The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years Chapter 10:


: What Happened at the Prom (3)

Count Simon and his family returned to their seats after a brief greeting.

The place they were assigned was right next to Welton Street, as the organizers would like to have the most senior seat.

The two families were the two heads of the eastern aristocracy, so it was a natural choice for a position.

Count Simon and his wife came down from the podium and approached Welton Street.

“Long time no see, Mrs. Welton.”

“You are more beautiful than last year.

They approached Sears and gave him a brief greeting.

Sears also got up and responded to their greetings.

You’re welcome. They both look healthy, so I’m relieved too.

“By the way, is Earl Wellton absent this time?”

no. You will arrive at night at the latest. Something happened to the estate.”

“Such. I hope it goes well.”

Count Simon looked to the side as he said this as a matter of ceremonial.

“Are you son?”

Where he looked, sat a little boy with the characteristic emerald hair of the Weltons.

Yeah. This is my son Jamie Wellton. This is my daughter Sarah Welton. Should I say hello?”

At Sears’ words, Jamie and Sarah stood up and greeted briefly.

“I am Jamie Wellton, the eldest son of the Welton family.”

“It’s Sarah. Goodbye.”

“The children are so pretty. Ho Ho.

Countess Simon looked at the two children with a loving face.

thank you.

Sara laughed out loud when she said she was pretty.

Jamie just smiled awkwardly.

Sears couldn’t hide his smile at the compliments of his children.

“They are bright kids.”

“I see.”

Count Simon is the only one who has no expression.

He stared at Jamie with an unfeeling expression on his face.

Ever since he looked away, he hasn’t taken his eyes off Jamie.

I knew why without even asking. He was looking at his body one by one. What kind of structure it was made of, how it was receiving mana, and what class it was.

Jamie didn’t hide it.

He showed his confidence in the way that you can see it.

Then the corner of Count Simon’s lips rose for the first time.

It was so subtle that it was hard to notice, but it was clearly visible to Jamie’s eyes.

“Did I say Jamie?”


“See you later.”

“The Count?”

Sears questioned Count Simon’s sudden remark.


At Jamie’s willing permission, Sears shut her mouth.

It was because they realized that the short conversation they had just had was a conversation between wizards.

* * *

The eldest son, Alf, asked the Simon couple who returned to their seats.

“How was the son of the Weltons, father?”

“Why are you so interested in a 7-year-old?”

“Even a seven-year-old will one day lead the Welton family. If you’re of my generation, there’s nothing wrong with knowing.

The count saw his eldest son, who was now twelve.

Perhaps it was because he had not paid attention since he was young, his greed was getting stronger as the day passed.

There have been rumors that these days, they are pretending to be a general with the children of the nobles under them.

The reason for asking Welton’s kid now is probably the same. You’re going to want to put it under your feet from now on.

I barely knew why.

In order to receive even a little bit of recognition from his father, who is a great wizard.

Count Simon knew it too, but he didn’t show the slightest bit.

Just like Alf was when he was young, he wasn’t very interested in it now. There is no particular reason. It was because he thought that just sharing blood was enough.

If you are of the Simon family, you will grow up. as he did If you can’t, that’s it.

However, blood is blood. I was able to tune in a little bit.

“He’s a smart kid.”

“Besides that .”

just to there.

The Count no longer looked at his son.

Alf looked at his father with a sad expression on his face, who cut off the conversation at a harsh level.

The Countess sighed briefly as she looked at the two rich men.

“Be nice. It’s a long-standing alliance with the Welton family.

” Okay.

At the mother’s words, Alf nodded with a sullen face.

Then I saw Jamie sitting not far away.

He doesn’t have any feelings for him. If you have feelings, you only have them in yourself. So I had to get down on my knees to release that feeling.

‘There is only one way for me to be recognized by my father.’

In the not-too-distant future, the Eastern aristocracy will have only one chieftain.

His mother told him to get along, but he must be trampled on when he is even a year younger.

It’s enough to be friends after that.

Alf lowered his head and drew a twisted smile.

There was a kid who quietly watched Alf from the side.

He was Count Simon’s second son, Lennon Simon. He quietly raised the corners of his lips as he looked at his twisted older brother.

* * *

“Should I make a lot of friends?”

Sears disappeared somewhere with Sarah, who was still young.

Jamie, who had become alone, let out a low sigh.

I was finally alone.

I wondered what would happen if I took him with me because I was still young.

“I’ve made a lot of friends. Sorry, Mother. I’m going to stay in a quiet place like this and rest.

Jamie mumbled that as she tried to leave the ballroom. It seems like I need to get out of this complicated place even for a moment to catch my breath.

I left the ballroom and walked to a quiet park.

As the lord of Regen, the largest commercial city, the mansion of the Simon family boasted a huge amount of land.

The huge lake in the middle of the park is well maintained and transparent like a mirror, and the forest has been created so that professionals can take a rest as much as possible.

I thought the mansion on Welton Street was great too, but this one went a step further.

It was by far the best in terms of wealth.

“You seem to have a great talent for commerce as well.”

Jamie remembered Count Simon, whom he had seen earlier.

Although the Simon family had been a prestigious family in the past, they knew that the current Earl had grown at a tremendous rate since becoming the head of the household.

Humans are endowed with many talents, but raising those talents to peak levels is rare.

In that sense, Count Simon deserves to be called a monster. There was a great possibility that one day he would become a being that would exceed the limits of human beings.

“I look forward to talking with him.”

“Who are you talking to?”

A voice suddenly came from behind.

Jamie looked back reflexively and at the same time made a spear out of mana and aimed it at the opponent.

” .”

Standing there was a cute girl with blonde hair in two parts. The girl looked at the spear pointed at the neck with a surprised expression.

Jamie looked down at the girl and then looked down the window.


The girl vomited as if she had been holding her breath in tension.

Then he walked up to Jamie with an angry step.

“What if you aim at something like that!”

“So, who is talking behind the scenes?”

Jamie didn’t lose and responded to the girl’s words.

It wasn’t wrong, so the girl only made a ‘Ugh’ sound.

She shook her head to find something to say back. And as if he had found the answer, he shouted with his eyes twinkling.

“It’s rude to point something like that at a lady!”

I’m just glad I didn’t stab the lady.


This time there was nothing to say.

Jamie grinned at the bewildered girl.

Returning the spear of Mana to nature, he crossed his arms and asked the girl.

“So what are you? How did you come from behind me?”

Jamie asked in a nonchalant voice, but was actually quite perplexed.

I didn’t feel any signs.

Even if he had been hiding from the beginning, it was impossible for a child to completely hide from him.

It doesn’t make any sense to sneak up on it.

It wasn’t that he was distracted by anything else, and he wasn’t so naive that he couldn’t even catch a child’s presence.


At that question, the girl asked, pointing her finger at herself with an innocent face.

Then, ‘Can you tell me? Shall I tell you? He speaks like a gully, but he chose the wrong opponent.

“I don’t feel like joking around.”

Mana fluttered from the heart.

It wasn’t that I assumed a girl as an enemy, but I didn’t assume that she was an ordinary girl either.

So, if necessary, I was thinking of giving enough threats.

like this.


The girl flinched and looked at the ground next to her.

A round hole was drilled over the green grass. White smoke began to flow out from the hole.

Jamie said, brushing her index finger with her thumb.

“It’s a second-class magic air bullet. If you don’t have enough magic resistance, you can easily pierce through the skin. If it’s a child, it’s not enough to die instantly.”

“Come on, wait.”

“Who are you?”

Jamie pointed her index finger and thumb tight hand at the girl.

Air was condensed with the tip of the index finger.

If you shoot like this, a bright red hole will appear in that delicate skin.

The girl realized he was sincere.

“I, I am Ash Ballet! Ash Valle!”

“Ash Ballet? A ballet writer?”

Huh! I am the second daughter of a ballet writer!”

If you were a ballet writer, Jamie knew.

It was then that he realized how the girl was able to stand behind her without a sound.

“Are you a spirit samurai?”

“No, that’s right. So, get rid of it!”

At Ash’s shout, Jamie withdrew her hand.

By the way, that little girl is a spirit warrior.

Spirit samurai was a term used to refer to a magician who made a contract with a mysterious body ‘spirit’ that was born in nature.

The number of elemental samurai was not very large even on the continent, and was treated as an outstanding talent who could receive a baron title just for being.

The Ballet Viscount was the only elemental family in the Kingdom of Seldam. They have excellent nature-friendliness, and I heard that they mainly contract with the ‘wind’ spirits.

“The spirit of the wind. That’s why he was able to come behind me without a sound.”

Spirits are similar to magic, but the difference is that they are real powers of nature. Therefore, it was not difficult to completely erase their presence from humans if they made up their minds.

‘In a country in its heyday, even a spirit would not be able to hide.’

If you reach the supreme state, the boundaries, whether natural or artificial, become meaningless.

‘Is it surprising though? Even if you hit me a lot, you look like the age I am now. You are already spirits.’

It would be absurd if someone who knew Jamie’s original ability could overhear this idea, but it would require an incredibly high affinity to sign a contract with a spirit.

Nature-friendliness is innate, but it was common to spend a long time in nature to raise it.

The period was 10 years at the most, and most of the Spirit Temple families did not start training in nature-friendliness until they were 10 years old or older.

So, a girl named Ash.

‘He’s a genius born with incredible nature-friendliness.’

If Ash starts training in earnest, maybe he will be able to sign a contract with the ‘king’, who is at the peak of his attributes.

Of course, it was still a long way off.

As Jamie fell silently in thought, Ash called out to him in a trembling voice, perhaps anxious.

“Why, why are you speechless?”

” .”



Jamie, awakened by Ash’s cry, looked at her.

“So who are you? How could a child like you know how to use such dangerous magic?”

He thought that his identity had been confirmed, and now he has been interrogating in reverse.

Do you have a personality that you have to give back somehow?

If he had judged that he was stronger, he might have attacked with a spirit.

It would be meaningless to think of the subjunctive “if”.

“My name is Jamie Wellton. Heir to Count Wellton.”

” on?

Nice to meet you. Ash Ballet.”


Another piece of information from the ballet author.

The Viscount of Ballet is a faithful count of the Earl of Wellton.

– Continued on next episode –


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