The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years Chapter 13:


: What happened at the ball (6)

Earl Wellton saw his son collapsed on the product.

The son had just tried to kill the eldest son of the Simon family.

At first I thought it was an illusion, but the Sword Master’s eyes never accepted it as an illusion.

If it had not been stopped, the eldest son of the Simon family would not be of this world by now.

Count Simon thought the same way.

‘Alf’s lack of ability prevented the Phoenix Wraith from displaying all its abilities. Even so, the power was about the level of a 4th class, so I blocked it with my bare hands.’

The Phoenix Wraith was an experimental artifact he made in his youth. Because it contained only destruction, it had the power to collapse the mansion if it was fully activated.

Because the caster’s level was extremely low, I couldn’t even use half of my power, but that alone would have been enough to burn the ballroom.

‘amazing. amazing. I don’t know if it’s really possible.’

The well-being of his son was not important to him.

In fact, he never looked after Alf as he collapsed with his legs loose.

Count Simon’s head was filled with only the word 9th class.

“We’ll talk about it later.”



Then Countess Simon approached the Count with a look of indignation.

She looked very angry, and looked at Jamie with a venomous expression on her face.

“He was trying to harm my son! But are you going to just move on?”

“Speak straight. It was Alf who tried to do it first.”

Sears, who was watching from the side, denied her words and stepped out.

“Alf first evoked hallucinations through the artifact, and then he tried to attack my son with it.”

Sears pointed to Phoenix Wraith, who was rolling slowly next to Alp with a chin.

“Am I wrong?”

“Alf is just a little bit!”

“Just a little? Say more there.”

Sears’ eyes changed.

She approached Mrs. Simon with a cold expression on her face. Mrs. Simon faltered at the unknown intimidation.

Earl Wellton stood in front of Sears.

“Go all the way there, madam.”

“Because you keep going. Mrs. Simon.”

Despite Earl Welton’s restraint, Sears did not intend to stop.

There were noises of whispering around.

The voices were mostly voices of reproach towards Mrs. Simon and Alf.

Mrs. Simon looked at her husband with a constricted look.

“Hey, honey.”

Count Simon took a step forward.

The woman’s expression brightened slightly. No matter how much interest in Alf, blood is blood. He was a man who knew how to go out for his children no matter how hard he was.

I thought so.

“Good day, my son excused me. I’m so sorry, Mrs. Welton.

But the words that came out of Count Simon’s mouth shattered her expectations.

She looked at her husband in shock.

Count Simon respectfully apologized to Sears, ignoring her gaze.

“I have no face.”

Sears’ expression wrinkled slightly. What did you do when it came out like that? Jamie is also self-defense, but it’s true that he actually tried to use magic to kill him.

She replied with a chuckle inside.

“Thank you for your sincere apology. I will go back today.”

“I see. You go first and rest. It will be disturbing.”

” I’ll figure it out for now.

The Welltons went home first.

As they disappeared, Mrs. Simon unleashed her anger at him.

“How are you! It’s our son, our son!

“Shut up.”

“What, what?”

“There are many eyes. Take that guy and go in first.”

you .”

She looked resentfully at Count Simon, who didn’t even look at him, and then disappeared with Alf, who was still sitting blankly.

From her back, she could feel the sadness and anger of being betrayed by someone she trusted.

Nevertheless, Count Simon did not pay attention to her and to his son.

“I’m sorry the ball was messed up because of us. After all, today, everyone is going to rest.”

As the host of the ball and one of the two heads of the Eastern aristocracy, his horse was not rejected by anyone.

The prom, which was in full swing, came to an end in an instant.

Everyone kept in their minds the greatness of one boy.

* * *

“You, how can you do that?! It’s our son! No matter how many mistakes I made in the first place, I should have taken sides on the spot!”

Mrs. Simon yelled at the expressionless Count, but he didn’t listen.

He was just staring at his eldest son, Alf, who was trembling in fear.


The woman couldn’t stand it and raised her voice.

For the first time, the count’s expression changed. He frowned slightly and looked at his wife.

“Be quiet.”


“You are very patient. So if you want to do more.”

The Count’s eyes went cold.

It was a warning not to say more than this.

The wife seemed to be about to collapse, but she had no choice but to keep her mouth shut, knowing the count’s temperament.

The Count looked at Alf again.

“Were you trying to get my attention?”

” .”

“Do not be silent.”

” Yeah.

“Did you know that your actions would have a bad effect on the eastern aristocracy and even on the whole kingdom?”

” I just.”

“Answer me.”

“Mol, I didn’t know.”

There has never been a time when Alf was angry with the Count.

He didn’t care, so he didn’t even know what his father was like.

And today, for the first time, a father took an interest in his son.

But Alf wasn’t good at all.

It was scary. I was afraid. My father’s first interest was terribly painful.

did you do this on your own? Alf, still young, didn’t know that.

“Are you satisfied? This father’s interest.”

” .”

“Why do you think I am not interested in you?”

“I don’t know, I don’t know.”

“Who gave you the Phoenix Race?”

” .”

“You did not answer my question twice. it’s the last There won’t be three.”

“Len, Lennon. Lennon gave it to me.”

“Bring Lennon.”

After a while, Lennon appeared with the attendant.

He looked at his brother with pitiful eyes. I even gave him a spoon to eat, but he failed because of his lack of ability.

Eventually, it was his turn.

The Count sat Lennon next to Alp.

“Did you give your brother the Phoenix Race?”

That’s right.


“Because I didn’t want to see my brother suffer.”

“No. You just wanted to control your brother, didn’t you?

Lennon’s eyes widened at the Count’s words coming in.

So was Mrs. Simon. She had an unbelievable face at Lennon’s reaction.

“Len, Lennon. Really?”

” .”

Lennon didn’t answer.

Since when did his father know about it?

never teased While showing only the image of a good son, I thought that he was kind to my brother as well.

Above all, his father, Count Simon, paid no attention to him either. So I thought you would never know.

I couldn’t figure it out, so I was sure.

The Count’s words continued.

right. I’m not interested in you. Even though you are of my blood, you lack talent.”


Both Alp and Lennon were gifted with magical abilities.

But the talent Count Simon desired was not just a little flamboyant.

“But you think I don’t know what you think?”

You have to be smart to be a child.

Just by looking at his face, it was clear what he was thinking.

Just looking at it now Even if Alf said yes, Lennon was thinking about why he was caught.

“Do you want my attention?”

At the Count’s words, the two brothers looked at their father with puzzled eyes.

“If you want me to pay attention, prove that you are of Simon’s blood. I’ll have to do something stupid so I won’t feel any emotion in you.

All of the brothers’ expressions turned bad when they said it was stupid.

Whatever they did, Count Simon knew everything.

So it gave me a chance.

A chance to get your father’s attention.

“I don’t care what you do in the future. But what you have done, you must put away.”

The Count rose from his seat and gave orders to his two sons.

“Go to Welton Street at dawn tomorrow and apologize to Jamie Welton. Until he forgives.”

Alf wanted to say no, but he didn’t have the courage to do so.

For the first time today, I got to know a little bit about who my father was. And he realized that everything he had done so far was meaningless.

‘Damn, do I need to see him again?’

The fear of those days still hadn’t gone.

Rather than that, every time I thought of it, my body trembled for nothing.

What should I do if I try to kill him again without forgiveness?

Alf couldn’t find an answer at all.

Unlike his older brother, Lennon had little thought about the order to apologize.

I just pondered what the Count had said.

‘Prove Simon’s bloodline.’

Those words made Lennon’s heart race.

* * *

Sears caressed the cheek of his still asleep son with a sad expression on his face.

I don’t know what happened between the two of them, but the gentle son tried to use magic with the intent to kill him.

It wasn’t an illusion. In her life, she has seen many people with murderous intent. Jamie’s intention to kill was real. It was too blatant to be dismissed as an illusion.

What happened to a 7-year-old child?

The more I thought about it, the more angry I got.

I heard rumors about Alf. He said he was using the second generation of the Eastern Nobility as his subordinates. At that time, I just thought of him as a kid who wanted to play an alley leader.

However, the Alf I saw this time was vicious.

It wasn’t meant to kill the opponent like Jamie did, but if the artifact had been triggered properly, several lives would have been extinguished even if it wasn’t wanted.

‘If he hadn’t come forward, it would have been four months.’

It was too late to notice.

As children, I had prejudices.

My head was confused as to what to do. Should I borrow the power of my in-laws? If his wife-in-law went out, no matter how hard he tried, the Simon family had no choice but to fold.

Count Simon apologized, but he didn’t know if he could get a more certain reward.

As I was thinking about it, I saw Jamie’s face.

‘ What am I thinking?’

She brushed her emerald-colored hair back.

Then, with the sound of the door opening, Earl Wellton entered.

“Are you okay?”

“What could be wrong with that?”

The Count sat next to her and looked at his son.

Then I asked my wife.

“What would you like me to do?”

” .”

“I will do whatever your wife wants. If I do what I want, things will get too big.”

Sears looked at her husband.

His eyes were still stained with deep rage. Still, it was a little different from before. After organizing his thoughts, he was keeping his emotions under control as much as possible.

Seeing him, Sears smiled faintly.

“It was dry earlier.”

“I was afraid that it might hurt you more.”

” That’s Okay. Count Simon politely apologized on the spot. As a result, no one was injured.”

“Are you okay with that?”

“I don’t want this issue to cause divisions in the Eastern aristocracy. Jamie would like it too. Most of all, I was really confused.”

“Alf? He sure looked like he was terrified. haha.

The foolish savagery is nothing more than the striking of a frightened herbivore in the face of real flesh.

“You won’t be able to sleep well if we’re next to each other. Stop getting up.”

“That’s right.”

The couple looked at their son fondly and quietly left the room.

After a while.

Jamie saw they left and opened his eyes. My head was pounding. Is it because of his long exposure to Sears’ love? No, it wasn’t because of that this time.


I thought it had already been completely erased from my memory.

It reminded me of the eldest daughter of a ballet writer.

She looked exactly like Jane when she was young. The only difference was the hair and eye color.

I knew that reincarnation was real. Wasn’t he reincarnated over tens of thousands of years just by himself?

However, I did not know that the woman who was my lover would be reincarnated. She didn’t recognize herself. It’s not that I didn’t recognize him because his face was different.

She didn’t have memories of a previous life like Jamie did.

‘Usually it is. I am special.’

Is it a joke of fate?

Or is it someone’s plan?

Jamie’s eyes narrowed. Whose plan.

‘Did they know that I was reincarnated and let Jane appear before me?’

He shook his head. It can’t be.

The 12 gods he knows will not sit by him leisurely. You know how big a threat it is.

In particular, Zenith, the **** of the Zenith Church, which established his footing in Heis, the territory, must have been aiming for the weakest moment.

This was the only thing I could be sure of.

12 God does not know his existence. So meeting Jane, the eldest daughter of a ballet writer, was purely coincidental.

after. My head is complicated.”

Because he castrated the emotion of love, his feelings for her are blurred. But knowing how he died, he felt sorry for him.


Perhaps he had heard of the owner’s feelings, but Black appeared and rubbed his face against his cheek even though he didn’t order it.

Thank you.

Jamie smiled faintly and scratched Black’s chin with his finger.

“I want to see you again.”

Previously, I was too embarrassed and had a strange person on me, so I used my strength to overdo it.

I didn’t know that he would bring such an artifact as retaliation. Yes, it was not difficult to cancel it because I did not know how to use it properly.

The problem is that the magic he was trying to use, unable to resist the urge at the time, went beyond the current limit.

If it hadn’t been for Earl Wellton to stop him, he would still be lying there.

‘It wasn’t bad. As a result, he will curl his tail whenever he sees me in the future.’

exposed to murder.

He would have realized that he could kill him at any time if he made up his mind.

Because he was young, his feelings became more explicit, and it would remain as an intense trauma.

In the end, I fell for the trick.

He will never again appear in the social world, let alone in the aristocracy. Even if you reveal it, your naughty appearance will disappear.

‘I can count on saving one person.’

Jamie nodded with satisfaction.

– Continued on next episode –


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