn’t work.

Roman repelled all attacks aimed at him, then took a step forward and slashed their heads.

It was a massacre.

I couldn’t explain it in other words.

Roman faced dozens of soldiers alone, but did not retreat even one inch. Rather, he overwhelms the opponent and clears up the enemies in front of him one by one.

The soldiers who followed him were taken aback.

They did not expect a sight like this when they said that Roman would take the lead role.

“Follow your lord!”



He first put a sling on his neck and shouted.

As Kevin and Chris followed Roman and attacked the enemy, the other soldiers swung their weapons with poisonous eyes.



In response to the attack that stabbed the opponent’s neck, Barco’s soldier knelt with blood bubbles.

Kevin swung his sword straight at the other opponent even though he had killed a man in his hand.

It was the same with Chris.

Knowing that Roman would move away from him the moment he hesitated even a little, he tried to catch up as much as possible.

“Hey, hey.”

“Stop that monster!”

Roman opened the way.

The shield walls made by the enemies had long since lost their meaning, and Barco’s soldiers did not dare to rush and only screamed in a messed up situation.

They knew too.

Knowing that the person who rushes to Roman first is the dead, he pushed the backs of his colleagues, hoping that someone would do a miracle.


The miracle didn’t happen.

Roman slashed the opponent who rushed at him, and there was no one who could receive a blow, let alone a workshop.

blood, blood, blood.

The surroundings were dyed red.

Thousands of people died and blood flowed into rivers, and Roman slaughtered his enemies one step at a time.



target of this plan.

The appearance of the siege weapon was approaching in front of me.

Roman’s performance.

At the crazy presence that overwhelms the surroundings, the commander of the Bergue mercenary corps, Berge, showed a puzzled expression.

” hey, what is this?”


It was Roman Dmitry.

While taking on Barco’s mission, he knew all the faces of those who were interested, but he didn’t know that Roman Dmitry was this strong.

It didn’t matter why he was here.

The problem is that Roman’s individual force is overwhelming enough to slaughter dozens of soldiers, and if he was left alone, the war between Barco and Lawrence might end in unexpected results.

‘That’s not allowed.’

this mission.

It took a lot of money.

As the fate of the Berge Mercenaries was at stake, Berge drew his sword and rushed towards Roman.

‘I take care of it.’


A-class mercenary recognized by the kingdom.

Unlike the B-class status, which can be obtained by simply dealing with chores, A-class must have special features such as using an aura.

Berge is a two-star aura swordsman. Already at the age of 40, he dared not wish for more, but a two-star aura was enough to defeat Roman.


Curly rumble.

Aura rose.

Mana exploding from his body was expressed through the sword as a medium, and Berge swung his sword towards Roman as it was.

One-shot kill.

promised victory.

Even if the opponent was a 3-star aura swordsman, his special move was not an attack that could be easily blocked.

By the way.



Roman blocked the attack as if nothing had happened.

in that sight.

Berge opened his eyes.

‘You crazy!’

A full-fledged attack had to break the opponent’s sword and split the flesh as it is, but the repulsive force felt from the sword seemed to vomit up immediately.

It was a different situation than expected.

The moment Berge was about to hurriedly backstep at the urgent warning sound from his head, Roman immediately followed and attacked.


Kaka Kaka!

Linked attack.

It felt like my mind was flying.

Suddenly, an aura burned from Roman’s sword, and Berge was cornered by attacks from all directions.

Roman and Berge.

The size of the aura was different.

From the outside, it is normal for Berge’s huge aura to overwhelm Roman, but whenever Roman and Berge’s sword collide, Berge’s aura has shrunk to a noticeable extent.

It was then that Berge found out.

According to the rumors, the existence in front of him called Dmitry’s nerd was an opponent he couldn’t dare to fight against.

‘This is too old for three!’

Regret is late.

this mission.

I thought I was eating for free.

However, the variable Roman, which even the veteran mercenaries did not expect, produced a result different from what was originally planned.


Brilliant sword.

Blood lines were drawn from Berge’s neck, and his body fell to his knees.



As an A-class mercenary, he lasted less than 10 seconds against Roman.


It was a fleeting time.

Berge’s death.

That’s a great achievement.

Roman took down an A-class mercenary in 10 seconds, but it was no surprise to anyone who knew his truth.

‘I am not a heavenly demon in this world.’

When I was a devil.

There were no talented people who dared to exchange workshops.

At the blow of Baek Jung-hyeok, the masters of the faction Moorim collapsed, and in this way, Baek Jung-hyuk achieved the achievement of unification of Moorim.


It was different in this world.

Roman is weak.

It developed rapidly and grew to a level that overwhelms Bergue, but that alone did not quench the thirst.


Aura burned.

From vertex to bottom.

In a situation where the general public could feel a sense of shame, Roman was rather excited about a new challenge.

New world.

new strengths.

If you can conquer all of that with a small body, that would be really cool.

Roman went on.

Seeing that he didn’t stop because it wasn’t enough to kill Bergue, Viscount Barco groaned with a face that looked like he was about to faint.

“Kill! I mean, kill him!”

Berge’s death.

I couldn’t believe it at all.

It was not that one of them died while Berge and Roman were fighting, but he was killed unilaterally even though Berge attempted a surprise attack.

Not only that.

Even though Roman had slaughtered a number of soldiers before that, he did not disturb his breathing as if the fight with Bergue was okay.


It was overwhelming.

The path was opened according to Roman’s movement, and it was only a matter of time before the siege weapons would break if this was the case.

had to stop

He shouted to stop it somehow, but contrary to Viscount Barco’s intention, his body gradually moved away from Roman.

“It’s dangerous, Viscount!”

“You must take shelter first!”

Knights of Barco.

They took Viscount Barco with them.

At first, he tried to subdue Roman by working together, but he changed his mind as soon as he saw Berge fall out.

It’s still a fight with Barco’s advantage. He didn’t want to risk his life to fight Roman, because returning the troops that were attacking the wall would give him an edge in the number of troops.

The road was open.

No one rushed to Roman.

Roman humbly moved forward, and before he knew it, a flare existed in front of him.


A magical product not found in Moorim.

Aside from the bullets being fired amounted to dozens of gold, the body itself specially crafted to fire magic bullets was worth a lot.

Therefore, the goal of this plan was the body.

If the body was destroyed, even as Barco, there would be no way to attack Lawrence’s walls from a distance.

‘A celestial god.’


raised mana.

Flare’s body is protected by magic.

Since it cannot be destroyed with a normal attack, the mana that had been sleeping in the danjeon was awakened and manifested in Roman’s sword.

black aura.

It was the power of heaven.

‘One second meal of the Celestial Swordsmanship.

one attack.

one flash.


Quiet rumble rumble.

The sword split the flare.

There was a roar, and the huge body was split in two.

overwhelming sight.

For a moment, everyone on the battlefield held their breath.


Roman shouted in a voice filled with mana.

“Listen, Lawrence! I, Roman Dmitry, have destroyed Barco’s siege weapon!

at that word.

The atmosphere on the battlefield was reversed.

Barco’s soldiers.

As they were fighting for their lives on the front line, there was no way to know what was going on behind the scenes.

blast furnace.

Roman’s remarks told the truth.

Hearing that the siege weapon had been destroyed, he showed a look of embarrassment even with the enemy in front of him.

“What, what?”

“The flare was destroyed?”

It was an embarrassing moment.

The destruction of the flare could be interpreted to mean that Barco’s rear was dangerous, not just the loss of the advantage of the siege weapon.

Then the footsteps pushing towards the castle gate stopped.

Barco’s knights, who were grasping the situation, saw that the flare was really broken and ordered to retreat in a hurry.


“Everyone step back!”

The light went out on the foot.

Viscount Barco.

Their master was in danger.

It was more important to protect Viscount Barco than to capture Lawrence, and they moved quickly.

The situation developed quickly.

Barco’s retreat.

Lawrence’s soldiers, who survived a desperate crisis, looked at each other with bewildered expressions because they did not understand English.


Flora on the fortress wall also looked for the figure of Roman with a shocked look.

” Are you really doing it?”

A situation I thought was impossible.

this time too.

Roman was beyond Flora’s common sense.


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