The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years Chapter 9:


: What Happened at the Prom (2)

The ball was held in Regen, the largest commercial city in the East.

Regen was about a seven-hour carriage ride from Heath, and Jamie was in the carriage looking bored outside.

‘If it’s just one teleport, I’ll go.’

Of course, I’m talking about the heyday.

Now it was difficult to use it once.

Sara, her sister, who sat next to her, and her mother, Sears, who sat diagonally across from her, were in a sweet sleep.

Still, it was Count Welton’s carriage, so the ride was comfortable, so I didn’t feel uncomfortable sleeping.

‘Compared to the old days, it’s really good.’

How many people were riding in wagons back then?

In the first place, placenta was not in use in the myth era, or was very rare if it did exist.

The present era has blossomed a civilization that is incomparable to that of that time.

The world is thousands of years old.

If there was no progress, my heart might have been hurting.

‘By the way, I don’t know exactly how many years have passed. I look for it, but I hardly ever find it.

I read all the history books in my family’s library, but there weren’t many books about the age of mythology.

The only thing that is certain is that more than 1 or 20,000 years have passed so far.

There are quite a few historical books about that time.

‘I told you that a lot happened after I died.’

Demons have invaded several times, and in severe cases, the Demon King has descended.

The last few hundred years have been a period of peace without such things, but when this peace may be broken.

okay. Perhaps this hand will destroy the present peace.

‘Perhaps not, but most likely.’

The influence of the 12 gods in this world is enormous.

Fortunately, the 12 gods were not forming a unified force as in the past.

Since each country has different national religions, if you regain your strength, you might be able to defeat them more easily than in the past.

But the bloodshed cannot be avoided.

Many lives will be extinguished.

Of course, Jamie didn’t even care about that.

Because the only thing left to the warlock who has been castrated is revenge.

* * *

Eventually, the carriage entered Regen.

The commercial city of Rezen was very splendid as its reputation.

From small merchants to wealthy people just by hearing their names.

The huge market, which was formed due to the crowds of large and small shops, boasted a huge crowd.

“Regen is great.”

“Because it is the best commercial city in the kingdom. Even if you search the continent, there are not many places where huge funds flow like Regen.”

He said that the biggest cause of Seldam’s wealth was Regen, so he said it all.

They passed through a busy market and entered a quiet street.

It was a commercial district with several upper branches.

After passing the commercial district, the realm of the nobles who settled in Regen began.

“You are almost there.”

“My heart races at the thought of seeing Count Simon.”

“Hey, my son. Is your heart pounding?”

As Jamie spoke childishly, Sears hugged him tightly.

Even though he struggled with suffocation, the more he did, the tighter he hugged him.

This woman’s love for her son was truly breathtaking.

To the extent that I think it would be better to have a life-threatening battle with the gods.

For a while I was like, ‘Cute! I love you!” Sears, who had been voicing a lot, finally let Jamie go.

” .”

Jamie’s face turned haggard for a brief moment.

Sears smiled and patted his head, whether he knew it or not.

“My son dreams of being a wizard, is Count Simon something to be admired?”

” Yeah.

I couldn’t hold her again, so I answered as short as possible.

Fortunately, Sears didn’t mind and continued.

“You are great, Count Simon. He is an archmage who reached class 7 at the same age as him.”

Count Richter Simon, the Wizard of Crimson.

As his name suggests, his magic was reminiscent of a red lotus flower, and there were rumors that thousands of lives were lost when the red lotus bloomed.

Considering that the level is 7th class, the cruel rumors would not be an exaggeration.

Above all, he was the second chief of the Eastern Nobility, along with Earl Welton, as lord of the commercial city of Regen.

In other words, the person who hosted this ball was none other than Count Simon, the lord of Regen.

“Who are you?”

Well. You have impressive red hair.”

“Is your hair red?”


Sears thought of words that a child could easily understand.

She nodded slightly as if she had made a decision.

“Is it like blood?”

” .”

Jamie was speechless at the fact that the word he came up with to make it easier for him to understand was blood.

Jamie thought her mother was amazing.

‘Did I say that he was the magician of crimson?’

He looked out the window and remembered Count Simon, whom he had never seen before.

In fact, I didn’t have much interest in the 7th class itself.

What he was interested in was his attack power, which claimed to have saved thousands of lives.

A class 7 archmage can kill thousands of people, but it’s not an easy task.

‘I want to talk to you.’

It was regrettable that I could not have a long conversation with the Marquis Linmer.

Although Count Simon is inferior to Marquis Linmer, he is also a symbol of modern wizards.

I hoped I could have an enjoyable conversation with him.

* * *

The great mansion of the Simon family was as large as a royal palace and was decorated with great splendor.

Indeed, it was like the lord of a city that had accumulated one of the world’s greatest wealth beyond the kingdom.

A huge number of attendants were seen busily going back and forth to prepare for the prom.

“It’s all here.”

Sears got her clothes neat and got off the carriage with the help of her attendant.

Then, he carefully held the sleeping Sarah in his arms.

Jamie jumped off the tall wagon.

At that time, the servants of the Simon family approached them.

“Are you and Count Welton right?”


A Welton employee approached him and confirmed his identity.

In fact, there was no identification.

It was because the Welton family crest was engraved on the carriage.

However, just in case you didn’t know, I just checked it out formally.

Simon’s servants led them to their assigned bedroom.

“Earl Simon took care of us.”

Sears looked at the huge bedroom with a satisfied expression on her face.

This is a particularly good place in the mansion, and there is no better place than this, except for the bedroom of the Count Simon and his wife.

“The master is here.”

Young Sarah shares a room with her parents, and Jamie, now 7, is given a single room.

‘You have a sense of humor.’

If I had slept in a room with my parents, I would have suffered a lot.

“Just unpack and come right away.”


The bedroom allotted to Jamie was mediocre, but too large for a 7-year-old boy to use alone.

Still, it’s insignificant compared to your own room, but you can only sleep anyway, so what does the size matter?

‘It doesn’t matter that you sleep alone!’

That’s the most important thing.

After finishing the preparations, I went to Sears.

She and Sarah were in full swing with the help of the maids.

“Are you here?”

“I will sit down.”


As the hostess of a family that stood at the peak of the eastern aristocracy, Sears was in a state of lavish decoration.

Maybe that’s why she used to be beautiful, but especially today, when I saw Jamie, I was amazed.

In a pale yellow dress and a luxurious pure white shawl on her shoulders, she felt a noble dignity even when she was just standing there.

The make-up also gave the feeling of the profound nobility.

I always looked at my mother, who was like a friend, but now that I see her, she seems like a different person.


“Fufu. Is your mom pretty?”


Jamie answered as brightly as possible.

Sears tried to hug his son as if he couldn’t stand it.

lady. Don’t take it today. Your makeup is ruined.”

” Is that so?”

Fortunately, I was able to survive.

Jamie sighed inwardly.

“The lady is ready, too.”

Sarah tied a ribbon in her hair in a cute dress, and she was as cute as a doll.

However, his expression was not good because he was uncomfortable.

It was the first time I decorated it like today, so I fully understood.

Jamie also had a lot of extravagance than on her birthday, so it was quite frustrating.

“My daughter is cute too.”

Only Sears looks happy.

The most experienced maid approached her and said cautiously.

“Stop going.”

Huh. so be it.”

The three of them headed to the ballroom under the guidance of the user.

The ballroom was so glamorous that it was ridiculous.

To the extent that the title of the nobility’s ball is disrespectful, it seemed like a clown would appear.

“I guess Count Simon likes this.”

Huh. You will be surprised to see it.”

When I sat down in the assigned seat, it was the top seat.

Since the status of Count Welton is the status, it was a natural thing to do.

As soon as they sat down, the surrounding nobles began to come one by one.

“Oh, Mrs. Welton, you are so beautiful.”

How. You did your makeup so well.”

“Look at the dress material. You are indeed the hostess of Count Wellton!”

“It’s a cotton coat from our estate, and I prepared it to wear in winter.”

“This is tea from our estate, and drinking it is very refreshing!”

Everyone wanted to look good to Count Wellton’s hostess.

Jamie clicked inwardly as she watched the aristocratic women flock to her.

Somehow, he tried to build a bridge on the Welton Street, a great noble in the East.

There were too many such people to rot even in the age of mythology.

Especially those who trembled at God.

‘It’s disgusting.’

I saw Sears.

With a smile on her face, she calmly listened to the noble women one by one.

Even though it would be annoying, he was very good at coping with what he had been through for a day or two.

Thank you. I’ll wear it well. I’ve never had tea here. The Count eats it occasionally and you will like it. haha. It’s a beautiful jewel. The craftsmanship is amazing.”

I always thought he was just a light person, but Sears Bell Welton was a great person than I thought.

Today, I often see a new side of her.

After all, she came from the great Bell family.

It may be that this kind of coping can be done because it has been trained since childhood.

Alas. Can you hear me?”

Then someone walked up to the podium and spoke to the strange-looking rod.

The sound was then amplified and resounded throughout the ballroom.

People’s eyes turned to it all at once.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, distinguished guests who attended today’s ball hosted by the Simon family. I am Riole Ban-Hur in charge of the administration of the Regen estate.”

The nobles clapped briefly at the greeting of a man named Riole Ban-Hur.

“The curtain of the ball is going up soon. Everyone, please take your seat and welcome the Count Simon and his family, who will be arriving soon.”

Then he pointed to the bottom of the podium.

There, someone started to climb the podium up the short stairs.

The first thing he saw was bright red hair.

As Sears said, it was reminiscent of blood.

A thick cloak of indigo blue, from the thick fur covering the shoulders and neck, was dragged as if sweeping the stairs.

His hands were empty. However, I felt powerful mana as if I was holding something.

the sound is dying

Although it was not noisy, it was a ballroom where there was some commotion.

He silenced the crowd just by appearing. It wasn’t magic. It just got everyone’s attention.

A huge presence that overwhelms the atmosphere of the audience.

Did I say 7th class?

dog sound.

‘Similar to the Marquis Linmer. Maybe a little higher.’

Count Simon standing in the center of the podium.

Obviously, there were a few other people around, but they didn’t feel their presence.

complete control.

He spread his cloak wide behind his arms. The sound of the flapping of the cloak was the only echo in the silent ballroom.

“It’s been a long time, everyone. Welcome to the ball you hosted.”

Crimson Wizard.

It was more than expected.

– Continued on next episode –


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