The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years Chapter 16:


: Paladin of Mercy and Punishment (1)

“Eternal peace.”

“Engrave on the tip of your sword. You’re here today, Brother Liza.

“I, too, have been saved by God Zenith. Shouldn’t we come to worship for him every day?”

Liza respectfully bowed to the nun standing in front of her.

The nun nodded as if she liked the way Liza looked like that.

“It’s the right attitude. If you have constant faith in God, your parents will grant you eternal and eternal blessings.”

“I believe.”

“Then I’m alone. Eternal peace.”

“Engrave on the tip of your sword.”

Liza left the church after seeing the nun moving away. Since the afternoon service had just finished, the main hall was full of people.

I looked at them and looked at the symbol of Zenith on the high wall.

A crescent moon with a yellow sphere. The yellow sphere symbolizes peace, and the crescent moon symbolizes Zenith, who embraces peace.

To be honest, it seemed like it was made really roughly.

“Brother Liza is here too!”

Then an old woman came up to him with a smile.

Liza handed her Zenith greetings.

“Eternal peace.”

“Engrave on the tip of your sword. Did you have lunch?

“I ate at the church.”

“It was. Isn’t that really respectful? The denomination also provides meals for us, and even provides daily necessities to those in need. Because they are priests who worship God, they really care… .”

The old woman nodded her head with satisfaction.

“Recently, they have been taking care of orphans.”


Yeah. Take the kids with nowhere to go, feed them, dress them up, put them to sleep. They’ve only recently settled in Heis, but they’re really great people. It must all be a blessing from the **** Janice.”

Liza smiled faintly and nodded her head.

Yes. So we should pray to him more.”

“So. Ah! I was supposed to help out, but I guess I forgot. See you later. Ho **** ho!”

The old woman hurriedly ran to somewhere.

I heard that the church is holding a bazaar with things not used in the church, but it seems that they went there to help.

“The number of believers will inevitably increase a lot.”

Liza muttered as she looked in the direction she disappeared.

‘This should be enough.’

The denomination’s information was gathered enough.

You no longer have to lead a religious life that does not fit your constitution.

Liza left the church, remembering the young master who was waiting for her.

* * *

late night.

Jamie was sitting on a stone beak in the woods near Heath.

It’s been two months since I went to the ball.

As spring passed and summer began, the sweltering heat began to take hold.

Luckily, it was a night forest, so a cool breeze blew.

Gee geek!

Black was flying around, flapping his wings.

He grew a little bigger than before, thanks to Jamie’s rise to class 5.

The body, driven to its limits, grew in just two months and was able to contain the 5th class of mana.

It is not for nothing that the saying that children grow up is not for nothing.

“Why are you so late?”

Jamie let out an annoyed voice towards the woods.

Then two men walked out from the darkness of the forest.

“Because Azad is acting late.”

“Sorry, I’m sorry.”

It was the undead Azad and Liza created by Jamie.

Former Rival executives, they are now monitoring the Zenith Kyo as Jamie’s informant.

Today was the day they reported the information they had gathered.

“Are you starting right away?”

“What are you going to do with dragging?”

let’s begin.

Azad couldn’t speak well, so Liza started reporting.

He has been walking in and out of Chuck Zenith, a believer in the past few days, and telling the owner everything he has learned.

Jamie licked his tongue as he listened to them silently.

“I mean, they’ve been doing this since two months, right?”

“Recently, they even run an orphanage.”

Jamie couldn’t help but laugh.

2 months ago. Immediately after Earl Wellton completely subjugated the criminal organization Rival, the Zenith Church began its missionary work in earnest.

They visited and ministered to the poor and preached the will of God to them.

At first, there was no recognition of Yeongji-min.

Their missionary activities were only of interest, and at best they were perceived as good people who occasionally gave out free food.

The problem is that such people are starting to increase one by one.

“The Zenith did not miss the timing.”

I didn’t need a great reason to indulge in religion.

Just showing interest in them was enough.

In that respect, Zenith was perfect. Their devotion made nine out of ten members of the church. All activities with them inflated the faith of those who became members of the church.

As if it was designed from scratch.

Thanks to this, Zenith’s position in Heis has reached an unbelievable level.

That made Jamie annoyed. No, this was enough to go beyond irritability and just before the tantrum broke out.

There’s no way Janice’s son would do anything for anyone!

Jamie let out some anger by screaming.

My chest still felt tight, but it got a little better.

“Do you think war and peace can coexist?”

Jamie asked the two undead, who were looking at him blankly.

They thought for a moment and then shook their heads.

“War and peace cannot coexist.”

“But I think there is a connection.”

okay. That is Janice’s new name.”


At the owner’s words, Liza asked.

Jamie licked his lips and answered his doubts.

“Peace through war. That is the moment when his divinity shines.”

He is not a **** who makes peace with peace. That doesn’t do him any good.

In other words, what the Zenith Church is currently doing is against its divinity. It is not likely that the denomination will do the service on its own.

Because it doesn’t make sense for a believer to go against God.

“It’s an orphanage over there.”

Jamie imagined him caring for someone.

A smirk leaked out.

I couldn’t even imagine seeing it like that.

* * *

“You’re in a lot of trouble, Ricky.”

Hehe. This is not a big deal!”

The boy who was praised by the priest, Ricky, smiled happily and mopped hard.

It has already been a month and a half since I joined the church.

For Ricky, the church life was happiness itself.

When Ribal was completely subjugated by the lord’s army, his eyes were dizzy. He was beaten every day and lived begging like a beggar, but it was Ricky’s home.

But in one day the place to go is gone, so what can you do with this young body?

Perhaps it would be better if he was alone, he also had a sister who could not see his eyes.

starved for several days. Occasionally, I gave all the food that people threw me to my brother.

Ricky died day by day. It was one of those days when I struggled with limitations.

‘Poor thing. Would you like to go with me?’

A miracle happened.

When Ricky thinks of that day, he still has tears in his eyes.

It was Ricky who thought that there were no miracles or gods in the world.

But the miracle did exist.

“Heh heh.”

You don’t have to be beaten.

You don’t have to beg.

You don’t have to starve.

It doesn’t have to be painful.

Finally, you can be happy.

“Baby, what’s so good about you that you keep smiling?”

A young priest looked at Ricky, who kept smiling, and laughed together. The laughter spread to other priests or nuns and spread throughout the denomination.

It was truly happiness.

Ricky liked all of these things.

So I got greedy. The desire to live a better life than now, and to make the only sister much happier than it is now.

There was only one way to do that.

‘I’m going to become a priest!’

If I became a priest of the church, I could be happier than I am now.

He was able to repay the **** who saved him.

Ricky smiled brightly and mopped hard.

* * *

“Is your brother here?”

A girl with cute brown hair on both sides opened her mouth while looking at the wall.

Ricky smiled bitterly and approached his brother.

“Yes, my brother is here.”

Ah! There it is.”

The girl, Anna, turned her head in the direction the sound was heard.

she was blind I was born blind.

When her parents found out she was blind, they abandoned the two siblings and ran away.

Ricky can’t remember that time very well, but he couldn’t abandon his only brother, so he’s taken care of it until now.

“How were you today?”

Huh. Sister Flan read a storybook to me earlier.”

Wow! It must have been fun.”

“How was your brother today?”

“I had fun playing with the priests.”


Ricky grinned at the childish reaction.

Although he was a child himself, he has been through a harsh society since he was younger than he is now, so he became an adult before other children.

These days, he seems to have become childish again, but this thought was proof that he was not childlike.

let’s go eat.

“What is the side dish for today?”

“I wish there were eggs. Is not it?


Ricky took his blind brother’s hand and walked to the dining room.

Ricky! Are you going to eat?”

“Wow! Van!”

“Are you Van?”

At that moment, someone grabbed Ricky’s back roughly. It was Van, an orphan who was doing chores in the church together.

“Hello, Anna!”

“Are you going to eat too?”

“It’s time to eat.”

like that.

The three headed to the restaurant together.

Van is Ricky’s best friend, and only the two of them exchanged pleasant babbling conversations (mostly childish puns) along the way.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they were served and sat down at their designated seats.

“Today is ham.”

“I like ham too.”

“I like ham too. Ham is the best. I love you ham.”

Van somehow leaned his head back to answer Anna.

I didn’t see Anna, but Van’s way of speaking was funny and I laughed out loud.

Van also looked at Ricky with a face that he had succeeded, perhaps because his purpose was to be funny.

Ricky shook his head as if he couldn’t stop him and started eating.

Anna was also able to eat alone.

Originally, Ricky fed her, but her nun, Plane, taught her the basics. Of course, it was slow to eat because I couldn’t see it, but from Ricky’s point of view, that was something I was thankful to God.

“By the way, did you hear that?”

“What are you talking about?”

As Van looked around and spoke in a low voice, Ricky asked him curiously.

“You know Shinno?”

“Of course you know.”

“Why Hinno Oha (Why Shinno-oppa)?”

“I’m not talking while eating Anna.”

“Mia (sorry).”

Anna devotes herself to chewing again, and Ricky looks at Van with a face to keep talking.

With a little bit of excitement, Van started talking again.

“I happened to hear about it, but I think Shinno was chosen by God.”


“Yanmar, be quiet!”

Thanks to Ricky who suddenly shouted, all eyes were focused on him.

Van was greatly embarrassed, but fortunately, the gathered gaze was quickly dispersed.

Ricky also apologized with a shy face because the loud sound came out without me knowing.

“Um, sorry.”

Anyway. So, he left for the church headquarters next week.”

“Is that real?”

Huh. I heard the priests talking.”

“Wow- God’s choice I envy you.

Anna, who had finished eating, widened her hazy eyes as if she was genuinely envious.

Then I asked my brother.

“Can we get a rental?”

“Gantak .”

He is the God who saved himself and his brother.

It would be greed to want more than this, but Ricky wanted to be a little more greedy.

Of course. If we do our best, we will be able to be chosen.”


Huh. Oppa should work hard and Anna should study hard. got it?


Anna answered brightly. Ricky gently stroked his brother’s hair.

Van looked at the affectionate siblings on the other side and smiled bitterly.

With all my heart, I prayed to God that the future of these siblings would be happy.

– Continued on next episode –


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