The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years Chapter 19:


: Zenith (2)

Lars had been swinging his sword at the gym since early morning. He was a priest and a swordsman at the same time, so he trained steadily without missing a day.


He wiped his sweat and looked outside, which was getting brighter.

It was dark when I entered the dance hall, but it seems that several hours have passed since then.

When he came out, the servant, who was waiting at the Count’s order, handed him a towel.

Although the servant’s assistant was unfamiliar to the priest Lars, he owed too much debt to ignore the count’s consideration.

Thank you.

You’re welcome.

Lars simply crossed his name, took a towel, and wiped his sweat.

“How much time has it been?”

“It’s not too late for breakfast yet. I think you should wash up and go right away.”

Seeing the servant smiling and talking, Lars also showed a sly smile.

He coughed a few times and headed to the bathroom.

Indeed, as the Count Welton’s title is counted among the Seldam Kingdoms, the bathroom was also great.

I thought that the church’s baths were also quite good, but the private baths of high-ranking nobles were different.

When are you going to have this valuable experience again? I felt guilty as a priest in my affluent life, but I decided to enjoy it for now.

“Is the seat okay?”

“When I was at the church, the bed was like a stone, but the bed here was like a cloud. As soon as I lay down, I fell asleep.”

“You always make your partner feel good. haha!

The Count laughed wildly, wondering if he liked Lars’ smirk.

“I listen to it a lot.”

Sears smiled and offered food, and Lars finished the meal happily.

After breakfast, the Earl and Lars had a short tea time.

“So, what are you going to do today?”

“I’m thinking of walking around the city a bit.”

“I have given the order, but there must be something else about the priest.”

“I hope so too. So, by the way, I need a guide.”

Lars did not know the geography of Heis.

You might be able to wander aimlessly, but getting guidance was more effective in achieving your goal.

The Count had the same idea. He thought for a moment and then turned his head to the side.

Lars also looked at the place where the Count’s gaze was directed. There was a little boy holding a teacup bigger than his hand.

The boy noticed the two eyes staring at him and tilted his head.


“Jamie. Can you help my uncle?”

“The Count!”

“It’s okay.”

“But it can be dangerous !”

“Because it’s okay.”

Lars was startled by the count’s words and tried to stop him, but he kept his mouth shut at the count’s resolute expression.

“I just need to show you around the city.”

Well .”

Jamie looked at Lars.

He looked at himself with a pretty bewildered face and smiled awkwardly.

‘It’s dangerous.’

Lars tried to tell the Count that it could be dangerous.

This is not to say that it is simply dangerous for a child to guide the way. In the first place, it would be dangerous to have an expert-class paladin together.

Even so, saying this means that even an expert paladin could be in a dangerous situation.

It may be a leap, but this kind of nib was almost right.

‘And yesterday the Count and the Paladin talked until late.’

This is what I heard directly from the servant. It’s a relationship that’s not even close, but we couldn’t have a long conversation.

Maybe if it was a really good-natured personality, the Count he knew was a personality who only talked about necessary things.

There would be no way that Lars, who was in Eul’s position, would hold on to the Earl and keep Saddam for a long time.

It’s reluctant to go around with a paladin, but I wanted to find out what Lars’ secret was. Maybe it had something to do with the Zenith Church, I didn’t know.


Jamie nodded her head brightly.

Earl Wellton said to Lars, stroking his son’s head.

“You will be a good guide.”

“If it were my son, he would be a great guide.”

up to Sears.

Lars looked at Jamie with a complicated expression.

The Count and his wife even said this, but I can’t deny it. And if you’re with him, you won’t have any major problems.

Okay. Our handsome little master, please take care of us.”

Lars gave a burdened wink and held out his hand.

” Please.”

Jamie grabbed his hand, holding back the nausea that rose to his throat.

* * *

“This is Belbart Street. You can think of it as the biggest street in Highs.”

“I remember you here. I have memories of passing by at night, struggling with hunger.”

Jamie looked at Lars with pitiful eyes.

Come to think of it, the place where I first found this man was not far from Belbart Street. He lay there like a corpse.

Feeling Jamie’s gaze, Lars coughed in embarrassment.

“Please guide me elsewhere.”

“Follow me.”

Jamie didn’t travel around Heath much, either, but his overwhelming memory never forgot the path he had taken.

“If you go here, you will see a fountain. Dillante Square, you can think of it as the center of Highs. It’s where most people gather.”

“That is the Violet Commercial District. Can’t you just give me an explanation?

“If you go this way, Pion Administrative Region. I am not going to explain much here.”

“From here on, it’s been farmland. I’m in charge of the year of Hiss. It is also one of the top three breadbaskets in the kingdom, so it is a very important place both inside and outside.”

Lars clicked his tongue at Jamie’s reckless wandering around. His stamina was so good that he doubted whether he was a seven-year-old kid.

Is that all?

The explanation was also clear, and he was mastering each area at the level of an expert.

He seemed to understand why Earl Wellton had recommended Jamie as his guide. He was smarter than most administration people.

Of course, that wasn’t Jamie’s true meaning, but Lars didn’t even know that.

“Thanks, I went through all of Hiss. Now that I’ve remembered all the paths, I think I’ll be able to walk around alone. Thank you very much.

Lars squatted down and looked at Jamie and said.

Jamie replied that it was even more unpleasant, but he smiled without showing it.

“I had fun too.”

“Then shall we go back now?”

Lars reached out to grab him.

Jamie didn’t hold hands. I didn’t follow him just to guide the way. I should have heard what you had to say with the Count yesterday.

“By the way. I have a question for you.”

“Are you curious?”

“What did you talk to Dad about yesterday?”

Jamie asked the question with as pure eyes as possible.

Lars’ eyes widened at the sudden question.

I knew the kid was very curious. There is an orphanage run by his denomination as well, so I have dealt with children several times.

But the curiosity of children was usually futile.

‘I thought, at the very least, they would ask what a paladin is doing.’

I didn’t know what to ask about yesterday’s conversation with Earl Wellton.

I knew Jamie was mature, but that was a different matter.

I didn’t know how to respond.

“The Count and we, Jamie, said they were so handsome, and that they would become very handsome when they grow up.”

Do not lie.

Jamie nodded coldly.

Lars was heartbroken. I didn’t know that a child would give such a contemptuous gaze. How mature is this kid!

Seeing Lars like that, Jamie clicked his tongue. Do you mean that you knew who the being in front of you was and told such an unspoken lie?

“It’s true. Jamie just talked a lot!”

“If you don’t want to say it, say no. Even kids these days don’t believe it.”

The words ‘You’re a kid too’ came up to my throat.

Lars scratched his cheek with a puzzled look.

“Sorry for lying. It’s an adult situation, so I can’t tell you.”

adult ejaculation.

As soon as he heard those words, lightning struck Jamie’s head.

He roamed the entire Highs under his own guidance.

To learn the geography of hiss.

The “why” question was not necessary.

‘There is something here.’

If so, what is it, when I was thinking. There is one place that I haven’t been guided to yet.

“There are places I haven’t been to.”

Huh? Is there any place you haven’t been to?

“Heis branch of the Zenith Church. I haven’t been there yet.”

When he heard the word Zenith Kyo, Lars’ eyes flashed.

Jamie did not lose sight of it.

‘I don’t know if it’s something related to the Zenith Church, but maybe things can be fun.’

nothing is certain

Jamie guided Lars to the Zenith Church.

* * *

“The market is huge.”

“It’s a market that runs from Belbart Street. I heard that we also get our food here.”

It was a place that handled the food that went up to the lord’s table.

All of them were of the highest quality.

The more I looked at it, the more I realized that there was no real estate like His.

“That’s it.”

Lars looked where Jamie was pointing.

A white building that felt like it was made with care stood in the distance.

The emblem of Zenith is drawn where it can be seen best.

“Hmm. It’s been a long time since Zenith.”

“Have you ever been to Zenith?”

“The gods we serve are different, but we tend to interact. I had a relationship with Zenith Kyo in the past, but now we don’t get along very well.”

are you not on good terms?

Although the 12 gods themselves are powerful, their strong bond was their strength.

The reason why the powerful warlock, Diablo Volfir, was defeated was because he could not overcome his solidarity.

However, it is said that the current relationship between the Pyro and the Zenith is not good. It was incomprehensible to Jamie, who had been defeated by them in the past.


Well It’s complicated to explain. Just let them know that it’s an adult matter.”

Damn it. Don’t speak badly once.

Jamie cursed him inwardly and decided to find out for himself later.

They were passing by a large boulevard.

Passing by here was the Zenith Bridge.

I will come here on my own feet in my lifetime. Jamie sent an annoyed look at the denomination.

uh? you!

Just then, on the other side of the street, a boy holding a broomstick put his finger on Jamie.

“Have you been really long?”

The boy approached Jamie with a bright face.

Jamie frowned at the unexpected situation.

“Do you know him?”

“I don’t know.”

At Lars’ question, Jamie shook her head.

He was the first kid I saw. However, they acted as if they had known each other for a long time.

Have you ever met

I don’t forget what I’ve seen once, but I didn’t bother to remember what I wasn’t interested in.

I tried to remember. Several scenes went by in a flash and stopped at one point.

It was a very late night.

‘okay. You’re the kid I saw as I walked out the alley right after making Azad and Ryza. It wasn’t cheap.’


The boy, Ricky, approached with a bright face and waving his hand.



“What! Oh, no!

The wheel of a wagon passing by the boulevard caught on a stone beak and began to tilt.

The horses raised their front legs. The joint to the carriage broke and the two horses fell to the ground.


The coachman, who was holding the reins, could not withstand the force of the horse when it collapsed and was thrown out onto the road.

It was an instant when the track of the lost wagon was broken. The wagon left the road and started turning around the curve at great speed.

The rattling sound was terrifying.


Ricky, who was running, stopped walking.

A black shadow fell over my head.

The carriage, which had left the road, was headed in the direction the young boy Ricky was standing.

Damn it!

Lars spewed out divine power and flew towards Ricky.

An expert-class paladin was close to a superman.

It is a wide street, but at least 100 meters. If you put your mind to it, you could run it in 3 seconds.

However, it would take less than a second for the carriage to rush to Ricky.

Immediate situation!

space. speed. evasion. Restriction. Sort. defense. elasticity.

[Chain Area]

earth, air, and sky.

Chains of mana came out of all of them.

Chains wrapped around the wagon, which was falling at great speed as if it were voluntarily.


The wagon was smashed and debris splattered in all directions.

Even in such a state, the wagon, which had accelerated, rushed forward with the momentum to break the chain.

chains taut. The chains were never broken by the given elasticity properties.

But moving forward seemed difficult to prevent.

Jamie clenched it.

He lost more strength than before, but at this rate, he couldn’t stop Riki from being crushed.


A black shadow rose above his head.

But something moved before that-



The sound of sharp cuts echoed in Ricky’s ears.

At the same time, a large back blocked his front.

Go away!

The carriage split on both sides.

The glow of the setting sun shone through the cracks.

Ricky felt relief from that light.

Are you okay?

Ricky answered the Paladin’s question.


I burst into tears that I had been holding back.

– Continued on next episode –


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