The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life Chapter 1:


Dmitry’s Nerd (1)

Hans, a servant of Baron Dmitry’s family, could not hide his trouble with the master’s abnormal behavior.

“So I am the eldest son of the Dmitry family?”

“I mean, this is the Cairo Kingdom on the Salamander Continent. The world called Moorim doesn’t even exist.”

It was strange.

He wasn’t the one who was usually told that he was smart, but he didn’t show his stupidity like this.

I wondered if I was drunk or not.

Recently, the departure of children of noble families has become a social issue, and it was a problem that would be suspicious enough for Master Roman Dmitry.

Dmitry’s nerd.

While the younger brothers had already moved to the capital and grew up steadily, they could see the reality of Roman Tmitry just by looking at the rot in the outskirts until they reached the age of 25.

Hans said calmly.

young master. Today is the day the daughter of the Lawrence family, who promised to marry the master, visits the estate of Dmitry. As you may have heard, the daughter of the Lawrence family is a person who values dignity and courtesy as a nobleman. So, it is better to prepare ahead of time. It’s the first time we’ve seen each other, so it’s a good impression… .”

“There is something more important than that.”

stopped talking

No matter how much you look at it, the master, who seemed to be moving in his mind, spoke in a voice with a different weight than usual.

“Take me to the eldest man here. It is more important to me to get to know the world in which I will live in the future than that person named Young-ae, whom I do not know.”

It was really weird.

For a master who has lived in Dmitry’s estate for 25 years, it’s important to learn about the world in the future.

But what to do?

“I understand, Master.”

It was Hans’ role to fulfill his duty as a servant.

* * *

The place Hans moved to was a village outside Dmitry Castle.

Outside of wartime, the castle could not accommodate all permanent residents, so a village was formed outside the castle.

At first, the villages were still quite plausible, but as we moved inside, the proportion of shacks gradually increased.

with a splash.

Hans frowned as he stepped on the muddy water.

At the stench creeping up from all directions, he glanced at Roman’s eyes.

“Do you really want to meet the eldest of Dmitry’s estate? If it’s related to the history of the territory you’re talking about, it’s better to use Dmitry’s sage or the library. How about going back now?”


Roman didn’t care about his surroundings.

Like Hans, he stepped into the muddy water without hesitation, and the hem of his pants got wet in the splashing water.

‘Hey, my pants are all wet.’

Hans was perplexed.

Naturally, I expected Roman with wet pants to make a fuss, but Roman did not show any special reaction.

It was a situation that Hans could not understand at all.

The Dmitry family was not a very prestigious family, but Roman was a person who was usually quite shy about the fact that he was the son of a noble family.

The appearance of Roman acting as a nobleman with no talent for a subject, when the permanent residents gathered three or three, they wentssip about Roman as Dmitry’s idiot.

But it’s like this

Even at the command of the lord, I doubted whether it was the same person as the person who did not want to leave the castle even if he died.

‘ Did you have any head injuries?’

After walking without hesitation, I finally arrived at my destination.

He stopped in front of the shack that was being demolished, and Hans looked at Roman with a cautious look.

“It is here. He is an old man who followed the lord even before he was first granted the Dmitry estate, and he once worked as a forgeman in a blacksmith’s shop. He’s already been ninety years old, so it wouldn’t be strange if he died. the problem is I’m a bit immobile, so I have to go inside to talk to him.”

Slowly, he looked around.

The stench was so extreme that my nose was stuffed, and the cobwebs formed all over the shack made the viewer frown.

There was absolutely no space for the sons of noble families to enter.

So Hans kept asking for opinions on the way, but Roman moved on before he could finish speaking.

“Wait outside.”


There was no hesitation to be found.

Reaching out and clearing the spider’s web, Roman went inside and checked the surroundings.

“Are you the owner of this house?”

“How did you come to this shabby place, Doryun?”

The old man lying inside was startled.

He got up while hurriedly walking through the blanket-like blanket, but he couldn’t get up because he couldn’t use his legs.

“Sit down and listen.”

Roman sat down in front of him.

The old man didn’t know what to do as he sat down on the dirty ground, so he only looked at Roman’s eyes.

“I want to know everything about Dmitry’s estate. What kind of land is this place and what kind of history has it been made? It’s probably going to be a long story, so why don’t we talk slowly while drenching your throat with the alcohol I brought?


Roman showed the bottle hanging from his waist.

Seeing the look of the old man bewildered with wide-open eyes, Roman smiled to melt his vigilance.


bottom of life.

Roman chose to adapt to the world in his own way.

At first, the old man could not speak properly.

However, when the drunkenness started to rise, and Roman showed a serious listening attitude, his vigilance was relieved.

“Lord Dmitry was originally a famous blacksmith. You were running a business that made a profit by selling your own iron pieces, but you got the chance to supply weapons to the Cairo Kingdom by chance. Since there was a war going on for a while, it was a great opportunity to go beyond the limits of one’s status. After the war, the lord who received the rank of baron at the Nongong Haengsang (論功行賞)… .”

The talk was long.

Most of what Dmitry’s eldest son should have known was, but the unbridled old man narrated all the stories he knew at length.

Roman’s judgment was correct.

I asked Hans what the old man likes, and he replied that he couldn’t use alcohol, so I purposely prepared a drink to suit his taste.

Thanks to you, I was able to get all the information I wanted.

He, who was not yet familiar with the person named Roman, gradually built up new information in his head.


Roman Dmitry.

No, his original name was Baek Joong-hyuk.

It was also the life that Baek Jung-hyuk lived as the head of the Cheonma Shingyo (天魔神敎), which unified Moorim.

Baek Joong-hyeok, who lived a fierce life as a warrior.

Having accomplished everything, he calmly accepted death.

It was a great blessing to enjoy all the heavenly beasts and die, but when I opened my eyes, it was Roman Dmitry’s body.

It was absurd.

In fact, at the moment of his death, Baek Jung-hyuk entered the realm of Deungseon (登仙).

Although there was a holy energy that enveloped his soul, Baek Joong-hyuk did not want a life where he could not live as a human being.

So he refused to climb.

Most of the warriors ultimately want a top line, but Baek Jung-hyuk wanted to die as a human.

And now.

At the crossroads of a new choice, Baek Joong-hyuk quickly accepted reality.

‘Is this a decree, or is it God’s punishment for refusing to rise to the top?’

whatever it is

new life.

new environment.

For Baek Joong-hyuk, that was important.

His last years as a celestial horse were boring and boring, but the scenery around him gave life to his life.

‘People must live with a purpose. Having accomplished everything, even though I could do everything, I could not live as a human being. Rather, it’s a good thing. Roman Dmitry, Kingdom of Cairo. This world full of unknowns will be a new challenge for me.’

My heart raced.

Baek Joong-hyeok lived a life that will remain in the history of Moorim, but looking back now, his life before that, when his life was at risk and fierce every day, made him live as a person rather than in his last peaceful years.

A person who cannot live normally.

Baek Joong-hyuk was such a person.

” This is all I know.”

The talk is all over.

It must have been a long time, and the old man, who was the first face he had ever seen, felt familiar now.

“Thank you, it has been a great help to me. We will compensate for this separately later.”

“No, Master. Just having a conversation with someone as precious as the master was a great blessing to me.”

Baek Joong-hyuk, no, Roman laughed.

It was my turn to wake up.

But at that moment.



“You bastard!”

loud noises from outside.

It seemed like something was going on around him.

It was as expected.

When I went outside, I saw a group of men beating a boy who was not yet an adult.


Puck puck!

“You poor bastard.”

“Just throw it away!”

The boy did not shed a single moan despite the intense beatings.

Perhaps that incited the men’s anger even more, and the men indiscriminately beat the boys with the intent to kill them.

The boy’s body shook with the sound.

The skin exposed on the outside of his clothes was already stained red with blood bruises, and his face was also messed up and his nose was dripping with blood.

People gathered around the chaotic situation.

But when they saw the fang tattoos on the men’s bodies, they looked away in amazement.

“What’s going on?”

young master!

Roman stood next to Hans.

Hans was watching the scene, and he said in a cautious voice when Roman appeared.

“It seems to be part of the blood fangs. It is a usury group that is active not only in the Dmitry estate but also in the surrounding estates, and seeing them do that, it seems that the boy owes a great debt to Blood Fang. You just pretend you don’t know. There is nothing good about being tangled up.”

Roman’s gaze looked at the Blood Fang crew.


Despite the high interest, the violence occurred because, in any case, they borrowed money and did not pay it back.

the problem is.

‘Punishment is not the responsibility of ordinary Yeongji-min.’

This is the land of Dmitry.

As explained by the old man, they are obliged to judge and solve any problem by the lord.

Roman Dmitry.

I still haven’t quite figured out how to act as Roman.

What is certain is that Roman is dead.

The first things he found when he woke up were a suicide note written by Roman and drugs scattered on the floor.

The contents of the will showed how weak Roman was.

The Cairo Kingdom is a kingdom that is always under the threat of war, and for that reason, there is a law that requires each family to select a certain military force and one person to represent the family and forcibly perform national defense duties for two years.

Roman was included.

Since he couldn’t force his two younger brothers to die, Dmitry’s headmaster made the decision to send Roman to the battlefield.

So Roman chose death.

Trembling with all kinds of horrific rumors about the battlefield, he decided to take his own life on the day he got drunk.

‘From now on, I am Roman Dmitry.’

The previous life was omitted.

No matter what kind of life Roman has lived, as long as he owns this body, he will believe and follow the ‘values of Baek Joong-hyuk’ from now on.


“Do, master!”

At Roman’s sudden action, Hans was startled and stopped Roman.

But it’s already too late.

Roman’s voice was loud, and the Blood Fang gang, who had stopped beating, looked at Roman with puzzled eyes.

“Roman Dmitry?”

It was a sight to behold.

The problem was that Roman’s reputation couldn’t contain them.

The man with a ferocious face, who seemed to be the leader of the gang, spit out his words with a smile on his face.

Don’t mind Dmitry’s master. This is our business.”

“It’s okay to say that you are the son of a nobleman.”

“Stop it, you bastard. Kick-kick, you bastard.”

The gang whispered from behind and laughed.

Hearing a rather loud voice as if to listen, Hans spoke in a quiet voice, fearing that Roman might make a mistake.

“Master Roman. You just have to die. The Blood Fang gang are back-and-forth bastards. If a problem arises, even outside the castle, the halo of the Dmitry family cannot do anything about it. So calm down… .”


Roman looked at Hans.

The strong, low-pitched voice caught the attention of Hans, who was trembling in fear at once.

“I don’t know the laws of this place very well yet. So explain. Who broke Dmitry’s decree here? And for breaking the law, what kind of punishment is appropriate?”

I was out of breath.

Hans felt like he was being sucked into Roman’s eyes.

Dmitry’s nerd.

The unsightly man who lived in pleasure every day caught him with a powerful force that he could not escape now.

In the current situation, it is right to run away.

However, Hans unwittingly told the ‘truth’.

“The boy was guilty of not paying the debt on time. It certainly deserves punishment, but the Blood Fang gang has no right to punish it directly. Above all, they dared to speak insulting words against the eldest son of the Dmitry family in Dmitry’s domain. It is a felony that cannot be forgiven even with life. According to the law, it is not at all strange that they receive the death penalty.”

Hans bowed his head.

My heart was pounding and my legs were trembling, but now I felt like I had to speak politely to Roman.

A space where silence is settled.

The onlookers held their breath, and a smirk appeared on the faces of the Blood Fang gang.


“You have violated Dmitry’s law. blast furnace .”

Roman stepped forward.

In front of everyone watching, he picked up a common branch from the ground and pointed it at the Blood Fang gang like a sword.

“From now on, as the eldest son of the Dmitry family, I will execute the sentence for you who have broken the law.”


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