The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life Chapter 57:


Everyone’s Man (3)

Sylvia’s eyes narrowed.

Roman Dmitry.

At her prey (?) that appeared in an unexpected place, she quickly glanced up and down Roman.


once face.

handsomer than i thought

Even though it was messed up with the dust of the mine, the thick lines and sharp eyes exuded a manly scent.

Sylvia’s admiration did not end there.

At the moment when his gaze, which had been examining his face for a long time, went down to his body, a momentary exclamation came out of Roman’s body revealed through shabby clothes.


It was great.

Like a well carved statue.

Roman’s body was flawless.

I can’t really tell because I’m wearing clothes, but the gleaming muscles that gleamed show just how great was in the clothes.

In fact, after arriving in Dmitry, I regretted it a bit.

I came to Lawrence after a long time at the request of my uncle, but I thought it might not be as great as Roman expected.


Pyeongta (?) prayed to be.

If it wasn’t that Roman’s appearance could not be seen, Roman’s condition was absolutely perfect.

‘The eldest son of the Dmitry family and the deity who defeated the four-star swordsman Homer. There is a rumor in the world that the second son has a high chance of losing the heir’s seat, but today, it seems that is not the case again. What noble family would have their son work as a miner? This must have been something Baron Romero ordered in the name of the successor class, and it means that Roman’s status has soared with recent steps.’


It was worth coming down to Lawrence.

Sylvia, who finished the analysis in a short time, encouraged other noble women.

“Go to Roman Dmitry. It would be nice to say hello before the party.”

“Is that so?”

Everyone had a smile on their faces.

they too.

Sylvia had the same purpose.

They received a mission from the family to win Roman, and they pushed each other’s backs and approached Roman.

Good morning.

“Are you Roman Dmitry?”

The women who frowned were not there.

It didn’t matter whether the dust flew in front of her eyes or the dress got dirty, she gave Roman a smile like a spring day.


Roman didn’t answer.

Sylvia said as she stared at her.

“My name is Sylvia of the Lawrence family. I wanted to express my sincere gratitude to you for helping our family this time. Without Roman’s help, the Lawrence family would not have survived Barco’s attack. But like the rumors, you’re really cool. There is a saying that a hero was born in the Dmitry family, and you can see why just by looking at it.”

she was a fox

He spoke softly with a wrinkle-free expression, and seemed to know well how to appeal his appearance.

the problem is.

The opponent was Roman Dmitry.

“Oh, yes. Okay.

spit out words.

It wasn’t an answer for a conversation.

As if not to bother you any more.

Without even looking at Sylvia, Roman walked with Hans.



Flora, who was at a distance, burst into laughter.

Roman was a very consistent person.

Realizing that she wasn’t the only one being harsh on herself, she approached Sylvia and comforted her if she was okay.

Hans followed Roman in small steps.

young master. They are still going to the party, can’t you be a little kinder?

“If they were worth it, they would. But I didn’t want to laugh for them already.”


It was a sigh of relief.

If only Roman was a little kinder.

Perhaps he was able to get a lot of allies from the last conversation.

But when I saw the decisive line drawing, I thought that I was too young to be liked by people in the past and now.

Hans said.

“I see. But how long do you plan to work in mining? Even though the Lord has not given any special orders, you have been suffering for several days already. Not everyone is worried.”


There was a lot to say about Roman’s actions.

In particular, Baron Romero and Rihanna were concerned about Roman’s health, and Hans asked why on their behalf.

Roman did not stop walking.

Walking alongside Hans, he told me why he had visited the mine.

“Do you remember the day I met the farmer in the slum?”

“Of course I remember.”

I couldn’t forget.

It was the day Roman began to change, and the impact was so strong that the memories of that day came to mind.

“The field chief, who lived for ninety years, told me the history of Dmitry. Dmitry was originally from a commoner’s family, but it was said that he was able to rise to the present position with iron made at the forge. From then on, I felt that way. Dmitry’s roots are in the forge, so shouldn’t I know about it too?

new life.

Roman fully accepted reality.

He introduced new ties to his fence, and the name Roman Dmitry was getting used to him little by little.

so that.

I wanted to fully understand Dmitry.

It’s not a question of succession.

Just as I climbed up from the bottom of the magic bridge, I wanted to feel the breath of this place from the bottom of Dmitry.

That’s why I found an iron mine.

People think that the blacksmith is the foundation of Dmitry, but Roman believes that the miners in the iron mines are no different.

I didn’t even have to ask my father for permission.

He went to the iron mine alone and said he would work too.

The iron mine master, who at first doubted Roman’s intentions, soon accepted Roman as a miner.

all day long.

Mining iron ore in the ground full of dust.

Without any tricks, he tried to do his assigned work as much as possible like other miners.

“The roots of Dmitry lie in the forge, and furthermore in the iron mine. The origin of Dmitry is that miners work blood and sweat to dig iron ore, and then use it to make iron with the flames of an oven. I just want to experience it and empathize with it. Only then can you truly understand their plight. In order for me to live in the name of Roman Dmitry in the future, I cannot coexist with the people of this land through mere understanding.”

” young master.

Hans stopped walking.

Tears welled up.

‘When did you grow up like this?’

Roman who has grown up suddenly.

In Roman’s walk, which shows a different image every day, Hans was genuinely proud of the fact that he was Roman’s servant.

far away roman.

Despite the coldness of not waiting for him, Hans hurriedly caught up and shouted.

“From now on, I will take full responsibility for the master’s attire in the morning and evening! It’s good to turn the dirt over! As always, I’ll clean it perfectly! This Hans, I am ready to dedicate myself to you!”

As always.

Hans followed Roman’s shadow.

The place Roman arrived was the training ground.

on a large training ground.

Dozens of men were sweating and training.





He swung his sword according to the command.

Chris walked in front of the soldiers and pointed out their postures, and the soldiers focused on wielding their swords as they adjusted their postures according to the words.

This war with Barco.

That experience aroused the soldiers’ blind loyalty. Didn’t Roman defeat the 4-star swordsman Homer and Chris defeat the 3-star swordsman Jansson?

perception has changed.

Still, what I thought were the people on the outskirts, Roman and Chris no longer looked like ordinary people.


“Did you call?”

Chris came running after a month.

The soldiers continued their movements regardless of him, and Roman looked at him and asked.

“How is your training going?”

“I am teaching the training method that the master taught me. Everyone is very enthusiastic and learns quickly, so I think we can expect to develop quickly.”

The war is over.

Roman decided it was necessary to expand his power.

So, through Chris, I taught him the basic training method of magic.

He taught me how to build up basic inner strength with the sura (修羅) mental method, and how to effectively defeat the opponent with the sura sword technique.

In fact, words are the basics, but in this world, knowledge that could be called a treasure.

Roman rewarded the soldiers who followed him in the war, and that was his potential as an Auror swordsman.

If you follow along.

These 30-year-old soldiers may face a miracle as they enter the path of the Aura Swordsman.

‘This alone is not enough.’

This war was variable.

Flare and Homer.

It was information that Roman could not find out, and the lack of information made it seem like he was falling into a trap.


Overwhelming force solved all problems.

However, past life experiences have shown that problems cannot be solved in that way forever.

‘You need your own information force. Such information power that can analyze every detail down to the bottom of the opponent. The problem is that money and manpower are needed to create an information force, and I can’t afford it yet. So I have to find a way to make the most of my position and situation.’

to the mine.

It was also an extension of the plan.

As I said to Hans, there is also the purpose of experiencing Dmitry from the bottom, but Roman wanted to see the source of the family as the eldest son of the Dmitry family.

To face Dmitry’s reality. Only when you fully understand your current state can you find a way to use it.

A man named Roman.

It just didn’t move.

Because there is a clear purpose, even in a situation where there is a lot of dust, he did not say anything bad and was faithful to his role.

And lastly.

Roman had one more thing to do.

“Chris, I’ll teach you a new swordsmanship from now on.”

in Roman’s words.

Chris felt his heart stop for a moment.

‘ Are you going to teach me swordsmanship too?’


As he taught the soldiers how to sword, Chris grew dissatisfied.

It’s not that he doesn’t trust Roman, but he can’t understand Roman’s intentions as he doesn’t teach anything to himself.

I did learn the Sura sword technique and the Sura heart technique.

But Roman said you only study as a teacher, don’t make it yours.

And now.

Roman told Chris why.

“You have a different starting line from the others. Unlike people who have never learned anything, it was not easy for you to build your own world and accept new knowledge. So, I hoped to cultivate the flexibility of thinking. The ability to change your mind according to what you have seen and heard, rather than being locked in stereotyped knowledge. If you didn’t show the courage to accept the new world, you wouldn’t have survived the battle against the three-star swordsman.

The fight with Jansson.

It was a test.

On stage to test Chris, Chris overcame his limits and beheaded a three-star prosecutor.


Ready to teach something new.

To Chris who looked at him without a word.

Looking at those eyes burning with longing, Roman gave him a favor.

“The name of the swordsmanship I will teach you from now on is called Seomjeon.”

An island sword that once commanded Moorim.

His feast, which was called the 天下十大高手 (天下十大高手), was the moment that followed Chris.


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