The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life Chapter 40:


Lawrence’s Flower (1)

ten days ago.

Lawrence’s foot went out on fire.

“The Martell family turned down our offer.”

” The same goes for the Bartra family. Even though they said they would accept building the distribution network they’ve always asked for, they said they couldn’t help with this. Lord. It seems that it is actually difficult to get help from those around you due to the pressure of the Barco family.”


“Damn guys.”

At the report of the vassals, Viscount Lawrence couldn’t contain his anger and hit the table.

Before the conflict with Barco.

The Martell and Bartras were a place of flattery to establish a connection with Lawrence.

Lawrence’s fertile lands gave him power in the northeast region, and Viscount Lawrence was maintaining an amicable relationship with them.

So I remembered the relationship back then and asked them for help, but the owners of the two families, who always greeted Lawrence with a smile, showed a cold attitude as if they had always been.

I understood.


Rumors circulated around the northeast area.

Rumors that if there is a force that interferes with Barco’s intentions by intervening in the dispute between Lawrence and Barco, they will surely retaliate after Lawrence’s fall.

Everyone knew that it was a rumor that was intentionally spread by Barco, but it was intentional, so the other family had no choice but to shrink.

Barco blocked the possibility of an alliance.

Now that he was sentenced to a probation period of one week, Viscount Lawrence felt choked up.

“Did you get a call from Golden Bank?”

” Yes. You said you would consider a land-secured loan, but it seems unlikely that the review will be completed within a week. Golden Bank is not a neutral force. Since they invested a large amount in the Barco family, they seem to have decided that it is more beneficial to empower the Barco family rather than us.”


Dizziness occurred.

Golden Bank.

It is not a power limited to the Cairo Kingdom, but a power that boasts enormous capital power that affects the entire continent.

Their home base is said to be in one of the two empires, the Valhalla Empire.

In fact, they are a force that puts a neutral position as the number one value, but in a problem in which their interests are at stake as it is now, they openly favor the side that has the most advantage.

Barco and Lawrence.

The odds were high for Barco, so it was better to side with Barco rather than invest in both.

“Are you saying that there is no answer after all?”

last few weeks.

Viscount Lawrence ran all over the place to solve the problem.

The breakup with Dmitry put Lawrence in a corner, and in order to somehow survive, he met a lot of people, citing past relationships.

Among them, contact with Golden Bank was an attempt, even though he knew it would fail.

If I could borrow money, I was going to hire mercenaries like the Barco family, but the foxes of Golden Bank did not do business that could cause them to lose money.

I got stuck on a dead end road.


After a week, Barco will launch an attack, and Lawrence will not be able to withstand their attack.

‘ I should have somehow calmed Dmitry’s heart.’


Their presence became poison.

Even when he was preparing to marry Dmitry, he wondered if all problems would be resolved, but he turned his back on Dmitry, stating that even pro-Dmitry forces could not help.

The real power in the northeast area is Barco and Dmitry.

As both families became hostile, Lawrence became a loner.

It was cumbersome.

A woman sitting at the far end of the conference room said cautiously, even when the vassals couldn’t even open their mouths.

father. Can I say something?”

her body.

She was Lawrence’s golden jade leaf, Flora Lawrence.

Roman Dmitry.

Starting with the meeting with him, the realm of common sense that made up Flora’s world completely collapsed.

‘My judgment was wrong. I had a biased view of Roman Dmitry, and the real nerd was me, not him.’

Roman’s actions.

It was shocking.

At first, I only thought that Roman had done something, but as time went on, I learned the detailed process.

Roman killed Ben Miles, leader of the Blood Fang, in front of many people.

It was done entirely by Roman’s power, and what was even more shocking was the cause of Roman’s action.

The purpose is to deal with the Blood Fang that harassed the residents of Dmitry’s territory.

And knowing that Lawrence’s response was insufficient, he was bold enough to take a drastic action in the face of punishment.


Flora felt ashamed.

Although Dmitry’s eldest son was said to be an idiot, he did something for the family, but he put Lawrence in danger by mentioning that he had broken the soul.

If I could turn back time. At least, the extreme choice of breaking up, which touched Dmitry’s heart, would have been a little more thoughtful.

‘I was stupid. Choosing to break up the marriage without taking any measures was a choice that led the family to the path of destruction.’

Once upon a time.

There was a time when I thought I was smart.

After completing the advanced course of the academy with good grades, seeing her father smiling brightly at her, she thought that she was a good daughter.

I didn’t know then.

The fact that he studied something while receiving the support of his family in the first place did not know anything about the world enough to be called a flower in a greenhouse.

outside the gate.

Barco was a wild predator.

With drooling and fierce molars, they didn’t care what Flora’s life was like.

It was announced that the divorce had been broken.

Flora locked herself in her room.

Although the fact that marriage should still be done with the person he loves has not changed, he did not dare to face his father’s face in the dire reality of having to pay the price of romance.

Because of his mistake, his father went to beg for help every day.

The lights in the family conference room never went out, and when the meeting was over, I couldn’t even dare to approach the vassals walking out with their dead faces and tell them to cheer up.

Flora Lawrence.

Called Lawrence’s Flower, it was a harsh time for her, who always saw good things and experienced only good things.

I was groaning

I had a fever in the middle of the night, and waking up in a nightmare in a cold sweat like rain became a daily routine.

the more it repeats itself.

In Flora’s mind, Roman’s image came to mind.

‘How could he have done such a thing?’

by your own strength.

In a situation where no one expected Roman, Roman boldly put into action the choice for the family.

It was great.

aside from the fact that such a thing is possible.

It looked different just that he had made up his mind to do such a thing.

It was from then.

Roman started appearing in Flora’s dream, and her heart changed little by little while dreaming of Roman appearance.

Then one day.

Flora made a decision.

“Let’s not turn away from reality, Flora. If no one helps us. Just as Roman Dmitry defeated the Blood Fang himself, we must find a way to solve the problem ourselves.”

in a dark room.

Flora came out of the cave.

With her hair **** so she could move comfortably, she went to Lawrence’s library and grabbed a few books.

The type of book is just right.

It was a military law book prepared for war.

Flora said.

“We are now in a corner. Barco cut off the help around him, and the difference in power is obvious. So there is an opinion that we should preserve at least a little of the family’s land through surrender, but I don’t think that should be the case.”

“Why do you think so? Rather than killing innocent soldiers, surrender may be the option for everyone.”

Viscount Lawrence asked.

Seeing the questionable look in her eyes, Flora looked at him with a calm face.

“Barco borrowed money from the Golden Bank using the connections of the central government. Rumor has it that the loan process was conducted without collateral, so a loan without collateral would inevitably have a high interest rate. this war. Barco is not a business that only benefits. In order for both the borrower Barco and the lender Golden Bank to obtain a satisfactory profit, the land will be completely torn apart after the capture of Lawrence. Half is Barco, the other half is Golden Bank. And yet their thirst isn’t quenched, so they have to scratch the bottom of the safe so they can respond with satisfaction.”


The attendants looked uncomfortable.

It was a cruel remark, but no one denied that it was a reality.

“Then what are we supposed to do?”

“There is only one way. death-defying war. That is the only way we can survive.”

“It’s a fight. Was that really the best thing you said?”

Viscount Lawrence showed a disappointing reaction.


Flora’s remarks raised expectations.

I thought that the ability to accurately see through the situation would tell you an extraordinary way, but in the end, it was the realm of common sense.

locking the gates.

Anyone can think

However, Flora took a different approach from others.

“It’s not just about holding on. Give up farming this year and set fire to the fields. And we’ll keep as much food as we can before we can survive. We just have to keep going until winter comes.”

“Can we survive until winter?”

Yes. Barco borrowed a large sum of money for this war. Although they used the central government’s connections to make loans without collateral, in fact, the Golden Bank was not a force that could put pressure on them with only the central government’s connections. They are a huge force that affects the entire continent. If the war does not end quickly and time continues, the Barco family will have no choice but to face pressure from interest. The larger the loan, the higher the interest. That’s the only weakness we can attack. Mercenaries run with money, and that money comes from the Golden Bank. When winter comes, unfavorable for siege warfare, they are bound to wither themselves.”


“There was such a way!”

In Flora’s words.

The vassals of the family admired it.

At first they seemed puzzled, but the more Flora spoke, the more they fell in love with her argument.

It made sense.

This is a race against time.

Since Barco’s power has no substance, there was a sufficient chance of winning if he endured the time when the substance was revealed.

‘When did my daughter grow up?’

Viscount Lawrence.

He looked at his daughter with a complicated expression.

only daughter.

It was raised carefully so that it wouldn’t break if held by hand, and the plants in the greenhouse grew into Lawrence’s flowers and bloomed in full bloom.

And when the case of Dmitry happened.

Viscount Lawrence thought that she had raised her daughter too immaturely.


The truth was different.

When faced with the situation of rolling in mud, Flora showed her true face.

‘You must have suffered because of your incompetent father.’

seemed late.

Flora’s wrinkled face.

No matter how much he suffered, a shadow appeared on his face.

Geum Ok-yeop’s daughter.

I never wanted to see such a lovely daughter collapse by the Barco family.

Viscount Lawrence said.

“Flora is right. The Barco family is not a force that we cannot handle with the power of the family itself. So, prepare for a deadly fight right now. We will hold out and persevere, and we will pass on the Lawrence family.”

made a decision

will not surrender

I will not raise a white flag.

It was the Lawrence family’s judgment that they would fight and endure to the end, even if the wall collapsed and they were to die.

a week after that.

Finally, the day of the decisive battle that Barco foretold had dawned.


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