The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life Chapter 19:


blind trust (1)

Roman’s question was straight-forward.

“Hans. Have you ever seen me taking medicine, or was there any circumstance where it was presumed that I took medicine?”


Hans was startled.

it’s medicine

As usual, he thought he was going to run an errand, but he couldn’t hide his bewilderment at Roman’s sudden question.

And Roman was sure of that reaction.

If it was Hans, who took great care of Roman’s daily life even before he possessed it, he would surely know the information he was looking for.

said Roman.

“I don’t mean to think of you, nor do I intend to rebuke you. However, I just want to take the time to look back on myself. I plan to check how I lived, through the eyes of a third person, not my memories.”

No excuses were added.

Loss of memory due to possession.

It was a part that needed clarification, but Roman knew it wasn’t necessary in his position.

A question posed quietly.

The trouble was with Hans.

Unusually hesitant, he showed a serious expression as if he had made a decision.

‘The Roman master I recently experienced is not the type of person who can talk in vain. I really want to check the circumstances of using the drug from a third person’s point of view, so let me be honest about what I know.’

” I’ve never seen them use drugs. However, there were times when the behavior of the master was a little strange.”

“When was that?”

“Isn’t that a fortnight ago? Bocchan went to a social party after a long time. Actually, it wasn’t anything special, but after attending a social party, the state of the master was a bit strange. From that day on, he refrained from going out, stayed in his room, and demanded excessive amounts of alcohol every night with a dull face. That’s why I suspected that the master might have tampered with a drug that was banned at a social party.

The day Roman committed suicide.

Hans looked at Roman who was possessed by Baek Joong-hyeok and was suspicious of the drug.

Recently, it has been a problem among the nobles, so I was suspicious of Dmitry’s nerd.


“Other than that, there is nothing to say about the circumstances. And now I know how foolish it was. There is no way that such a strong master would touch such a drug.”

It was simply a matter of suspicion.

Hans trusted Roman.

Roman’s cleverness shown in the process of subjugating Blood Fang was something that an addict could never show.

‘It’s a social party.’

Roman was deep in thought.

social party.

It was a familiar word.

Romance changed after attending a social party, and shortly thereafter, he made the extreme decision of suicide.

He also said that the rumors of infidelity that Flora heard came from a social party.

if so.

“Who was in charge of the social party I attended?”

the root of the problem.

That was important.

And the answer.

“You attended the Barco family party.”


It was a moment when things entered a new phase.

The explanation was simple.

“I had known the eldest son of the Barco family from the beginning. After the marriage conversation with Lawrence, the relationship began to falter, but none of the noble children got along as often with Master Roman as he did. So it wasn’t too unusual to attend the Barco family’s social party. The interests are complicated, but that doesn’t mean the former relationship is gone.”

Barco’s eldest son.

Anthony Barco, like Roman, was a man with a bad reputation around him.

So the two worked.

Coming from a powerful family in the northeast region, two men with a trashy reputation often played together.

‘The two weren’t close friends. Since they have a similar reputation, it must have been to the extent that they simply got along as friends for entertainment. However, the relationship became entangled around Flora. Anthony Barco wanted to marry Flora, and Roman was no different. And the winner of that battle was Roman. It’s because the Lawrence family, who ultimately rejected Barco, decided that Dmitry was better than Barco.’

The puzzle pieces have been put into place.

Barco’s invitation.

If Roman, who had been in a strange state since then, had made the choice to die, it was certain that the cause was in Barco.

‘The only reasonable doubt I can have in a situation like this is that Barco induced Roman’s suicide. If Dmitry becomes one with Lawrence, Barco will not be able to claim Lawrence’s fertile land, let alone Flora. And the simplest way to solve that problem is to prevent the marriage from happening in the first place. From what Hans had heard, Barco had previously wished to marry me on behalf of Lawrence, so the only option left for them now is to either induce the divorce or create a situation in which they cannot get married.

I saw a picture.

Roman’s death.

The force that benefits the most from this is Barco.

It is not known how they led to suicide, but they tried a variety of methods to achieve their goal.

Spreading obscene rumors and inducing breakup.

Made Roman commit suicide.

‘There is trash everywhere.’

The truth was not great.


it was disappointing

He decided to live the life of Roman, so the name Barco touched Roman’s nerves.

That was then.

Hans said.

” In fact, a few days ago, Barco sent me an invitation to a party. I couldn’t deliver it to you because the master went into closed training, how do we deal with this?”

“Did Barco invite me?”



laughter came out.

They were blatantly ignoring Roman.

No matter what kind of harm he did to himself, he was so bold that he sent out invitations to see him again confidently.

‘It’s annoying.’

I didn’t like it.

The name is Barco.

In order to live as a Roman in the future, it was necessary to clean up the annoying parts clearly.

blast furnace.

“Tell me you’re going to the party.”

to face the problem head-on.

That was the way Roman would live in the future.

* * *

The party was two weeks later.

Roman, who had time to spare, went to see Kevin, who had been waiting for him during the closing practice.

“What can I do next?”


He bowed his head and said.

He followed Roman’s suggestion, but the problem was that there was nothing he could do for Roman.

Kevin was just a teenage boy.

Born with an ordinary talent like a stone rolling on the side of the road, no matter how much he pondered for the past week, he could not come up with an answer about his role.

So I asked.

their role.

Why did you accept yourself?

said Roman.

“I want to use you as my sword. However, the use of a person is not determined by the will of others. So, from now on, I will tell you three ways so that you can choose for yourself.”


It was surprising.

You want to use yourself as a sword, which you have never touched in your life.

It was a remark that could not be understood with common sense, but Kevin did not raise any objection to Roman’s words.

“The first is to give up its use as a sword. If you’re afraid to hold the sword and don’t want to bleed, be my hands and feet, not your sword. You can do your part by following Hans, learning what he does, and doing the non-dangerous tasks I direct you.”

Safe option.

did not force the risk.

Forced danger creates variables, and Roman does not keep a weak human being by his side as his sword.

“The second is to protect me as a sword. However, in your mid-teens, there is no way for you to become strong in a short time, who was far from your life as a swordsman. The world is not a beautiful fairy tale. It takes a lot of willpower to become strong after a while, and if you choose the second option, I will test your will with the number of buds. A method of providing pain from twisting bones and muscles. It is not just a decision, but a result that proves your will.”

It was cool.

Minus bone.

The fear emanating from the words made Kevin’s mouth dry.

But last.

When Roman accepted Kevin, he thought maybe he could handle his final ordeal.

“The third .”

drew his sword

And then.


“Cut off your wrist with this sword. Even in situations where you inflict pain on yourself, if you endure the pain to the end and achieve your goals, you will become stronger than anyone else.”

The sword fell in front of me.

For the first time, a feeling of fear flashed on Kevin’s face, who had been showing his will until recently.

light horse.

When I first met him, Gwangma was just a little boy, like Kevin, who didn’t know he was a martial artist.

By the way.

How was he able to grow into the Four Heavenly Kings?

Thanks to your natural talent?


His growth came from a strong will.

‘There are ancient warriors in the Treasury of Magic. Among them, the Demon Magician (鬼魂魔功) turned a number of demons who pursued strength into evil spirits with powerful magic. Gwangma learned how to become a sword that can be useful to me, and by overcoming the ordeal of a ghost, it has become a sword I trust.’

ear mage.

It’s a dangerous weapon

The moment you use martial arts, your mind is gnawed at by magic, and it exerts its power in the intense pain that cuts your blood vessels.

It is a pain that ordinary people would not even dare to bear.

Like Roman’s last suggestion, the ghost magician is the one who uses martial arts even in the pain of cutting off one’s own arm.

A world that cannot be reached by ordinary will.

So I chose the ghost magician.

I don’t think Kevin can really handle ghost magic, but I wanted to at least give him a choice.

said Roman.

“In order for a criminal to transcend the limits of his talent, he needs a lot of sacrifice and will. you are already mine Whatever choice you make, I will use you valuable, but it is up to you to decide how you use it.”

passed the decision

Kevin swallowed dry saliva.

His eyes looking down at the sword shook with fear, and his mouth was so dry that there was no saliva to swallow.

cut off your own arm

It was harsh.

How did you do that?

“Whoop, whoop.”

Breathing became heavy.

He wasn’t sure that this was the right thing to do, but at least he had confidence in Roman who looked at him.

I trusted Roman.

like you saved yourself.

He believed that Roman would save his life again this time.

I’ll do it.


messed it up

He bit so hard that he even felt his teeth crumble.


Kevin grabs the sword.

And the moment he was about to put the sword into his arm.

‘Alcohol of Hwanma (幻魔).’


Roman’s eyes lit up.

At the same time, mana was swirling.

magician’s invincibility.

Kevin’s eyes turned hazy as the martial arts of the phantom, known to have deceived the souls of many people, were displayed.

And then he fell to the floor.

In Roman’s world, he slams his face into the floor as if dead, but in Kevin’s world, the moment he was about to pierce his sword did not change at all.

From now on, it was a fantasy world.



Kevin’s face contorted in pain.


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