The Dark Magician Transmigrates After 66666 Years Chapter 2:


: 7 year old warlock (2)

young master. The sun is setting.”

“Ah, that’s already happened.”

At the librarian’s words, Jamie closed the book she was reading.

The title of the book was ‘Flow and Control of Mana’.

As a new book published this time, the mana breathing method for beginners was written.

It was particularly useless information to him, but I read it to see if there was anything improved as it was the latest method.

‘The mana breathing part is not much different from other books.’

I read a few related books here, but only a little more detail was added.

‘Is it dinner again?’

three meals a day.

Tired of eating too.

Jamie headed to the dining room with weary steps.

And when he arrived in front of the restaurant, Jamie couldn’t help but frown.

Someone was standing in front of the entrance.

Laying his back, he was looking at the dragon statue next to the entrance.

“Actually, Earl Wellton. It’s just the entrance to the restaurant, but to bring such decorative artifacts. It’s a pretty detailed magic device. haha.

The voice was that of an old man.

Then he suddenly turned around as if he felt a sense of popularity behind him.

The first thing he saw was a white beard that reached down to his navel.

And what I felt.

‘Interest, that’s a lot.’

It was a huge amount of mana felt from the old man.

I was trying to capture as much as I could, but I couldn’t fool Jamie’s eyes.

The wizard accumulates mana in his heart.

So, there is usually a strong mana reaction near the heart, but the old man had a huge storm raging all over his body.

‘It will be at least 7th class.’

He is strong enough to feel sorry for himself compared to his current self.

But why is this old man here?

Is it an intruder?

‘It’s difficult if it’s an intruder.’

Sadly, he now lacks the power to stop the old man.

That made Jamie bitter.

First, you need to figure out who your opponent is.

Fortunately, the old man seemed unwilling to attack right away.

It could be because he’s not an enemy, but because he’s a child, he could be in a state of mindlessness.

It is better to keep a lot of cases open.

Jamie is making a decision and is about to ask a question, but the old man hits the player first.

“Are you the Count’s son?”

Speech with a bit of interest.

A bluish light flashed across the old man’s cornea.

At that moment, Jamie felt something running through her body.

Analyze your own body.

But it didn’t respond.

It had been a long time since I felt this way, but I wasn’t shy enough to respond to each one.

Seeing Jamie like that, the old man grinned.

“The child of a tiger is a tiger, right?”

I felt bad for the words that sounded like an evaluation, but I did not express it and brought out what I was trying to say.

Who are you?

“Until you stumble.”

“How did you get here?”

“Isn’t this kind of scary?”

“Because he is the heir to the Welton family.”

The old man’s eyes widened slightly in response.

Because it wasn’t an answer that would come from a boy of that age.

At the old man’s reaction, Jamie sneered inwardly.

If he showed any clever reaction in the form of a child, it was usually that kind of reaction.

“I don’t know who my grandfather is, but this is a place no one can enter.”

Saying so, Jamie raised his mana.

Regardless of whether or not he is an opponent, he must clearly show himself as the successor of the Welton family.

‘That old man, it seems like he had that purpose in the first place.’

It will not be an intruder.

It wasn’t like calling out Earl Welton, who was his father, or maintaining that kind of leeway even though he didn’t know when the Sword Master would arrive, nor was it the attitude of an intruder.

And the attitude of testing yourself.

It was very unpleasant, but it wasn’t bad to slightly bend that arrogant nose.

‘You don’t seem to know how much pain it will be if you get hit when you’re vigilant.

Jamie concentrated his mana with the tip of his index finger.

Seeing him, the old man admired himself.

‘I heard a little bit, but I didn’t know it would be this much.’

Is that the mana that only a 7-year-old child can produce?

His eyes narrowed slightly.

The corners of the mouth are a little bit, but they are raised.

At first, I tried to figure out what kind of personality he was and finish it.

Even when I’m old, it’s a staple book.

A vigorous curiosity that still did not cool stimulated the old man.

‘Let’s try it out a little bit.’

The old man raised his finger.

Jamie’s eyes widened at the sight.

‘That guy!!’

Jamie saw the old man’s fingertips glow.

‘You dare to test me?!’

He knew the old man was trying to test him.

But it was a test of how he reacted, not a test of his magical abilities.

But right now, she’s trying to explicitly test her magical powers.

Something like me, this Diablo Volfir that almost brought down even a **** in the past!!

fire. wind. compression. rotation. Acceleration. diffusion.

Complex calculations were made in an instant.

Those who are young in body but have reached their peak in spirit.

[Fire Bullet]

The high-heat bullets condensed in yellow are accelerated by the wind.

Counterclockwise swirling rotation increases penetration.

straight line.

A yellow trail pierced the hallway leading to the dining room.

And when you reach the old man,



The explosion wasn’t big, but the flames that spewed out were enough to blow up people’s faces.

But Jamie’s expression wasn’t good.

‘Is that the amount of power you can generate now?’

The drink was perfect.

However, my current capabilities fell far short of what I thought.

This too would be shocking to others, but the great warlock sighed at the miserable reality.

Aside from Jamie’s reaction, the person who was hit by the magic was absurd in another sense.

‘Is this really the magic of a 7-year-old child?’

The old man was at a loss for words in the thick explosion.

He lifted the smoke.

‘It didn’t work either.’

Jamie clicked inwardly, preparing the next spell.

But the old man was faster.

“But are you still a child?”

Five magic circles in the air were created without any omens.

A magic circle is a technique that requires a lot of attention, such as combination, arrangement, balance, and attributes.

Easy things are really easy, but the more complicated it gets, the greater the chance of failure.

However, each of the five magic circles that the old man spread out contained at least one attribute.

At the same time, it unfolded without preparation.

“Is it my turn now?”

The old man smiled playfully and stretched out his hand.

Without even carrying a tool that becomes a medium for mana.

‘Damn that’s fine.’

He expressed that he was okay with being at the peak of his magic.

It meant that the ability of the old man was beyond imagination.

But Jamie did not avoid it.

He just looked at the old man’s face with a calm face.

‘Ha! This little one is really.’

it’s a thing

No, it’s a treasure.

The old man found something great in the boy.


“This is the price you paid for attacking me.”

Apart from that, punishment had to be imposed.

Five magic circles radiated light.

Huge mana swirled and shook the hallway.

Awesome love-!

rough wind noise.

It was at that moment that a gust of wind blew.


A single sword blocked the magic shot from the five magic circles.

Jamie saw a huge back that covered her eyes.

His brown coat flapped wildly in the wind.

Just looking at it put pressure on her small body.

It was quite the momentum.

“You are too playful.”

The slightly bent back was straightened.

Jamie thought the man was like Taesan.

The old man who saw him called out the man’s name with a blank face for a moment.

“Earl Wellton.”

The man who stood in front of Jamie in an instant.

He is the master of the count here, and the only sword master in the kingdom.

It was Earl Wellton.

He turned to look at his cute son.

“Are you okay?”

” Yes. It’s okay.

The Count smiled and nodded at his son’s calm words.

Then again, he hardened his expression and looked at the old man.

“I need to talk. Marquis Linmer.”

At that, the old man called the Marquis of Linmer looked at Jamie and burst out laughing.

Ha ha ha ha ha! Was that so?!”


“I envy you, Count!”

Earl Welton frowned at Marquis Linmer’s words.

* * *

“This is my son. And heir to the Welltons.”

“I know.”

Earl Welton’s eyes grew cold at the words of the old man, Marquis Linmer.

“Did you say you knew?”

“Calm down your temper. Are you still here?”

“I called him my son.”

The count’s hand turned towards the sword.

There is a saying in the world.

Never lose sight of the Sword Master.

A sword master is not simply a being who has reached the apex of a sword.

The Sword Master was a superman who realized the extreme meaning of the sword and acquired the ‘power’.

The nature of that power determines the rank of a sword master, and Earl Welton had the highest level of power in the world.

“I know. I haven’t aged yet. Do you think I’m going to do something like pretending with you?

“You have crossed the line enough.”

“I tried it.”


The Marquis Linmer smiled and thought of Jamie.

“Do you know?”

“What do you mean?”

“What a genius your son is.”

“That’s why I asked the Marquis-sama.”

The Count knew that Jamie had a talent for magic.

So, I attached a teacher several times, but the teachers couldn’t handle the child at all.

That’s why he asked Marquis Linmer.

Because he was an archmage at his fingertips even in the kingdom.

“Then you don’t really know.”


“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear your request.”

At the refusal of the Marquis, the Count frowned.

Has Jamie not caught his eye?

It can’t be.

He doesn’t know much about magic, but his son was gifted with magic.

He thought that if he met his master well, he would be able to target the future archmage.

Seeing such a Count, the Marquis clicked his tongue.

“Looking at your face, it seems like you’re clearly mistaken.”

“Tell me so I can understand.”

“Your son means I can’t afford it.”

” If a class 8 archmage can’t handle it, who will?

“You wouldn’t have seen it. the eyes of a child.”

The Marquis remembered the time when magic unfolded in the magic circle.

Jamie recognized all the magic that was flying towards him.

but did not avoid it.

I didn’t even turn my eyes.

He maintained a calm face as if he knew that the magic would never reach him.

It was not simply explained as ‘the wall is large’.

“You have read all my magic.”

” ?!”

“And he was convinced that magic would never reach him.”

The Count could not believe what the Marquis had said.

No matter how clever he was, he was a 7-year-old kid.

With the knowledge of the library, let alone read the magic of the 8th class Archmage, he shouldn’t have even understood it.

Even if I made the concession a hundred times and understood, it was normal to be scared.

“It’s not just that.”

The Marquis also informed Jamie of the magic he used.

Instead of the basic five elements, he developed a magic that fused high-level attributes.

It was a magic that could only be entered by at least 3 classes.

“Three classes by self-taught. No, if it doesn’t include physical limitations, it’s 4th class or higher. It is not enough to say that I am a genius.”

The Marquis thought about it, then said with a face of decision.

“It’s a monster. A monster was born. A child doesn’t need a teacher. Just support me both physically and mentally. Then it will be done on your own.”

“My son .”

“Maybe there will be a 9th-class wizard that exists in legend.”

9 class.

A legendary state that existed long ago.

Even if you look back thousands of years of human history, no human beings have actually set foot in that state.

It was just treated as an extraterrestrial realm.

“I apologize for attacking your son.”

The Marquis said so and got up from his seat.

“To the magical society. No, there will be a huge wind blowing all over the world. Whoops!”

Then it disappeared with the light.

The Count, who was left alone, was silent with a serious face.

– Continued on next episode –


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