The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years Chapter 3:


: 7 year old warlock (3)

Jamie returned to the room with a tired face.

My mother Sears was so worried that I kept asking him if he was okay, what to do, and I was mentally exhausted because my mother was holding on to my grandfather, saying that he would punish him.

“Still, I haven’t seen magic like that in a long time.”

Did I say Marquis Linmer?

At that level, it was not bad even in the Age of Myths.

But even more surprising than the Marquis was his father, Earl Wellton.

‘I knew it was strong, but I didn’t know it would be that strong.’

Sword Masters are called Superman.

Earl Wellton was definitely the strongest among those sword masters.

Just because you’re young doesn’t mean you’re dead.

In the past, he killed many sword masters with his own hands, and at the same time had many sword masters as allies.

Earl Welton was a strong man who did not bow down to the sword masters of the mythology era.

The present era was infinitely weak compared to the myth era.

Although magic had advanced far beyond that time, there was a difference that could not be narrowed even by that gap.

In such an era, the fact that the count had such power in his hand was not insufficient even if he claimed to be the king of a country.

‘I’m curious about the power.’

Although they were the closest family members, Jamie was unaware of the powers of his father, Argeno Welton.

Since he ascended to the status of a sword master, he has only displayed his powers once.

To prove his status, he unfolded it in front of the king.

Even that was sent a secret, so even if it was a child, there was no way to know.

In any case, the physical ability alone is enough, but if the powers were chosen well, there would be very few human beings who could face the Count.

‘If you are the father of this body, you should be able to do that.’

Jamie nodded her head proudly.

“What makes you so happy?”


Then, a familiar voice was heard from behind.

Jamie was startled and pounded her **** on the floor.

“Gone, looking at it like this makes me feel uneasy.”

“Uh, how did you get into my room?”

“I came in via teleport.”


For a class 8 wizard, teleporting is too easy magic.

Jamie didn’t know he was exactly 8th class, but he was getting a feel for it.

“Your father didn’t kill you.”

“Kah ha ha! What a fun kid!”

The Marquis laughed out loud as if he was happy.

“I heard that you show a very childish side to your parents, but you don’t want to hide your true self in front of me?”

“It’s your true face. Are your family and strangers the same?”

Seeing Jamie smiling and talking, the Marquis lamented with an expression of regret.

“If only my abilities were a little better.”


“What more can I say? Take this.”

The Marquis handed Jamie a book.

As soon as he received it, he realized that it was a magic book.

“That would be enough for you.”

“Why are you doing this to me?”

“The mana breathing method you are learning is too old-fashioned.”

I felt like I was hit in the head by the word ‘old-fashioned’.

“It’s a breathing technique that I invented myself. It was not known anywhere.”

Anyway, I read the Mana Breathing Method, which was released as a new book at the library today.

It’s hardly different from what I’m used to now.

Is this different?

“I said my breathing was outdated.”

I’m not going to rant about something that doesn’t make any difference.

“I have high expectations for you.”

The Marquis did not laugh and said seriously.

Jamie looked at him without a word.

“How about the next time we see you?”

The body of the Marquis was engulfed in the light and disappeared as it was.

Jamie looked at where he was standing and then sat down on the bed.

And he began to devote himself to the magic book that the Marquis had given him.

* * *

Mana respiration is a lung respiration through the mouth, absorbing mana and accumulating it in the body.

It was known as the most efficient way, but the downside was that it couldn’t breathe much at a time.

However, if you can breathe, it is possible to accumulate mana in your body for the rest of your life.

The method adopted by almost all wizards, its history is long enough to date back to the Age of Myths.

In the magical society, ‘mana breathing method’ is the first method that comes to mind, and the expression ‘unique’ is not a strange method.

At least among humans, there was no one who had a breathing method that was superior to this breathing method, which was even considered common sense.


Jamie looked at Marquis Linmer’s spellbook with wide eyes.

It was interesting.

When I said how great it was to say that the existing breathing method was outdated, this was a great level.

‘However, it is impossible to be a substitute for this.’

It is clear that the efficiency is high, but this breathing method had a clear barrier to entry.

It requires very fine mana control.

Magicians naturally increase their mana control when their status rises, but this breathing method did not require that much.

‘We feel the mana particles granularly, and then we break them down into a size that the skin can absorb.’

Also known as whole-body breathing.

The reason he breathed mana through his mouth was because of the particle size of mana.

So, if you could break the particles into small pieces and be able to breathe through your skin, you could absorb more mana.

However, as mentioned earlier, it required outstanding talent.

And besides talent, there were downsides.

The existing mana breathing method has the overwhelming advantage of accumulating mana even with a small amount of breathing, but this was not the case.

The amount that could be breathed at a time was at a level that exceeded the one-day supply of the existing breathing method, but it was impossible to continue breathing.

‘I don’t know if I can share the two breathing techniques… .’

The whole body breathing method could not breathe additional mana because the body was rapidly fatigued after one breath.

Jamie’s lips twisted upwards.

“That applies only to him.”

Whole body breathing.

Certainly, the performance is enough to call the existing breathing method outdated.

However, as the limitations were also clear, it could not be said that it was a good breathing method.

At least, Marquis Linmer’s whole-body breathing method.

Told me something very good.

He’ll think he’ll replenish his mana by mastering it, but sadly, the rituals in this tiny body belong to the mighty warlock Diablo Volfir!

“Come on, where are we going to eat it?”

Behind her innocent face, the gleaming eyes of the warlock began to analyze and revise every sentence and word in the magic book.

* * *

The disadvantages of the whole-body breathing method are clear.

Therefore, if only the shortcomings are compensated, an irreplaceable breathing method will be born.

If it can be upgraded one step beyond making up for the shortcomings, then it will be the ‘ultimate’ breathing method.

It was not an easy task.

The Marquis Linmer judged that the current whole-body breathing method was the most complete form.

He asserts that there is no better way to breathe than this.

He didn’t say so himself, but the contents of the magic book contained such a meaning.

The Marquis Linmer was not wrong.

If it’s in his realm.

But the eyes of the warlock, who was close to omnipotence, had plenty of room to fix.

‘I don’t know if I didn’t know this breathing method in the first place, but since it caught my eye, there’s nothing I can do about it.’

First downside.

You need to break the mana particles down to a size that the skin can absorb.

Unlike the existing breathing method, there was a limit to proceed in a fixed form in a fixed place.

second disadvantage.

After one breath, the body can no longer receive mana.

It can absorb more mana for a day than the existing breathing method, but that’s the end of it.

These two things had to be supplemented.

‘You can’t change the way you split it.’

If that were possible, the existing breathing method would not have been used for so long.

Whole body breathing should be used, but it is not necessary to use it in a fixed form in a fixed place.

If you can breathe naturally by splitting mana even in normal times, it is perfectly compatible with the existing breathing method.

And Jamie had the power to make it happen.

“I need your help.”

As he raised his hand, black energy gathered and something black came to mind.

It was a work horse made of black magic, a black bat.

Its official name is Night Bat (Night Bat), and its nickname is Black, and it has the ability to ‘assist’ magic tricks.

Its level was proportional to the master’s ability.

Gee geek!

Black flapped his wings with a happy face and flew around his master.

Jamie raised his arm slightly, but Black, and Black landed softly on it.


“Split mana from now on.”

Black is a workhorse that Jamie worked **** while he was Diablo Volfir.

Mana was not required to sustain the summons because the soul contract was made.

So, if Black splits mana, the first drawback is solved without any problem.

Snuggle up!

Black shouted out loud as if he wanted to believe only in himself and spread his wings.

The surrounding mana vibrated.

Black’s eyes turned blue and the particles slowly began to split.

“After all, you are my best partner.”

Kiggy gig!

At the master’s praise, Black twisted his small body as if he didn’t know where to put his body.

What remains is the second drawback.

In fact, once the first was solved, the second wasn’t too difficult.

The reason for the second disadvantage is that the heart, which becomes the mana store, has a limit as it accepts a large amount of mana.

If so, you can split the repository into several parts.

In other words, it is an act that breaks the ‘common sense’ of human beings.



At Jamie’s signal, the split mana began to fluctuate.

* * *

Earl Wellton stood before Jamie’s door early in the morning.

Next to him was Anna, a nanny, with a worried face.

“The Count.”

” .”

The Count did not answer Anna’s call, and looked into the room through the crack in the open door.

There, his son, Jamie, was sitting cross-legged.

If you were just sitting, you wouldn’t be in that uncomfortable position.

It was clearly visible in the Count’s eyes.

‘Mana It’s swirling.’

The Sword Master also handles mana in a different way.

So the Count could also sense the mana flowing around Jamie.

I knew yesterday that the Marquis had met Jamie before he died.

‘What did you tell me?’

The Count recalled the face of Marquis Linmerle who was smiling slyly.

‘Is my son really that gifted?’

Count Wellton has produced swordsmen from generation to generation.

It was his own generation who had properly risen in status, but before that, a wizard had never been born.

It wasn’t that Jamie wanted to keep the sword.

However, it was hard to believe that he had magic, and even more talent than he had imagined.

I wondered if it was because of her maternal blood, but even the great Bell family had wizards, but never had a strong wizard born.

“Leave it all day today.”


“Because it’s okay.”

At the Count’s words, Anna couldn’t help but nodded her head.

“Instead, you don’t know when it will come out, so let’s assign one user.”

I will do it.

“Yes, thank you. I have an important guest in the afternoon, so I’ll stop. Call me when Jamie is done.”

Do not worry.

Anna was a servant who served as the count’s nanny since the count was young.

She could be trusted.


As the Count moved, he pondered what the Marquis had said.

‘Nine class.’

Did Jamie really have enough talent?

I couldn’t be sure yet.

But if what the Marquis said is really true.

The corner of the earl’s lips rose.

“It’s also my son.”

Today, the count’s gait was light.

– Continued on next episode –


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