The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years Chapter 5:


: Who set foot on my land? (2)

“More than that, is that a summoned beast on your shoulder?”

The Count’s eyes turned over Jamie’s head.

Jamie felt her heart sink for a moment.

I didn’t show it on the outside because I paid close attention to my expression.

” Can you see it?”


I could feel the black go down on my shoulder.

The guy was also confused.

Invisible was applied perfectly.

He couldn’t stop breathing, so he continued to maintain it, but to that extent, he couldn’t even notice the presence of Black.

“It’s cute. bat? No, it looks a little more rounded than a bat.”

” I made it myself in the form of a bat.”

“You made it yourself?!”

The count’s eyes twinkled at the words that he had made it himself.

It wasn’t a lie, as it was made by hand using black magic.

Of course, I couldn’t imagine how the Count would react when he found out that it was made with black magic.

‘Fortunately, I don’t feel black magic.’

In fact, during the Diablo Volfir days, the workhorse that I put my heart and soul into was Black.

It wasn’t just an archmage, it was created by a being capable of killing even a god, but it was impossible for even a sword master to notice.

Jamie sighed inwardly.

“I didn’t tell you because I was afraid you would be surprised. Because I’m too young, I don’t know how I’d react if I knew how to do this… .”

Jamie said with the most innocent face possible, as if she really thought so.

Earl Wellton smiled at his son’s kindness.

“If a son has such great talent, this father is only happy. What reason do you have to hate it?”

“Then I’m happy. Hehe.

Jamie smiled as childishly as possible, and the Earl nodded with satisfaction.

“It was a lot of work. If you need anything, tell your father everything. I will do anything I can to help.”


“Then not really.”

“I am so happy!”

‘That’s bad!’

Jamie screamed inwardly and cheered with as much joy as possible.

* * *

“Ha. Being a son is really hard.”

When I was about 2 years old, I started acting like a son while talking moderately, so it’s already been about 6 years.

Still, thinking about when I was a baby, I feel better now.

At least I didn’t have to pretend to be a baby like I did back then.

Still, it was hard.

“I think my condition has returned, let’s go out soon.”

It is a night when the full moon has risen.

The parents were asleep, and only a sentinel standing on the night shift was left.



Above his head, Black spread his wings.

The wings then grew bigger and bigger, enough to cover Jamie’s entire body.

Jamie reached out and the window opened silently.

“Children of Zenith, do you dare to take a seat on my land?”

I don’t know what the plot is, but I was glad that religion didn’t have a place in High’s estate.

However, it was unacceptable for a religious person to enter the holy land of the person he hated the most.

And Zenith was the most sinister among the 12 gods.

“Let’s go on the first day lightly, lightly.”

I would like to slaughter all of his servants, but if I do that, there will be a lot of uproar about serial killings taking place in the estate.

If such a thing happened in the Sword Master’s estate, it was difficult to predict what would happen in the future.

“Black, get high.”

Gee geek!

At the master’s command, Black flapped his wings toward the sky.

* * *

“What do you say to your brother?”

“If you don’t want to be left behind, go ahead.”

Sigh Nemil. What three months do you want me to be?”

In response to the skinny man’s answer, the man with a large scar on his face sighed.

They were middle officers of Rival, the largest criminal organization in Highs.

Heis, the realm of the Sword Master, what kind of criminal organization it is, but Earl Welton acknowledged their existence to some extent as long as they kept their goodness.

The words were admitted, but in reality they were ignored.

In any case, they have been working as good as possible.

Hiss was a place where the risk was great and the return was great.

There are not many places in the world that are as prosperous as here.

But it looked like it was going to end soon.

“Your brother is sacrificing half of the organization for his own benefit.”

“Damn it.”

You can’t come out without cursing.

Right now, Rival was working on something quite risky.

I don’t know where the **** did you ask about such a dangerous thing, but if you go ahead with it, you will definitely cross the line.

“I told you never to pretend to be with the Sword Master.”

But if we’re lucky, we’ll make it through.

“What good is that? If you pass by chance, you will eventually become a lamp in front of the wind.”

What Rival is promoting is human trafficking.

human trafficking.

It was also aimed at young children.

All large-scale criminal organizations do it secretly, but it was a crime that was absolutely taboo only in Highs.

Earl Wellton had two rabbit-like children.

No one can compare how much gold and how much jade they raise, and the love of their children.

But do you hear the story that people of the same age as your children are trafficked?

“From that day on, all the dark streets in Heis will be wiped out.”

“See if you can afford not to be caught.”

“You call it a horse? You really don’t think so, do you?

The skinny man was silent at the scar man’s words.

The lord says he’s going to run away, but who can hide?

Also, the lord was the only sword master in the kingdom.

Only a sword master of similar skill level or a wizard superior to that can face a sword master.

However, the only wizards stronger than the Sword Master were those who reached the legendary 9th class, so there was no such thing as a human.

“The Hannis said they would do it.”

“If it’s Hanni’s child, it’ll still be there.”

“The only way to get out is now.”

“Are you talking about playing in Highs?”

“Or report it first.”

The scarred man scoffed at the word Shingo.

“If you’re going to be a traitor, you’re out of luck.”

There are rules in the dark.

Even if the person is responsible for the crime, don’t pierce the coffin for what he is about to do.

“Then it bounces.”

“Can you run away?”

Rival is Heis’s largest organization.

No matter how much the Sword Master’s estate was, it was virtually impossible for an organization as large as Rival to escape.

Even if he succeeded in escaping, he had to completely abandon his current identity.

It hurts to say how difficult it is for criminals like them to launder their identity.

“By the way, why do you want to be trafficked?”

I do not know. How do we know what you mean?”

“It’s clear that some trash approached the boss and rattled his thin ears.”

“It’s sympathetic.”

The boss’s ears were thin.

Still, I wasn’t the type to touch on human trafficking.

If such a person said he would do it, what kind of proposal did he receive?

“I don’t understand, I understand. No matter what, you’re not like that.

“We also have to make decisions as quickly as possible.”

“Damn it.”

Scared man put a cigarette in his mouth.

At that moment, small footsteps were heard in the alley where not a single light was properly lit.

“Who are you?”

The skinny man opened his mouth, looking at where the sound was heard.

No answer was heard.

The scar man also rubbed his cigarette on the ground and put it out as if he sensed something strange.

If your opponent is an enemy, there is no point in telling them where they are.

Even the small cigarette light disappeared and the alley became completely dark.

“If you don’t tell me, I will consider you an enemy.”


It was the sound of cutting blades.

bum bum-

The sound of footsteps was getting closer.

The scarred man squinted his eyes and fitted a spiny knuckle.

They went through everything before and after on this floor, and they were kind of quiet.

tension flows.

The sound of saliva dripping, the sound of sweat, the sound of a heartbeat.

Everything was heard clearly in this quiet place.

And at some point the sound of footsteps stopped.

“If you don’t say-”

It was the Scared Man who moved first.

He slammed the ground and swung his fist hard towards where the sound had stopped.

If it was hit properly, it was an attack that would hook even an Auror user.

But the thorn knuckle flew through the air.

It was definitely here.

There was no sound of other footsteps, so there was no reason to move.


The sound of a knife cutting through the air.

The skinny man swung his dagger downwards.

The dagger also cut through only the air of Amon.

The two men’s eyes met in the dark.


Then I heard a strange voice.

It was a voice that was squashed and sounded like neither a man nor a woman.

The nape of the neck became terrifying.

It feels like a snake crawling on your body.

“I think I’ve heard some pretty interesting things, but I’d like to hear more details.”

in the dark darkness.

A being shrouded in darkness was floating with one emerald-colored pupil exposed.

It was Jamie.

* * *

” That’s how it happened.”

A small block of light was illuminating the dark alley.

There a scarred man and a skinny man were sitting on their knees with dead eyes.

They were all confessing to what the organization they belonged to, Rival, was going to do.

to Jamie.

Jamie overhears their conversation while doing a brief investigation into the Highness branch of the Zenith Church.

If it had been a simple crime, I would have ignored it, but it was like a big event that would shake Hiss, so I couldn’t just skip it.

So now, all but the right eye was covered with black using black.

“It’s human trafficking. Even children.”

Having watched the Count from his side for 7 years, he knew what he hated the most.

The Count was extremely loath to play with the child.

So if human trafficking happens, Heath’s dark streets will disappear without a trace.

Jamie wasn’t as good as the Count, but he didn’t like playing with humans.

It was Jamie who was outraged by the gods playing with humans and wanted to kill them.

But the same human being human?

In fact, Jamie couldn’t blame them.

How many inhumane things have been done to enhance black magic.

Recalling the past, he smiled bitterly.

Of course, I didn’t regret it then.

‘Trafficking is also human trafficking, but the important thing is that their boss accepted the offer.’

What the **** kind of big guy is trying to traffic in Heis?

It smelled kind of ominous.

Fortunately, we found out before it happened.

Jamie put his hands over the heads of the scar and skinny man.

Currently, they had lost their wit through black magic.

As long as you make it happen, you’ve become a doll that can do anything.

“Rush to the count right now and find out what you were trying to do. Do you understand?”

Okay .”

“I will obey orders .”

They got up like corpses and started walking towards the count.

“There will be some commotion in the morning.”

Now that I’ve looked at the Zenith Church roughly, let’s stop and go back today.

Jamie ordered Black to switch back to flying form.


It was the moment when Black spread his wings.


With the sound of an explosion, a scarred man flew and crashed into the wall.

Soon after, a second explosion was heard.

This time it was a skinny man.


Both of them had been directly hit by the explosion, and black smoke was pouring out of their bodies.

But thanks to the loss of the senses, I felt no pain.

When I looked to see if he was dead, luckily he was still stuck.

If you leave it like this, you will die.

They had a heavy duty to tell the truth, so they put out the fire on their body.

Even the necrotic skin let the mana flow, allowing for a brief moment of vitality.

‘Death a little delayed.’

You will die eventually, but you will die talking.

that is enough.

Jamie covered himself with black again and looked at the explosion.

“Hey heh heh! Stupid **** are doing their job in a place like this. Were you angry because you wanted to be so sweet?”

Someone walked into this place from a dark alley.

It was an ugly man wearing a gray robe and covered in dark shades under his eyes.

His hair came down to his neck and curled as if wet in the rain.


“There was a lot of commotion! There may be expenses!”

After that, five or six long-haired men who seemed to have followed the man were added.

“Bring them in front of me.”

The man ignored them and pointed to the scar man and the skinny man.

“And that guy too.”

Finally, Jamie.

He grinned and pulled out a small wooden wand from his bosom.

I don’t know what he’s doing, but I’ve been with those scumbags, so I’m sure he has something to say. Kuk Kuk Kuk, Khuh Hee Hee Hee!”

“You’re really crazy.”

Jamie smirked at the man with his eyes glistened with madness.

Sometimes there are crazy wizards like that.

I don’t know why they’re crazy, but they thought human life was like a fly’s life.

“Today I will taste the blood properly!”

That guy was just that.

“Jance, Philip. hee hee hee. Did you think you could survive if you betray the boss?”

It seems that the scarred and skinny men’s names were Jan and Phillip.

The men’s men cautiously approached Jans and Philip, watching Jamie’s eyes.

The man shouted at his subordinates in a frustrated voice.

What are you doing! Aren’t you coming soon? Do you all want to die?”

“Oh, I see!”

One of his subordinates replied loudly and started to grab the scar man, Jans’s dummy and drag him away.

Jamie looked at the scene and sighed briefly.

And he opened his mouth like it was annoying.

“Hey, I don’t care for such filth .”


But the words did not go to the end.

Jamie’s face exploded.

“Kuh hee hee! What are you talking about, you trash!”

pop-! Boob-!


Every time the man’s wand shook, an explosion occurred.

Jamie’s clothes were torn, and her skin peeled off.

The peeled skin evaporated in an instant, leaving no trace.

bang! Kwaga River!

Explosions with increased power.

The man swung the wand like a baton as if he had become an orchestra maestro.

“Die, die, die!”

The purpose of confessing something has already disappeared.

Soaked in madness, the wizard focused only on killing his opponents with explosions.

“Ah ha ha ha ha!”

I use magic on this taste.

I take pleasure in killing someone.


This is why I live.

Man, Hanni, adorned the final blast with a pleasure-soaked face.


exploding flames.

blackened ground.

blazing explosions.

Perfect until the end

“Tongue, brother.”

At that moment, I heard the trembling voice of my subordinate from behind.

Did you even admire this gorgeous art?

nothing I’ve seen someone’s magic, and of course I have to react like that… .

“Brother, what have you done?”


“Why, why the pin Magic on Finn… .”

Finn is about three subordinates who follow him.

I told him to bring Jans.

Why does that guy refer to Finn with a face like that?


Hanni turned his head to where the explosion had started.

There lay a corpse torn like a rag.

His face was so damaged that he couldn’t even recognize him properly.

But instinctively I knew.

who he is

“Is it all over?”

A terrifying voice came from the side.

Hanni turned to the side with trembling eyes.

A single purple-tinted eye is peering into her inner self.

“Is it fun to kill a subordinate?”

Only then did Hanni realize.

that he was the author’s prisoner.

– Continued on next episode –


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