The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years Chapter 6:


: my servant (1)

He was small in stature and had something black around him.

What he sees is one of his right eyes shining purple.

Hanni asked in a trembling voice.

” what?

“Is it fun to kill subordinates?”

After that, I looked at the charred corpse again.

Obviously, the explosion magic ‘Buster’ was used against this guy.

However, the target that should have been hit by numerous explosions was standing right in front of them.

So who is that body?

“Tongue, brother.”

Then the subordinate’s voice was heard again.

“Blood, it was Finn . Blood!”


It was then that Hanni’s head began to spin.

no pins

Finn is the only subordinate brought in to catch Jans and Philip.

And all that’s left is a charred corpse.

“3rd class. Is that enough?”

said the little man.

He giggled, gleaming purple eyes.

“It’s just a little bit like that crazy maniac.”

” your boy.”

Hanni’s face contorted.

A lot of red cracks appeared on the white.

He lifted the wand.

I don’t know what he’s doing, but he dared to ruin his art.

He also lost one of his subordinates.

It was Hanni’s own fault, but now it was only a minor matter to him.

that he was deceived.

That one made him angry.

“Kill me!”

Class 3 explosion magic ‘Buster’.

The power is not comparable to the 5th class explosion magic Explosion, but if someone unprepared for magic gets hit, it’s life-threatening.


Even this dwarf little child could be burned without leaving a trace.

I don’t know what you did, but it won’t work twice-

“The mind is what it is.”


The world started spinning round and round.

“When you see someone stronger than you, you become infinitely weaker.”

Jamie said in a cold voice as she looked at Hanni, who was unbalanced and staggered.

“That’s why I like to rub the brains of guys weaker than me.”

You won’t hear this, though.

Jamie didn’t have to say the last word.

He looked at Hanni who was struggling, and then he looked at those who were trembling in fear behind him.

The fact that their captain had been attacked by something dwarf seemed to have acted as a great fear.

Well, to their eyes, it must have seemed that Hanney had suddenly collapsed without any warning.

Those who follow only a third class wizard.

It was natural if it was natural to be afraid of the ruthless power of ‘black magic’.

“Consider bad luck.”

It is enough to get information from Hanni.

There was no reason to keep them alive.

If you keep it alive, only strange rumors will spread.

“Sleep, wait!”

One of the men hurriedly shouted,


Black magic is strong against the strong, but it is more powerful against the weak.

It’s really strong and weak.

Jamie saw where Hanney’s men, who no longer existed, were standing.

And I saw Hanni again.

“You are my slave. Open your mouth from now on.”

” Yes, Master.”

* * *

The information that Hanni gave out was not very different from the information that Jans and Philip gave out.

It seems that Jan and Philip have just betrayed them, so the task of catching them has been added.

“In the end, all I found out was that they were trafficking people.”

It was all I had to tell Earl Wellton.

“What am I going to do with this guy?”

Hanni had completely lost her senses.

The saliva dripping from his mouth, his defocused eyes, and his droopy arms were evidence of his broken soul.

If it’s a 3rd class wizard, it’s fine to make it into an undead.

Unfortunately, Jamie today didn’t have the ability to do that.

Wizards are people with stronger mental power than ordinary people.

3rd class is not high, but I was able to get to that level only if I had some talent.

It is possible to undead if Black assists, but it would be unsuitable for use here.

‘I can’t keep the look.’

If it’s a battlefield, the rotting appearance of the undead is rather poisonous in a peaceful area like this.

“Well, it’s not bad if you don’t have to make it into an undead.”

Jamie’s small lips twisted upwards.

Being a 3rd class mage is a chunk of mana in itself.

okay. It’s a bunch of mana.

Jamie’s hand rested on Hanni’s head.

I will enjoy this food.

* * *

‘It’s okay.’

He maintains a full-body breathing method, but there were not many opportunities to supply as much mana as it is now.

Hanni’s mana had a lot of impurities, whether it was formally learned, but it was only a minor issue for Jamie.

“Certainly it’s pretty hard because it’s full of mana.”

It was Jamie who could not enter the 5th class due to physical limitations.

“More than that .”

Jamie gasped and looked at Jans and Phillip.

It has prevented the skin from necrosis, but it won’t last long.

approached them

Maybe it’s because his mind control hasn’t been released yet, so he’s stuck without feeling any pain.


I crossed my arms and pondered for a while.

what to do with them

Like Hanni, the amount of mana he had was not enough to absorb.

Even if it wasn’t, it was difficult to eat more now that Hanni’s mana was not digested.

Meanwhile, Black took off his suit mode and climbed onto his emerald head.


Then he tilted his head.

What is the owner trying to do?

Jamie, who made a decision just in time, gathered the two corpses into one place.

“If you’re going to die anyway, it’s better to use it meaningfully.”

Hanni did not take the challenge because it was too burdensome, but it would be possible for them.

Jamie slowly raised her hand and murmured.

“It’s been a while.”

‘Necromancer’ is the power to raise the body.

It is similar to raising the dead, but different.

This is because the corpse caused by necromancy is no longer a living being.

reverse heaven.

It is to reject the providence of nature and become a being that goes against the will of heaven.


dead, but not dead.

“From now on you will live a life beyond death as my faithful servants.”

Jan and Phillip.

They are not dead yet.

Jamie had no intention of killing them either.

It just makes it undead in its current state.

“Black, help.”


Black, noticing what his master was trying to do, spread his wings wide.

I don’t know if it’s enough to just raise a corpse, but Jamie’s necromantic skill ‘Necromancy’ isn’t just about raising it up.

It was a high-level black magic that maintained the appearance and spirit of the past.

In its heyday, it was possible to do it just by snapping a finger, but now it was quite difficult even with Black’s assistance.

I really want to get a servant like this, but it will be of great help in dealing with the Zenith Church in the future.


Jamie’s focused eyes turned purple.

Through his mouth, an ancient and distant dead language, now forgotten in everyone’s memory, began to flow.

{Leave life and rise. An immortal body awaits, and you will transcend death.}

The bodies of Jans and Philip shook greatly.

Though their minds were taken over and they lost their senses, their instincts were still holding on to life.

However, it is not strange to die soon after Hanni’s attack.

As Black’s wings gradually grew, all the mana around him became cloudy.

{Sinners, come to me!}

It is difficult to make a living thing a living being.

But if you can make it that way, the attachment to life you had during your lifetime will be replaced by a form of chaos.

“I will give you a new name.”

Two men exuding black smoke from their whole bodies.

A man who was once Jans and a man who was once Philip.

Jamie looked at them with dull purple eyes.

“Azad. Liza. That is your new name.”

To become an undead is a ritual to throw away everything you were alive.

So, as the owner, you have to give it a new name.

‘The miscellaneous undead doesn’t have a name in the first place.’

They were created to be used as errands, but they were never miscellaneous as they were the undead that they made themselves.

“I obey my master’s orders.”

The two undead bowed their heads politely towards their new master.

* * *

The one who used to be Zance, Azad.

The one who used to be Philip, Liza.

They still retain their original form.

If someone you don’t know sees it, they won’t even think of it as an undead.

Except for the black smoke flowing around the body.


Jamie hasn’t given them self-awareness yet.

So, they just stood still like dolls.

“Why is there still black smoke?”

The drink was perfect.

What I lacked was the help of Black.


Taking a peek at Black, he squeaked and flapped his wings as if it wasn’t his fault.

“What did I say? I have my doubts.”

Snuggle up!

okay okay. I was just joking.”

Black’s assistant was perfect.

okay. If there was something lacking, it would be you.

“Is it still too much?”

It was not an ordinary necromancy, so I had the possibility of failure in mind, but it was bittersweet when it actually failed.

To the extent that the fame of the past feels like it was once.

It is true that there were more possibilities with the new body, but the despair of losing everything was unavoidable.

“I can’t write like this.”

In fact, even this alone would be astonishing to other warlocks, but it didn’t live up to Jamie’s expectations.

They had to focus on the Zenith Church’s surveillance and intelligence gathering.

But at the present rate, let alone the Zenith Church, I will not be able to enter a regular restaurant.

The black smoke must be resolved somehow.


Then Black tapped Jamie’s cheek with his wing.

“Where is this guy just touching your master’s cheek?”


Angry or not, Black flew to Azad and Ryza, stopping above them.

Black looked at the two in turn, and settled on Azad’s head.

Then it spread its wings.


The change occurred immediately after that.

Black smoke from Azad began to be sucked into Black’s body.

Black’s body swelled up like a balloon.


A small burp came out of his mouth, and a small amount of black smoke came out.

Jamie looked at my workhorse with a puzzled face.

“I knew you could do something like this.”


As if Black was proud, he puffed out his bulging body with his wings.

Thanks to this, Azad became the same as before.

Black then jumped over Liza’s head.

Originally, he was supposed to fly, but it seemed difficult to fly because he ate black smoke.

heh heh-

I was gasping for breath as if it was hard with just jumping.

Jamie was very funny.

Black spread his wings again and began to absorb the black smoke.

hey hey-!

A dark glare emanated from the black eyes.

* * *

Ting- Ting-

Good job.

Jamie said, stroking the round, black body as big as himself.

Black was lying on his back as if his eyes had changed to an X-shape.

The black smoke that flowed from the bodies of Azad and Ryza was a remnant of black magic, and the amount was quite large.

He must have been quite exhausted because he had absorbed them all into Black’s tiny body.

actually it looks like that

Jamie turned to see the two of them standing like dolls.

Thanks to Black, they can be used for their intended purpose.

“You should plant it.”

eyes are dyed purple

As Jamie extended his hands to them, the two naturally bowed their heads.

He placed both hands on their heads.

“Wake up.”

Ominous mana spread through the two of them.

A black light flashed.

Jamie slowly lifted her hand.

fading black.

He stared at the two quietly.

Neither Azad nor Liza raised their heads.

He just didn’t lift a finger as if he were dead.

Jamie didn’t call them.

It must be complicated in my head, so waiting for the situation to be understood was a consideration for the ‘dead’.

Of the two, Azad raised his head first.

His eyes were still alive as before.

he opened his mouth

” Did you make me like this?”

Although his appearance had not changed, Azad knew.

As for the fact that his body had turned into something terrible.

Somehow, the scars on his face he had acquired a long time ago seemed to throb.


It was awkward to see the six or seven-year-old boy answering with a solemn expression on his face, but Azad saw something very huge in him.

It is something that cannot be seen originally, but can be seen because it is subordinated.

“Everyone, who are you?”

There were words that fluttered in my mind.

But isn’t that absurd?

It looks like something out of a storybook I read when I was a kid, and it’s so evil.

“Am I like the Demon King?”

Azad’s eyes fluttered wildly.

thoughts were read

It was time for him to take over with a bewildered face.

“I don’t know if it’s the Demon Lord or not, but in our eyes, you don’t look like a human at all.”

Liza, who was still bowing, looked at Jamie with a cold eye.

It was an expression that a subordinate could not dare to show his master.

There was also a lack of it here.

Jamie frowned at his own inadequacy.

If it had been in the past, I would have never imagined something like this would happen.

So I snapped my fingers.



Liza’s knees hit the floor as if they were being crushed.

His stiff head slid down like a turtle neck.

“Forgiveness is once. If a slave makes such a face to his master again, then he will be destroyed.”

Liza couldn’t open her mouth under the unbelievable pressure.


” Okay.

This is the subordination of the soul.

Even if they don’t want it, as long as the contract is fulfilled, their breath belongs to Jamie.

That’s black magic.

“Be mindful of you too.”

” Yes.

Azad swallowed dry saliva and looked at Liza in pain.

“Anyway, I am not the Demon King.”

It was once called that.

But he is not a demon king.

“I am a warlock.”

He once tried to kill a god, and still exists to kill a god.

black magician.

– Continued on next episode –


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