The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years Chapter 8:


: What Happened at the Prom (1)

Jamie sat down at the table with a tired face.

It is very painful to know that you are suffering.

Sara, the younger brother, was smiling all over the place next to what was fun.

“My daughter, what are you so happy about?”

Sears rubbed my cheek against the cheek of her smiling daughter.

The soft, full cheeks of the baby swayed up and down.

Jamie had no feelings for his brother, but whenever Sears did that, he would occasionally want to rub it.

Because the baby’s skin was that soft.

‘What do I think?’

He took a deep breath and raised his fork and knife.

“By the way, it’s tomorrow.”

“Yeah- it’s already tomorrow.”

Sears answered the Count’s words with a bright face.

what happened tomorrow?

He hadn’t heard anything, so Jamie looked at the two with a curious look.

“What do you have tomorrow?”

“Didn’t you tell me?”

“Oh, I forgot. How worried my son-in-law was.”

Sears looked at his son with a sullen face.

Apparently, he was talking about using the whole body breathing method.

Then I flew half a day, and I heard that she was very worried.

I wanted to run to myself for a month, but the Count stopped me and made a fuss or something.

After all, because of her personality, something happened to her son, but she wasn’t a great person to sit still.

I’m sorry .”

As Jamie apologized in a crawling voice, Sears shook her head with a grin.

“Mom is fine as long as my son is fine. Still, like that day, if you overdo it, then Mom will be really upset and cry.”

Sears may be the only mother in the world who talks to her son that way.

“I’ll be careful.”

Family love is still painful and tiring, but I knew enough that Sears was a good mother.

So is Earl Wellton.

“Anyway, there is a ball tomorrow. My family is going to play there tomorrow.”


It’s not that I don’t know what a prom is, but Jamie has never been there.

Always only the Earl of Wellton and the Countess Sears were present.

He and his brother stayed in the mansion and looked after them by a nanny, and the prom was a little free time for him.

But this time it’s simple.

free time… disappear!

‘You can’t take it off… No.’

The seven-year-old boy had no choice.

And the prom to attend this time was no ordinary prom.

It could be seen as a large-scale party attended by all the nobles belonging to the eastern part of the Kingdom of Seldam.

Its chieftains are his father, Earl Wellton, and Count Simon, who is called the ‘Crimson Wizard’.

The prom will last for a total of two days, so Jamie is already sighing.

* * *

That night.

Jamie is ready to go out.

Going to the ball tomorrow is going, and you have to do what you have to do.



Black’s wings swelled greatly.

Holding both legs tightly, the guy flew off.

Gee geek!

As soon as Black gave the signal that he was about to take off, the background changed in an instant.

Jamie looked up at the black sky full of stars.

Late at night, he was a bit cautious, but it gave him a sense of freedom.

He directed Black with a rare smile.

“Let’s go to the two guys.”


Black flapped his wings with a bold reply.

The two were in a small house on the outskirts of Heiss.

Jamie put Black on his shoulder and walked in.


“Are you here?”

The two of them, who were waiting to get inside, greeted Jamie with a raised voice.

okay. What did you do?”

Jamie immediately confirmed the order, and the two looked at each other and swallowed dry.

It was Liza who answered.

Sorry. We don’t know anything about the Zenith Church yet. The denomination had just been completed, so I couldn’t even figure out how many priests there were in total.


Well, a new church was just built in Heis.

Even if you are a middle-level executive in Rival, it will be difficult to ask for the information you want in one day.

“What else?”

“Here it is.”

Azad brought Rival’s executive, Pep, who had been imprisoned in the next room.

With his limbs bound and gagged in his mouth, he could do nothing but wriggle like a slug.

“Who is this guy?”

“I am one of Rival’s executives. He’s the kid we knew we were going to be assassinated by Hanni.”

It meant the perfect insider.

“Remove the gag.”

“This guy doesn’t know anything.”

“That is enough for me to find out for myself.”

At the owner’s cold voice, Azad released his gag, saying he was sorry.

“Cool clump! Please, save me. I really don’t know anything! Sa, if you save me, I’ll find out. Really!

Pep gibberish with terror in his eyes.

You won’t even know what you’re talking about.

I’m just spitting out the things I can do to survive at this moment like garbage.


That’s what Jamie called an adult man of kneeling height similar to himself.

Pep was absurd at first, but quick-witted, he realized that the child in front of him was no ordinary being.

No, I had to figure it out.

It was because he felt an ominous energy that could not come from the child.

“I have no intention of killing you.”

” Are you really?”

“I just need to run one errand.”

“No, I will do anything! Anything! If I can find the boss, I’ll find it! just do it… .”

“But don’t be too loud.”

At that, Pep’s voice cut off.

Jamie grinned and placed a small hand on his half-baked head.

Emerald eyes were dyed purple.

“You have only one thing to do.”

” Yes.

“Go to the Count right now and accuse your organization of what is going on.”

Pep’s eyes widened and died.

He became a silent puppet and answered his master’s orders.


Then he got up and quietly left the house.

Azad and Liza swallowed dry saliva as they looked at Pep’s back.

With his mind manipulated, he will become a whistleblower for the organization.

Whistleblowers are traitors, and traitors are never forgiven.

It wasn’t a betrayal I committed by my own hands, so how could Pep not be pitiful?

“No need to be pitiful.”

After reading their thoughts, the owner opened his mouth.

“Because the Count won’t let him live anyway.”

Azad and Ryza thought that the owner was a scary person.

* * *

“Leave the city for a while and hide.”


“Why don’t you ask?”

“The master’s orders are absolute. We just follow.”


Yesterday, Black expressed concern and asked for confirmation, and he got a nice answer.

“And I think I know why you said that.”

It was Liza’s words.

As long as Pep goes to the Count, he will completely overthrow Rival, who is rooted in highs.

Azad and Liza had already been abandoned by the organization, but the Count did not care.

I’m going to try to liquidate it completely.

that’s right. I am absent for a few days. Until then, keep quiet.”


Jamie called Black, sat him on his shoulder and left the house.

Then Azad summoned him.

“Lord, Master!”


As one who dared to become a slave, he committed the blasphemy of calling on his master, but there was something he wanted to confirm with his master.

That is .”

“You can say it.”

“We, what have we become?”

I know I am a corpse.

Even if he wanted to know, he had no choice but to know because it was his body.

It was confusing at first, but I accepted it anyway. There’s no way you can go back to before you die just because you don’t like it.

Above all, it was very satisfying to have an overwhelmingly stronger power than before.

But I also wanted to know.

Shouldn’t you at least know what kind of undead you are?

“What exactly are you curious about?”

” Our power has become incredibly stronger than it was during our lifetime. Did we become high-level undead?”

Jamie laughed at the question.

“Usually they ask if you really became an undead, are you really unique?”

“Sorry, I’m sorry.”

“Until I’m sorry.”

The servant, who accepted his situation so quickly, saw him for the first time in his long life.

Usually they would deny themselves.

Nevertheless, since the subordinate contract is absolute, he becomes even more desperate and becomes a monster who has lost his senses.

For Jamie, it was easier to play that side.

But yes, it was just a monster with clear limits.

On the other hand, what about those guys?

‘Lyza doesn’t look much different from Azad.’

Azad asked the question, but Liza’s eyes were similar to him.

‘This, maybe I picked up a jewel.’

Those who overcame the reality of becoming undead in just one day.

Jamie said with a smile.

“Unfortunately, you are a zombie.”

” Zombies?”

“It’s just that the appearance remains the same as it was. When you become a normal zombie, you gain overwhelming physical strength over a normal human. That’s all.”

” .”

” .”

At the word ‘zombie’, the two seemed to be greatly disappointed.

Aren’t they really crazy guys?

Even if you bring anyone in the world and turn them into zombies, you will not be disappointed as a low-level undead.

I’m just desperate for that fact.

Jamie’s attitude was funny, but on the other hand, I really liked how they looked.

“But I don’t know.”


“What .”

“Depending on what you do, you might become a higher-level undead?”

Azad’s scarred eyes twinkled.

Even though Liza wasn’t as good as Azad, she had a pretty happy expression.


Black made a squeaky sound as if he was pathetic.

Even to him, the two of them seemed very strange.

But Jamie knows.

The stronger the ego, the more possibilities they have.

‘Not as much as those guys, but there were guys like that.’

Although it has been weathered over a long period of time now, it may not even exist.

“Then I will go.”

“Go in!”

The two saw Jamie off in a high tone.

late dawn.

Count Wellton was stunned.

An executive from Rival, a large organization that had its roots in Highs, had filed a whistleblower.

Jamie fell into a deep sleep, listening to the noise outside as a lullaby.

* * *

“I’m sorry. I’ll make sure it’s not too late.

“My darling, don’t worry about us, do your work carefully and come.”


Early in the morning, the Earl and Sears looked at each other passionately and kissed lightly.

Behind the scenes, Jamie frowned at the couple’s love affair.

I didn’t know that the morning events would roll like a snowball and make me suffer from the morning.

The problem is that the suffering is not over yet.

“My son, come here.”

“Yes, Father.”

Jamie walked over to Earl Wellton beckoning with a bright face.

The count held him with one hand.

“You are the head of the family when your father is not there.”


“Of course, Dad will be leaving soon, but until then, we have to take good care of Mom and younger brother. got it?

Do not worry!

When Jamie answered in a confident voice with curiosity, the Earl and Sears burst into laughter as if loving them.

In fact, the party was destined to die.

– Continued on next episode –


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