The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years Chapter 1:


7 year old warlock (1)

A time when the world was mixed with all kinds of myths.

There was a warlock.

Resurrecting the dead for the first time.

He created a curse by practicing law for the first time.

It was dark for the first time and created darkness.

That mighty being stood above anyone else in a world full of myths.

However, even a powerful being has its limits if you are alone in the end.

“I will seal you.”

The 12 gods who enjoy heaven.

Individually, they are inferior to the Warlocks, but collectively they overwhelm the Warlocks.

“Kuk Kuk Kuk Kuk!”

So the Warlock laughed.

“I can’t do anything alone, so even if they come with a group, they can’t kill me alone.”

To seal means to fail to kill.

How can you not laugh?

“OK. seal it up But when I wake up again.”

The warlock smiled even more sullenly.

“Your dazzling light will die black, and you will not die in despair, but beg for death.”

The 12 gods, without hesitation, imprisoned him in an eternal space.

Countless hours have passed since then.

“The time has come !”

The warlock woke up.


“Oh my, I think Jamie is awake?!”

“Hey, ma’am! I’ll be back, so take a break!”

“Jamie is crying! Jamie!!”


“No, ma’am!”

The eldest son of a very peaceful noble family.

* * *

” Is it another dream back then?”

A child slowly opened her eyes.

He was an impressive boy with large, emerald-colored eyes and long eyelashes.

The boy ruffled his hair the same color as his pupils and stood up.

A room too large for a young boy to live alone.

In the past, it was difficult to adapt, but now, after 7 years, it has become awkward if it is not here where I woke up.

7-year-old Jamie Welton got out of the big bed and walked to the sunny window.


The boy stretched coolly and opened the window.

Winter has passed and spring has just arrived.

The scent of spring flowers, which were slowly starting to bloom, tickled Jamie’s nose pleasantly, but did not inspire the boy at all.

The boy, Jamie, leaned against the window and looked outside.

The face was obviously a child, but the expression contained in it belonged to an adult who had gone through all the storms of the world.

“It’s already been seven years.”

Like his expression, his tone of voice was unnatural for a child.

His parents or nanny would have been astonished to hear of it.

So Jamie didn’t show up in front of the grown-ups.

I acted like a child as much as possible.

“Ts. Today is going to be a tiring day.”

After reincarnation, she grew up under the care of her parents from her infancy until now.

For him, who has the memories of his previous life intact, it was quite a torment.

The most difficult of these is-

Just imagining it, Jamie frowned.

“It’s really hard to be loved.”

Jamie sighed as he remembered the eyes of his parents looking at him.

I thought my situation was ridiculous.

Jamie Wellton.

The eldest son and official heir of Count Welton belonging to the Kingdom of Seldam.


The strongest warlock in history who tried to bring down the sky in the past and the 12 gods who were its owners.

Diablo Volfir!

That was the true name of the being who now occupies the body of a child named Jamie Welton.

The person he used to be is now such a little boy.

‘It’s not bad though.’

It’s not that bad.

Reincarnation offered him a new opportunity.

It was a seal of aeons that I thought would never escape.

With such a body, time was on his side, happily.

‘They’re not disappearing somewhere.’

After a bit of research, the gods received the faith of their believers and were still leading a life like a parasite.

They never looked at the seals for tens of thousands of years.

Diablo Volfir was almost erased from their memories.

arrogant tribes.

It’s always been like that.

‘Time is absolutely on my side.’

Those arrogant, heavy-assed ones will never move until they reveal themselves in earnest.

Perhaps even knowing that Jamie was reincarnated, he snorted and ignored it.

such things

if there is a problem-

“I mean, my level is **** low right now.”

Something in the shape of a black bat floated over Jamie’s hand.

was a workhorse.


He rubbed his face with his hands to see if he was in a good mood.

Jamie gently scratched her little head with her finger before summoning it back.

Because of his young body, he had magical limitations.

In order to gain the strength of his heyday, he had to have at least an adult body.

Or go into remodeling.

But in these peaceful times, such magic did not exist.

It might be somewhere, but at least it didn’t come out on the surface.

There is a possibility that you can find it if you search the dark areas, but it is impossible with the current appearance.

Fortunately, he came from a good family.

Count Welton was one of the largest families in the Kingdom of Seldam.

It has the fifth largest territory in the kingdom, and there are more than ten knights under its control.

Above all, his father, Count Welton, was the only sword master in the kingdom.

In addition, her mother boasted a huge family.

‘I’m sorry for them, but I should use everything that is available.’

How will you react when you find out that your son, whom you have been raising for 7 years, is a monster from the myth era?

Of course I didn’t mean to tell you.

They don’t look like they’ll trust you just because they reveal their identities, and even if they do, they’re not people who will harm their children.

They had been watching for 7 years and they were clearly good people.

That’s so embarrassing.

That was then.


“young master!”

A familiar voice was heard along with a knock.

It was a voice that had been heard for seven years.

“Is that time already?”

Jamie looked at the mana-powered wall clock.

The hour hand is getting closer to the number 8.

It seems that he has been immersed in contemplation too leisurely since morning.


“young master!”

The nanny’s call was heard again with the knocking sound that followed.

Jamie rubbed her chin and cleared her throat.

He threw off his uncle-like tone a while ago, and opened his mouth with the characteristic high-pitched voice of an oriole.

“Yes, nanny. I woke up!”

“Can I come in?”

“come in.”

Suddenly, the door opened and an old maid with white hair walked in.

her name is anna

She was Jamie’s nanny, the second generation of the Earl of Wellton’s lineage.

She said looking at Jamie, who was still in her pajamas.

“The master and the devil are waiting for you. Please change your clothes first.”

“The morning sky was beautiful, so I was looking at it without thinking.”

“Our master, you are very sensitive.”

Anna praised with a wrinkled smile.

it’s sensitive

was there anything like that?

Jamie sneered to himself and changed clothes.

Anyway, it started again.

A very annoying and tiring day that has been going on for 7 years.

* * *

With Anna’s help, Jamie changed clothes and headed straight to the dining room.

Jamie’s expression on the way was not very good.

Because he already knew what was to come.

It is an act that has been going on without a break for 7 years, and things that will continue for at least several more years.

“young master.”

Jamie stopped walking at Anna’s call.

Standing in front of the big door, he had a complicated face.

It takes 7 years to get used to it.

‘You can get used to it.’

Wasn’t it the first thing he put down while learning black magic to kill the gods?

“Master Jamie has arrived.”

As Anna opened the door, there was a squeaking sound and a panoramic view of the interior came into view.

Beneath a large chandelier, a simple yet nutritious breakfast spread out on a long wooden table.

And men and women were seated in the top and right seats.

They smiled brightly at Jamie, who hadn’t entered the restaurant yet.

“My dear baby, come and sit down.”

“Fufu. Who do you resemble to be so cute?”

“Who do you resemble? You look like you.”

“No way. I meant that an angel like you came down from heaven.”

“Oh, so are you! **** ho **** ho.”

“Ha ha ha ha ha!”


Jamie looked at the two men and women, the parents of Jamie Welton, with an uncomfortable look.

Count Argeno Welton, head of the Earl of Wellton and father of Jamie.

At the age of thirty-seven, the sword master is a sword genius who reached the supreme state, and is called the five fingers of the kingdom.

And Sears Bell Welton, Count Wellton’s mistress and Jamie’s biological mother.

She was the only woman in the great Bell family, but now she is in charge of the household of Count Wellton.

And a three-year-old girl sitting quietly between them.

It’s small and hard to see, but it was Jamie’s only sister, Sarah Welton.

Finally, himself, Jamie Welton.

These four made up the Earl of Wellton.

if there is a problem.

“My baby, why aren’t you coming? I sit next to my mother. hurry. Do you want to eat it quickly?”

“Heh heh heh. is your mom calling you Cutie, come and eat your heart out.”

Count Welton was overflowing with love to the point of being excessive.

Too much for a warlock who gave up ‘love’.

Jamie responded as brightly as possible, feeling the chicken meat rising up.


As always.

* * *


After eating, Jamie returned to her room and lay on the bed with a tired face.

Tired of excessive love.

It’s a shame because I got used to this to some extent, but when I was a newborn, I just wanted to die.

Long ago, when I put down the feeling of love, I didn’t even think about this situation at all.

‘Damn it.’

I wanted to rest a little more, but I was supposed to read a children’s book with my mother Sears in 30 minutes.

You want to fall for the excuse of being sick, but if you really do, the situation will get worse.

Sears’ worries and love will turn into a form of care, which will come terribly.

“Sigh. I want to go to the library.”

A world tens of thousands of years have passed since the days of Diablo Volfir.

The present world has achieved so much progress that it cannot be compared with that time.

The long history was still recorded in the form of books.

So, for Jamie, the library was Shincheonji.

No matter how much he achieved, there was no end to new knowledge.

It’s been two years since I properly entered the library.

Even after reading a lot of books for two years, I couldn’t even see 30% of the huge library owned by the Count.

Even so, he possessed the knowledge of any intellectual level, but Jamie was a wizard before being a warlock.

Wizards covet all the knowledge of the world.

I had no intention of being satisfied with the level of only intellectuals.

‘And modern magic is fun.’

It is difficult to intercept the gods with conventional magic, so he invented black magic.

However, the magic of modern times was so wonderful that it was regretfully compared to the magic of the past.

In particular, the field is divided into 9 classes.

Even in the days of Diablo Volfir, the state of magic could be distinguished, but it was not as specific as it is now.

The system is essential.

Without a system, it quickly collapsed, or the level of completion was low.

Modern magic had a system that was very good in his eyes.

‘Very useful.’

The lethality could not match black magic, but the versatility was comparable to or slightly superior to many things.

Black magic could be further developed.


My physical condition has improved quite a bit.

Soon, Sears will call him.

Unsurprisingly, I heard the nanny’s footsteps outside the door.

* * *

Sears beckoned to his son with loving eyes.

“My sweet baby, come here.”

“Yes, mother.”

Jamie hid her trembling expression as much as possible and approached her.

And, as if there was really nothing to be done, he hugged her wide.

“Fufu. My cutie.”

Sears rubbed my cheek hard against his son’s cheek.

Jamie’s expression didn’t look good, but luckily no one saw it.

“Now, the fairy tale I read today is this.”

She read the book realistically in a pleasant voice.

Jamie looked like she was about to yawn, but she was the mother of this body and held it in.

“So Heinz lived happily ever after!”

Sears closed the children’s book and asked his son with a smile.

“Is it fun?”

“Yeah. I also want to become an archmage like Heinz in the future.”

Jamie gave an answer that was age-appropriate and that Sears would like.

“Fufu. My son is smart, so he’s sure to be a great wizard. Are you a genius who has already defeated three wizard teachers?”

“haha .”

Is this sarcastic?

When Earl Welton learned that Jamie was reading difficult books in and out of the library, he hired wizards to be his teacher.

However, everyone knelt in front of the genius boy and gave up his teaching position as if running away.

“Anyway, Dad said he would hire a great wizard for his son.”

“It’s fine.”

If I had to say it was excellent, it would be a 4-5 class level wizard.

Even if it was 7th class or higher, I was afraid it would fill my eyes.

Above all, who taught you, the great wizard who reached its peak in the past?

Even with the best wizard in the current world, that was impossible.

I don’t know if it’s about information exchange.

“Are you going to the library now?”


“Don’t just read too much, just play around a bit.”

“Do not worry.”

“Who’s son is he worried about?”

Sears hugged Jamie like she was about to die.

‘Do it in moderation, mother!’

Jamie let out a silent cry.

– Continued on next episode –
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