The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years Chapter 14:


: best talent (1)

late dawn.

A man folded a letter thinly and put it in a very small vat. He hung the barrel of the letter on a pigeon’s leg and sent it up into the sky.

“There is going to be a cataclysm in the magical world.”

He recalled the contents of the letter that Jeon Seo-gu contained.

[Jamie Wellton, Earl Welton’s eldest son. 7 years old. Estimated over 4 classes. A rare magical genius has appeared in the world.]

This epistle will soon cover the entire kingdom of Seldam.

No, it will shake the entire continent.

The man returned to the room with a face full of anticipation.

After a while, a few more Jeonseogu appeared above the pitch black sky.

The contents of all the Jeon Seo-gu were the same.

The best talent has appeared.

* * *

Early moning.

Jamie went out for a walk.

Although I hadn’t slept for a few hours, my whole body was energized by the full body breathing technique.


“Do you know what refreshing is?”


Black, sitting on top of his head, flapped his wings and answered.

Jamie smiled and headed to the park she went to yesterday.

From early in the morning, the employees of the Simon Street were busy moving. It was the last day, so it looked like there was a lot to prepare.

As I escaped them and entered a secluded park, the refreshing smell of grass tickled my nose.

Jamie flicked a dewy leaf with her finger and walked to the central lake.

“It’s nice to be quiet.”

It was a quiet space where the noisy incident of yesterday felt like a lie.

Jamie magically pushed the water off the bench and sat down.

“You are finally back.”

All of Regen’s schedules are finished today.

I wanted to go back to Highs and get some rest. But before that, he had to meet Jane’s reincarnation.

‘What was your name?’

Come to think of it, I never heard the name.

It shouldn’t be difficult to find Ash because it’s noisy.

I’ll have to make some time during the day after a while.

It was around the time I was thinking about it.


It was the sound of clear water drops.

again long-

The next thing I heard was the sound of rolling jade beads.

Jamie got up and looked around. There was no sign of anything nearby.

Mana was released to expand the feeling.

It was impossible to see the whole lake because the farmland was still immature.


Jamie walked in the direction the sound was heard.

In fact, I didn’t know why it was going where the sound was coming from. I just thought of going there.

We crossed the lake and entered the forest where there was no road.

The deeper I went into the forest, the clearer it became.

When he passed through the grass that had grown so long, Jamie had no choice but to stop.

“It’s lucky.”

A two-headed creature in the shape of a girl whose whole body is made of water is smiling and creating water droplets around it.

It was Undine, a lesser spirit of water.

But it was strange. Spirits are inherently invisible beings. There is only one case when they can be visually identified.

uh. Confucius Welton?”

The meeting was sudden.

Jamie swallowed dry and looked in the direction the voice came from.

There, the eldest daughter of the Viscount Ballet was looking at him with surprising eyes.

uh The name?

“Rebecca. It’s Rebecca Ballet. By the way, are you all right?”

Rebecca walked over to Jamie with gunshots.

“I fell down yesterday and was embarrassed. It looked fine on the outside.”

Unlike her younger brother Ash, perhaps she had aristocratic etiquette, her tone of voice and tone were so mature that she did not feel like a child.

“Oh, it’s okay. I wasn’t feeling well, but I think I was a bit exhausted from using magic. Thank you for your concern.”

“I’m glad you’re okay.”

Rebecca’s bright smile made Jamie’s heart flutter. Her smile was always beautiful.

But unfortunately, the feelings she felt were not like that as a lover.

‘Is it the same as being a water spirit person?’

The appearance of the previous life overlaps.

‘Diablo! Never forget me.’

She remembered her last moment.

Jane never lost her smile until the end.

A helpless garbage wizard who was screaming in front of him.

It all overlaid on Rebecca’s figure.

“Why do you have such sad eyes?”

Rebecca tilted her head as Jamie looked at her. He seemed like a very sad person. Is what happened yesterday a problem?

I heard from Ash that he’s 7 now.

He’s very young, but he’s still three years older than Jamie.

She smiled brightly and walked over to him.

“Everything will be fine.”

Then he gently embraced Jamie, who was smaller than him.

Jamie was taken aback by the sudden embrace, but closed her eyes at the familiar warmth.

The warlock abandoned the feeling of love. Still, he had no love of any kind left. What I’m feeling right now is not love.

‘This is just a remnant of the memory of the past.’

Disappear soon and disappear.

So, for now, I will enjoy it even a little more.

* * *

“Are you okay?”

Thank you.

Rebecca shook her head with a small smile in response to Jamie’s thanks.

“My father said that hard work disappears quickly if you share it with everyone.”

“Are you the Viscount Ballet?”

Yeah. Come to think of it, your father and Earl Wellton were step-brothers, weren’t they?”

Jamie nodded her head.

The Viscount Ballet was a drinking sibling before Earl Wellton’s faithful servant.

Ash didn’t seem to know about it.

Also, the eldest daughter looks different.

“It was a pity that we could hardly talk yesterday, but I’m really glad we met like this.”

“I’m glad you said that.”


His laughter was similar to that of his younger brother, Ash.

No matter how much Jane’s reincarnation, the background was different, so there were quite a few different parts.

It was better that way. Had it been exactly the same as Jane, it would have been more confusing.

“By the way, I knew that ballet clubs only make contracts with the Spirit of the Wind, doesn’t it look like that?”

Ah Iknow, right. I also wanted to sign a contract with the Spirit of the Wind, but it didn’t work out.”

Rebecca’s expression looked a little bitter.

She said that she, like Ashe, was very friendly to nature from an early age.

So, I tried to make a contract with the wind spirit, but strangely, it seems that the wind spirit didn’t make a contract with her.

I like Rebecca as a human being, but I can’t sign a contract or something. One day when she was so troubled, the water spirit Undine came to visit her.

make a contract with yourself. That’s what fate has to be.

The contract with the spirit is a matter that the family also takes seriously, so I had to tell my father, but then he said that he signed the contract as if possessed by a ghost.

‘Is it the influence of a past life?’

I can only think of it that way.

Jane was a water elemental of a great level. The number of higher spirits he could control exceeded a thousand, and he made a contract with the Water Spirit King to obtain the power to fight the gods.

Her friendliness to nature was already at a level that transcended humans.

Rebecca is Jane’s reincarnation.

Among nature’s affinity, the affinity of water is overwhelmingly high. There, the water spirit came directly and offered to sign a contract.

‘The King of Spirits seems to know.’

The Water Spirit King and Jane made a soul pact.

This was different from the normal spirit contract, and it was a contract with each other’s lives as collateral.

Therefore, even if reincarnated, the soul does not disappear, so there was a high possibility that Rebecca was aware of the existence of Rebecca.

Jamie roughly finished her thoughts and asked worriedly.

“Sorry to the Viscount Did you wake up?”

no. Your father is not like that. Still, it was a little disappointing.”

It must have been a little disturbing from the point of view of the head of the family, as the water spirits were born from the wind spirits family, Valega.

“Still, it’s special.”


“The spirit came to me and asked me to sign a contract. I’ve never heard of such a thing in my life. It’s a pity that we couldn’t sign a contract with the Spirit of Wind, but if the Spirit of Water chooses it himself.

Jamie didn’t say a word.

Rebecca didn’t even ask. Because I knew what he was talking about.

Chosen by the Spirit It was impossible to dream of another elemental being, and there was even the possibility of signing a contract with the elemental king in the future.

Her potential was greater than anyone else in the world.

“Believe in yourself.”

Jamie said so and got up.

“And thank you for today. I will stop.”

“Oh, yes.”

Rebecca looked at Jamie as she walked away.

It felt like my face was getting hot.

I rubbed my soft cheeks with my two small hands.

“Why are you doing this?”

Strangely, my heart tickled.

It was like someone I had known for a long time. Even though it can’t be, what is this stinging feeling?

It was Rebecca who heard the grown-up voices, but it was difficult for her to know what emotions she was feeling right now.

Rebecca stared at Jamie for a while.

* * *

“Then I didn’t say anything.”

Jamie scratched the cheek.

Ashwa started talking from the beginning. I didn’t want to let it go, and the situation had no choice but to do so.

The first meeting with Alf wasn’t good either, and I was in a good mood, so I naturally went into half-talk.

I was able to talk to Rebecca enough. I’ve had the opportunity to do that many times. but didn’t let go I don’t know why.

“Doesn’t it usually start with young children?”

Rebecca had a strong adult side, unlike a normal child.


Black replied, Why are you asking him that?

After all, it was rude to ask a non-human Black about human behavior.


After a brief conversation with Rebecca, I was convinced of one thing.

She wasn’t Jane.

Jane’s reincarnation, but that doesn’t make her Jane. They look alike, but they are completely different people. So you wouldn’t think of it as Jane.

Rebecca was Rebecca.

“I will see you again someday.”

The warlock buried the old memories deep again.

The past was not forgotten.

Even for revenge, he could not forget the past. just covering it up. When everything is over, I will take it out and remember it again.


Then I heard a familiar voice behind me.

When I turned around, there was a boy I had never seen with Alf.

Alf flinched as Jamie turned completely. The boy next to him was looking pathetic at Alf like that.

Jamie took turns looking at the two and said to Alf.

“I thought you would never appear in front of me again.”

“I didn’t come out because I wanted to.”

“Then what? Do you even want to apologize? Did the Count do it?”

” .”

“Is it real?”

Jamie wondered what kind of childish situation this was, but now that he thinks about it, he is a child.

Alf, who was standing still, and the boy next to him were also children.

“But who is it?”

“It’s my brother.”

“Why did you bring your brother? Are you afraid to come alone to apologize?”

“Because I gave you an artifact.”

” .”

Jamie was speechless at Lennon’s words, the boy who came in with a hook. That means the brothers were trying to **** her in pairs.

Even if they did all their arrogance in pairs, they wouldn’t be **** themselves, but it didn’t feel good to know that they were two people instead of one.

name is?

“Lennon. Lennon Simon.”

Jamie’s eyes narrowed.

Lennon’s body was clearly visible in his eyes.

Alf might have heard of talent even if he wasn’t a genius when he was young, but Lennon had more talent than that.

I heard that Count Simon wasn’t interested in his sons.

‘This is enough for the Count’s eyes to be too high.’

and that face.

I think I’m hiding it well, but because I’m still young, my poker face is immature.

Lennon looked down on Jamie. His eyes, the corners of his mouth, and his proudly outstretched shoulders were telling him.

Count Simon also ordered an apology, so it was clear that he had come here to do it formally.

Then, Lennon said that he gave the artifact to his brother. At first I thought it was meant to cover up my older brother, but looking back, it wasn’t.

He said that because he was looking down on Jamie.

The problem isn’t just that.

‘Alf that idiot.’

I didn’t even know I was being used by my brother.

The proof was that Lennon didn’t show up yesterday.

Alf didn’t care. It wasn’t because he was stupid, but apparently it was because Lennon looked up to him as if he were supporting him.

It was a matter of perception.

‘I’m not usually a smart guy.’

It’s pretty dense there.

Although he is still young and has some flaws in his meticulousness, there is a high possibility that such a guy will have a big accident later when he grows up.

“Alf, you’re going to have a hard time.”

“Hey, what does that mean?”

“You may not be the heir. Right, Lennon?”


Lennon didn’t answer.

Alfman only frowned and asked.

Jamie strode towards them.

“What, what!”

Alf took a step back as he saw Jamie approaching quickly. But Jamie wasn’t the one who approached him.

At close range, Jamie and Lennon looked at each other.

The two were about the same height. Probably the same age.

However, this young guy had such a terrible idea. I remember Count Simon. Lennon is his bloodline. If that cold, cold-blooded personality was twisted, it was obvious that he would become just like this guy.

So it’s important to fix it before it goes wrong.

“If you are the instigator of the incident, you should be punished accordingly.”

” I’m here to apologize to you on my father’s orders.

“What is the use of an apology on someone’s order?”

Jamie didn’t know how to set things right for the better. I didn’t even bother to tell you. Because good and good is the way to go far in the end.

what he prefers the most.

I !”

Lennon’s words didn’t come to an end.

his eyes became cloudy.

And in the dark where nothing can be seen-

‘uh .’

There, Lennon was frozen and unable to do anything.

Not just the body. My head and thoughts slowly stopped. deprived of all senses. nothing feels But I can’t stop thinking.

Consciousness was sucked into the abyss of the abyss.

I want to scream for help, but there is nothing I can do.

Struggling with my arms in terrifying fear-

‘Did I have an arm?’

A world in which such an illusion is no longer an illusion.

“Not twice.”

Huge purple eyes flashed in the dark world.

Lennon couldn’t breathe.

The five senses, which had been extinguished, revived like a lie, and struggled with the ominous and wickedness that came out of it.

And the body stiffens again.

The fingertips outstretched in front were hardened like stones.



Lennon let out a rough breath and sat down.

All the veins on the whites were ripped out.

The taste and tingling of blood in the mouth was due to stomatitis caused by extreme stress.

My nose was broken, and hives appeared on my skin.

It was a short, but ephemeral time.

Lennon didn’t know what he was experiencing.

He lifted his trembling head to see Jamie’s shadowy face.

He smiled and warned.

“Not twice.”

A distant fear reigned over Lennon.

Lennon said sincerely.

“Sorry, I’m sorry.”

Alf only tilted his head at the change of his brother.

Jamie turned away from them.

his favorite way.

It was none other than shock therapy.

‘I mean, I’m too kind.’

He smiled broadly as he remembered the **** he had shown Lennon.

– Continued on next episode –


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