The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years Chapter 20:


: Zenith (3)

Ricky stopped crying and looked at the two with a look of embarrassment.

I almost died, but when I came back to life, tears came out without me knowing. Even when I was in Rival, I had never cried as sadly as I did today.

“Sorry, I’m sorry. I cried like a child.”

“Is that right kid? The child can cry even louder.”

Lars smiled coolly and stroked Ricky’s head.

Perhaps embarrassed by the benefactor’s touch, Ricky’s cheeks blushed.

Lars smiled and took his hands off his head and saw Jamie sitting on a nearby bench.

‘By the way, it was great magic.’

I don’t know much about magic.

However, there have been several instances of joint operations with wizards.

‘Their status was about 4 or 5 classes.’

Among the wizards, they had reached a considerable level.

The magic they performed was pretty great even for Lars. But, compared to the magic Jamie did today, can it be said to be any better?

I couldn’t be sure.

The thought puzzled Lars.

‘It’s magic skills that are unmatched even compared to veteran wizards who have been through everything before birth.’

Now he seemed to understand why Earl Wellton had given him Jamie.

I thought it was simply because I was smart, but I was completely wrong.

Jamie was a genius.

At the age of only 7, a genius with skills at the level of a veteran, and talent that is beyond words.

Thinking about it that way, my stomach ache for some reason.

What kind of wizard would Jamie be if she were an adult?

‘At least I know I’m going to be something I can’t even make eye contact with.’

He, too, grew up hearing the sound of a genius when he was young.

I was pretty elated at the time, but seeing Jamie makes me ashamed now.

“Go to the friend you see over there and say thank you. If it wasn’t for that kid, it would have been really dangerous.

“He is ?”

Ricky looked at Jamie in disbelief.

Well, you wouldn’t have even seen Jamie use magic because it was overshadowed by the carriage.

“It was that child who used the chain magic around the carriage.”

Really? Isn’t that what you did?

“Oh, uncle?”

At the word uncle , a convulsion occurred in the corners of Lars’ eyes. But Ricky’s mind was already on Jamie.

Ricky looked at Jamie with round eyes. He, too, knew by seeing the chains mercilessly wrapped around the carriage.

I thought that the magic was also done by Lars. He didn’t know he was a paladin, so it was a thought that could be done enough.

“Did you really do it?”

Ricky took a step closer to Jamie and asked.

Jamie answered with an annoyed face.


Thank you so much! I survived thanks to you! Thanks!

Ricky’s eyes twinkled in response to the affirmative answer, and he grabbed Jamie’s hand and shook it burdensomely.

Hey hey hey! stop! My arm will be pulled out!”

Thank you so much!

As I waved my arms, my whole body trembled strangely.

The shaking power was so strong.

‘What kind of kid has such power?’

Or am I weak?

It can’t be. This body bears the blood of the Welton and Bel families.

Objectively, he had physical abilities that were incomparable to those of his peers.

It’s just buried in magic skills superior to that.

‘This little boy is too strong.’

Jamie frowned and pulled out his hand.

My palms were burning red. After a quick glance and fearful glance, Ricky apologized with a bewildered expression on his face.

“Mi, sorry. I got excited and grabbed it too hard.”


“But is there anything that makes you angry?”

Ricky tilted his head in response to the blunt response.

“Nothing. In the first place, you and I passed by for a while, is there anything to be upset about?”

Jamie is blunt because he doesn’t care.

What reason could there be to please someone who is not interested?

I was a little curious as to why the guy who seemed dark a few months ago was getting brighter, but I didn’t really want to find out.

“I’m going to join Zenith soon.”

The sun is setting.

It’s summer, so it’s not going to go away anytime soon, but I had to attend dinner, so I didn’t have time to spare.

When Lars was present, he had to look inside the church.


Lars replied willingly, knowing that he could not afford it.

He gave a brief greeting to Ricky, who was staring blankly.

“Then let us go. See you later when we meet again.”

The two turned towards the Zenith Bridge.

Ricky looked at their backs and opened his mouth.

“Are you going to school?”

Well? By the way?

Lars turned his head slightly and nodded.

Ricky smiled and pointed at himself with his thumb.

“Then I will guide you as a reward!”

To Ricky, the church was like a front yard.

* * *

‘I didn’t know you were living in an orphanage.’

Jamie looked at Ricky smiling.

It seems that the reason he was bright as he is now, who had been walking through the alleys of the night with a face tired of life, was the power of Zenith.

‘Because it is also a light for those who are having a hard time with religion.’

Although he hated the 12 gods and the religions that followed them, he had no intention of denying the positive effects of religion.

The problem is that in the process, a ‘fantastic’ is born.

Anyway, it was good. Although there is Las, he must have been a little wary because the **** he believed in was different.

But if it’s Ricky’s lifesaver, it’s a different story.

like now

“Thank you very much. If it weren’t for you, something big would have happened to Ricky.

The old nun in charge of the orphanage thanked Lars and Jamie.

“As a priest who worships the goddess Pyro, I just did what was normal. On the contrary, this kid did a great job in saving Ricky.”

The nun’s eyes changed for a moment when she said that she was a priest of the Pyro, but then returned to normal.

Then he looked at Jamie with his usual face.

“Who is this child?”

“I am the son of the lord here.”

“Hey. It was So Young-joo.”

The fact that Jamie was the lord’s son gave the nun quite a surprised look.

“It’s Jamie Welton.”

How. I should have recognized that emerald hair color right away. I forgot.”

The emerald hair color was a result of heredity, which only existed in the Welton family.

I usually recognize them by their hair color, but if you weren’t born in Highs, you might not know.

That means, if you were born in Highs, you cannot know. Because the emerald color is nothing less than a symbol of highs.

So, Sister was not born in Highs.

‘But why are you pretending to be born in Highs?’

Do you really need to?

It was when Jamie was looking at the nun with suspicious eyes.

“Gee, really ?”

Ricky looked at Jamie with a puzzled look.

I never thought he would be the son of the lord here. My hands and feet trembled.

So far, I’ve talked comfortably, but what if I dared to be punished for being cocky toward a nobleman?

The only brother is blind.

If you don’t have confidence, what’s your brother’s future?

uh uh.”

My head was dizzy.

Jamie frowned at Ricky like that.

Why is this guy suddenly like this?

‘Because I am the lord’s son?’

It was probably like that.

Indeed. It was enough to cause panic when I found out that the subjects I was comfortable with were the nobles, and also the second generation of the great aristocrats.

‘This guy must have been born in Highs . No, you might not know.’

It was a child who was walking around the streets at night.

Even if the owner of this land knew, he would have lived a life without knowing what his hair color was or what he looked like.

Thinking about it that way made me a little sad. But just that. No further feelings existed for Jamie.

“Did you come all the way here to pick up Ricky?”

Lars shook his head at the nun’s question.

“At the same time, I came here to see what it would be like to hear that the Zenith Church took root in this land this year.”

“Ah, it’s a field trip.”

The word field trip made the nun look slightly uncomfortable.

I heard that the relationship between the Pyro and Zenith is really bad.

Just looking at the nun’s reaction seemed to be enough to understand.

“I’ll call the priest.”

I’ll wait.

“Ricky, would you like So Young-joo to show you around this place?”

Lars and Jamie frowned at the same time.

The change in her expression was so slight that the nun did not notice.

‘Why are you trying to separate me and Lars?’

There may be no particular reason, but considering the relationship between the two religions, it was unlikely.

‘Do I have to harm Lars?’

It’s not that I’m not good enough to be beaten easily.

Jamie decided to make a safety device just in case.

“I decided to have dinner with my parents today too, so see you later.”

Lars replied with a smile as if he had noticed Jamie’s intentions.

“Okay, see you later.”

* * *

Ricky looked uncomfortable.

And Jamie was uncomfortable with that attitude.

It was very annoying to stare at you as you kept rolling your eyes.

“Do you have something to say?”

there .”

Ricky looked into Jamie’s eyes and opened his mouth carefully.

“This is the orphanage where I live Yes.”

Ever since he found out he was a nobleman, his attitude was strange.

‘You seem to have been thinking about how to treat me.’

Jamie hasn’t said much since then, so he’s probably groaning on his own.

Sick – there was a laugh.

“Treat me the way I want to be treated.”

” Yeah?

“Because I don’t care about that.”

Whether it was raised or lowered, it didn’t matter.

He was reincarnated as the son of a great noble and lived for 7 years, but he never thought about authority.

No, I wasn’t interested in anyone in the first place. As long as you don’t harm yourself.

Even at the ball, if Brother Simon had ended up with a line that bothered him, he wouldn’t have done it that far.

tablet Words?

“Don’t say it twice.”

Jamie strode forward.

Ricky stared at Jamie’s back, then smirked and ran to his side.

come here! I’ll introduce you to a lot of places!”

Is it good to have relationships with other people like that?

Jamie remembered the now hazy past.

‘I can’t remember.’

laughing and chatting with someone Drinking all night and wishing for tomorrow.

Was it that kind of life?

Or was it an empty monster like now?

I still remember Jane’s smiling and crying face, but everything else was blurry.

That would be proof that that much time has passed.

‘okay. I don’t need it, so it disappears from my memory.’

You don’t have to remember the past.

Isn’t that why he castrated his emotions?

Everything that exists is trivial.

You only need to achieve your purpose.

‘The Fall of the 12 Gods. That’s all I want.’

Jamie looked up at Ricky, who was smiling, and made up his mind again.

* * *

“This is the room my brother and I share.”

Ricky brought Jamie to the room to rest for a while after the orphanage tour.

Anna. My brother brought a friend.”

Since when have you been friends?

It wasn’t funny, but I didn’t respond because it was probably good.


A little girl’s answer came from inside.

Huh. He’s a great friend.

Ricky opened the door and led Jamie inside.

The room was not spacious.

There were two children’s bedspreads and a chest of drawers for underwear. The church took care of the clothes, so there was no closet.

Jamie glanced through the infinitely narrow space compared to his own room, then turned to the girl sitting on the bed.

“Should I say hi?”

Good morning. I’m Anna Take good care of me.

Anna got up from her seat and greeted her belly button.

But Jamie said nothing. I just stared at Anna so that I could pierce it.

Ricky called him with a puzzled face.


” .”

“Jamie, why all of a sudden?”

Ah. sorry. I was thinking about something else for a while. nice to meet you Call me Jamie.”

The last name was not disclosed.

When Ricky glanced at him asking if he was okay, he roughly nodded his head.

It wasn’t that important now.

‘What the **** is this kid?’

It seemed as if the wriggling intention of killing would spread out at any moment.

That boy named Anna.

‘You are born with the qualities of an adult.’

in those two eyes.

A special divine power was flowing.

* * *

The old man with his two pointed heads grumbled in a dissatisfied voice.

“The test specimen was usable, but it still didn’t come out as expected.”

Bishop Lincoln looked at the white-clad knight standing in front of him and responded with a rather contented tone.

“I don’t see it as bad. How many times would you wish to complete it? That is enough for now.”

“I’m glad you said that.”

“More than that, Doctor. Shouldn’t we be preparing for the next turn soon?”

“Is there a child with adult qualities?”

“The child is not yet. It is the ‘material’ that should be carried out without failure when the research is completed.”

Lincoln thought of Anna, a blind girl caring for in an orphanage.

“The next child okay.

He grinned and said to the man called the Doctor.

“I’d love to be the boy’s brother.”

– Continued on next episode –


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