The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years Chapter 12:


: What happened at the ball (5)

” I will not let it go.”

“Tongue, brother.”

You bastard, I’ll never let you go.

Alf ruffled his hair and muttered with bloodshot eyes.

He had never even been beaten by Count Simon. It was because I wasn’t interested, but that was probably good.

that I have never been hit by anyone. That was the source of Alf’s confidence. Jamie Wellton knocked it all down.

I couldn’t stand it.

Fortunately, the disgrace I suffered today was invisible to others, but it didn’t do anything to my crushed pride.

‘I need stronger magic. Powerful magic that makes him beg for his life.’

It was impossible with his own magic.

It is a fact that I found out after suffering a lot, but Jamie Welton said that at that age, she achieved an unbelievable state of being 4th class.

‘Damn it. Had I known that, I wouldn’t have approached it that way… . But what about the wizard in the Welton family?’

I didn’t understand. Wasn’t it a knight family going to Welton?

Earl Welton, the head of the kingdom, was the only sword master in the kingdom, and the previous headmaster was also a sword master.

Not all householders were sword masters, but the Welton family was the one who made a family with swords.

But from such a place, a wizard was born. He was not just a wizard, but a genius among geniuses who reached the 4th class at the age of 7.


Alf was also praised as a genius and grew up.

At the age of 8, he realized Mana and entered the first class, entered the second class at the age of 9, and now looking at the age of 13, he has just entered the third class.

Considering that ordinary wizards only reach 3rd class when they reach adulthood, he, too, was born with great talent.

But Jamie was in 4th class at 7 years old.

It is surprising that a child of a knight family learned magic, but at that age, he was a 4th class. Alf’s head couldn’t even understand or comprehend it at all.

‘I can’t forgive you.’

The two hands holding the blood-red hair trembled.

The greatest wizarding family in the Kingdom of Seldam had to be the Simon family.

It was unacceptable to lose even the background of magic to a family of knights who had no connection with magic.

‘okay. This is unacceptable.’

That talent must be broken.

So that you can’t use magic again.

I was careless before. Even if you’re not vigilant, you’ll be pushed back by magic, but if you prepare thoroughly, it won’t be difficult to subdue that little child.

‘Let’s go to my father’s warehouse.’

The great wizard, Count Simon, who was known as the 7th class, but who reached the 8th class, had a lot of powerful magic tools in the warehouse.

4 class. At his age, he was an unbelievable level of wizard, but in a broad sense, a 4th class wizard was nothing.

The corners of Alf’s lips twisted upwards.

The two boys who followed him swallowed dry saliva as they looked at Alf.

“Tongue, brother?”

“It’s okay, are you okay?”

okay. I am very fine.”

say it’s okay

All that’s left is revenge, what’s wrong with that?

That was then.


A familiar voice came from not far away.

The two boys flinched when they saw the owner of the voice.

Alf looked at him with sharp eyes.

“What are you doing?”

“My older brother is injured, how can my younger brother be still looking at me?”

Count Simon’s second son and Alf’s only younger brother.

Lennon Simon smiled and walked over to my brother.

Then he handed me the red marble that the bird sculpted in gold was holding from his bosom.

“This will be enough.”

” where are you from?”

“Give the Welton a Jailbreak.”

Alf wondered how his younger brother got it, but when he accepted it, it got better.

haha Hahaha!

Alf burst into laughter as he looked at the red beads embraced by the golden bird.

The bird’s eyes began to glow red.

* * *

late night.

A carriage entered Regen’s lord’s castle.

The sentries identified the wagon’s owner and sent him right inside.

Count Simon looked at the stalled carriage with his arms crossed at the entrance to the mansion.

As the carriage door opened, the corner of the earl’s lips rose slightly.

It was surprising that he, who always had a cold face, showed his emotions.

Count Simon had a great interest in the owner of the carriage.

it’s bound to be

“It’s been a while, Earl Wellton.”

“This is won. Is the Count coming out to meet you? Tomorrow the sun will rise in the west.”

It was none other than Earl Wellton who got off the carriage.

He was one of the few that Count Simon was happy to welcome.

The two looked at each other with a friendly expression on their faces and hugged each other lightly.

how are you?

“There’s something else I can’t do. Just go in.”

They entered Count Simon’s office.

“Did the ball go well today?”

“It’s always the same.”

The ball was an annual event for the unity of the Eastern aristocracy. There was nothing special, nothing special.

Earl Wellton knew what it meant, so he didn’t ask any more.

“By the way, I saw your son.”

“How was it?”

Earl Welton’s expression changed at the word son .

“I wonder who the child is not stupid.”


“I do not deny it.”

“Because they are the reason for my life.”

The Count smiled with a sympathetic face.

“I envy you. To have that kind of love.”

“Is it like this today?”

“It’s always the Simon bloodline. Anyway, don’t talk like that. It’s a waste of time.”

Just dismissing family affairs as a waste of time was telling Count Simon how meaningless family was.

“Your son, this is amazing. No, it wasn’t just a surprise, it was a surprise.”

He was so expressionless, he didn’t show it, but the moment I saw Jamie for the first time, a storm raged in my head.

“I’ve never seen, or perhaps, never seen a human with such talent in history.”

You’re talking the same thing as Marquis Linmerl.

Well? Has the Marquis ever seen Jamie in person?”

The Marquis Linmer knew all too well Count Simon.

Officially, he was the only 8th class wizard in the Kingdom of Seldam.

“I’ve known Jamie’s talent for a long time. I didn’t know he had such a great talent. So I asked the marquis. I would be grateful if you could walk the path of the sword, but if you are gifted with magic that much, becoming a wizard will be helpful for yourself and for the world.”

“You are a great person too.”

“Well, the Marquis refused.”

“Don’t even do that.”

Count Simon nodded his head in sympathy.

Earl Wellton grinned at the Count reacting the same as Marquis Linmerle. The thoughts of the wizards who reached the heights were all the same.

“Jamie is an undisputed genius. He will develop his talents on his own, and he will rise to a higher level on his own and challenge the 9th class that exists only in legends.”

9 class. A supreme state that is believed to be unattainable by humans.

Count Simon, whose pride for himself reached the sky, said so.

The Marquis Linmer said the same thing.

Does Jamie really have such a talent?

“I’m jealous of the fact that he was born with a greater talent than me, but on the other hand, I want to see him again.”

Count Simon expressed his feelings without hiding them.

“How far does the power of the supreme wizard really extend?”

“The Count?”

“We humans are so weak. Although it has achieved a great civilization, it is insignificant compared to other monsters. Fortunately, there are sword masters like you, so we can keep it in check.”

“The Count is also an 8th-class Archmage, right?”

“Even though I haven’t said it yet, have you seen it through? okay. I broke the wall this time and reached class 8. However, compared to other types of magic, there is a limit to being 8-class. Compared to dragons, high elves, and Ran, human wizards lack a lot. It’s different from the Sword Master.”

Class 8 wizards are also called superman, but the true superman was talking about the sword master.

They had the power to not be defeated even by the strong.

It is no exaggeration to say that the biggest reason the human world is maintained is thanks to the power of the Sword Master.

“But if a 9th class wizard is born.”

It was only one level higher than Class 8, but everyone who had learned magic knew it.

“Even the dragon, the master of magic, would not be able to downplay it.”

Because, class 9 was exclusive to dragons.

“I hope strongly. We humans become the masters of the world.”

“It is arrogance.”

“It’s okay to be arrogant. You know better than anyone. About the forgotten history that lies dormant in this land!”

” .”

Earl Wellton did not answer.

Because I knew what Count Simon was talking about the forgotten history. It was a secret of the world that only a few knew on all continents.

About 10,000 years ago, due to an event, the previous history disappeared.

No one knew what that event was or what history was alive before that.

This is because the extraterrestrial transcendents do not share such secrets. That’s why Count Simon insists that he must have the power to not be defeated by those who are beyond human beings.

A brief silence passed between the two.

It was Count Simon who spoke first.

“Stop and rest. You must have been tired of coming all the way here.”

“Please rest, Count. see you tommorow.

“I do.”

The two counts rose from their seats.

After a brief chat, they went back to their respective rooms.

“Are you here now?”

“You woke up because of me. Get some more sleep.”

“Uh Then sleep well.”

Sears can’t wake up once he’s slept, so he probably won’t even remember waking up for a second.

Earl Wellton looked at his wife lovingly, changed clothes, and headed to Jamie’s room.

Jamie was sleeping soundly, so he didn’t come close and looked at him from afar.

The eldest son born with overwhelming talent.

The Count felt somewhat disturbed. You should definitely like it, but is it because you are born with such a great talent? He wasn’t just a genius.

Even the expression genius was insufficient.

‘Jamie. just grow up right This dad will do his best.’

He knows what happens when a genius goes the wrong way.

Earl Wellton sighed briefly and returned to the room.

And Jamie quietly opened her eyes.

The fact that Earl Wellton had arrived here quite a while ago could not be known because of his presence.

But what was that disturbing atmosphere?

Jamie shook her head and raised her torso. I couldn’t know the other person’s mind unless I looked into it myself. I couldn’t even use mind control on the Count because I was curious.

At the first level, even the attempt itself was impossible.



Black came out of the air.

Jamie took off the blanket and crossed her legs.

“I can’t even sleep, so let’s meditate all night tonight.”


Black flapped his wings and took a seat above his head.

It is difficult to grow a body that has reached its limit right away, but through meditation, I was able to easily control the flow of mana.

I started meditating in the hope that the ball would be finished without any problems tomorrow.

* * *

On the second day, the ball began.

Earl Wellton and Sears danced first.

Other couples took their seats around them and started dancing.

Jamie was looking at the main hall with a bored face.

The only thought was that it was over and I wanted to go home.


Then I heard a familiar voice.

This time, he didn’t hide his presence, so he knew immediately who he was.

“Are you alone today?”

It was Ash Ballet.

She smiled and sat down next to her.

Jamie looked at her and shook her head.

“No work.”

“Am I working?”

take no interest.


Ash blew Jamie’s words out of one ear and beckoned to someone.

It was definitely my sister. Come to think of it, she said that she was the second daughter of a ballet writer, so if it was an older sister, it meant the eldest daughter.

One annoying thing wasn’t enough, so I tried to add another one.

Jamie wanted to be alone, so she got up.

Unable to watch, Ash grabbed Jamie’s arm.

“Where are you going! Even though the families are close, we should say hello to each other.”

“What is a greeting?”

“Come quickly, sister!”

This time, he blew through one ear and only said what he had to say.

“Ash, excuse me.”

The voice he heard was a thin voice.

Jamie turned her head to where the voice had come from without realizing it.

There stood a pretty girl half a span taller than Ash.

With a sad impression, slightly drooping eyebrows, a tall nose for a child, and thin but long lips, it was like looking at a well-made doll.

Jamie couldn’t take her eyes off her.

Looking at him, Ash chuckled.

“Hey, I guess you’re a man too? Seriously, my sister is so pretty.”

Ash playfully placed his arm on Jamie’s shoulder, as if he knew it.

But Jamie showed no reaction.

It was around the time when Ash thought that maybe he was really in love with his older sister.


That’s what he called Ash’s sister.


The woman I loved all my life.

However, a woman who was sacrificed to the gods for herself.

Jamie. no. Diablo Volfir castrated the emotion of ‘love’ and became a ‘monster’.

She now appears in front of her as a child.

That was then.


The silver beads made a clear sound.

The space shakes, and hallucinations cover the place where they stand.

“From now on, you will call me big brother!”

The ‘Phoenix Wrath’ in Alf’s hand blew out flames of anger.

Flames engulfed Jamie and Ash, who was sitting next to him.


The moment her sister Rebecca shouts in astonishment

“Do not disturb.”

Phoenix’s anger dissipated like a lie.

All illusions were shattered, and all eyes on the ball turned to it.

Alf looked at Jamie in disbelief.

“No, that’s absurd.”

‘Phoenix Race’ is a 6-class fire magic created by Earl Simon. It was impossible for Jamie to stop.


Those words spit out like a whisper.

His palms were dyed blue.

Alf said nothing and looked at it.

The light burst out.

Alfran ran frantically to wipe out the personality-

“Go there.”

The light is gone.

Jamie saw a thick, clunky hand gripping his wrist.

Hard calluses were felt on the tender skin.


okay. Everything is fine.”

Earl Wellton carefully took his son into his arms.

Old memories filled my mind.

Jamie just lost consciousness. At the end of the ceremony, Jane was smiling.

– Continued on next episode –


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