The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life Chapter 54:


If you start, you must see the end (4)


Blood dripped down the blade.

In the eyes of the nobles who had lost their minds with their shocking expressions, Viscount Barco ran away crying.

“Oh, no, no!”


He hastily embraced Anthony Barco’s body.

The clothes made of high-quality fabric were stained with blood, and Viscount Barco tried to stop the blood flowing from his neck with his trembling hands.

But it was meaningless.

Although his son’s body was still warm and warm, Viscount Barco’s eyes lost focus as he looked at his helplessly falling arms.

” Alas!

son’s death.

I couldn’t accept it.

He couldn’t even imagine that he would kill his son in Barco’s living room in front of his eyes.

“Ahhhhhhhhh! What are you doing now?! Kill this demon who dared to kill Barco’s eldest son immediately! I mean, tear your limbs apart!”

Viscount Barco screamed.

At the sight of him trembling with eyes that seemed to be dripping with blood, the knights of Barco hesitated and looked at him.

They had seen Roman on the battlefield.

He was not confident in rushing towards Roman, who attacked Barco’s rear and slaughtered dozens of soldiers and killed Berge and Homer in one blow.

whoever it was The first person to run in was sure to die.

A creeping fear caught their ankles, and even in the shocking situation that Anthony Barco died, their loyalty could not contain the fear.


Roman wiped the blood off his sword.

Then he retrieved the sword and looked around the eyes surrounding him.

“Is there any problem? It would be very common for a criminal to die in a duel of judgment.”

Viscount Barco was mistaken.

Roman offered a referee duel, but never said he would not kill Anthony Barco.

It was a trap.

Roman did not bring a single **** while visiting Barco.

As Viscount Barco, he thought that Roman would not make an extreme choice alone, and he made the mistake of putting Anthony Barco on the judging table.

This gave Roman a cause.

As Viscount Barco gave the chance to punish himself, Roman was not responsible for killing Anthony Barco.

I just gave the punishment I deserved.

Roman warned those who were at a loss for what to do.

“From now on, keep in mind what I am saying. From the day Anthony Barco threatened me, I couldn’t live under the same sky as Barco. I am such a person. I was petty and couldn’t sleep without paying for what I had suffered, so I’ve been thinking about how to bring down the Barco family. And this is the result. If there are still people who can’t break up with Barco, look carefully at who you’ll be dealing with.

people say

A cornered mouse bites a cat.

Chris also dissuaded Roman for that reason, and in the past, Baek Ho-yeol also pointed out Baek Joong-hyuk’s extreme attitude.


If you let the rat live because it is afraid of being bitten, the rat will come with a gang to attack the cat or seek revenge from the rat hole.

So Roman did not allow time for the opponent.

Even if his flesh was torn off and he could see blood, it was Baek Joong-hyuk’s way of killing him when he killed him.

Viscount Barco raised his eyes.

With eyes burning with revenge, the whale whale shouted at Roman.

“Do you think your kid will be okay with this!”

“Again, what does that mean? From the moment we joined the war on Lawrence’s side, Barco and I became enemies of each other’s lives. And such a relationship will not change until you die, Viscount Barco. I will not be vigilant for a moment and will watch how the Barco family lives in the future, and I plan to attack until the end of the Barco destruction.”

It was a warning.

Nobles watching the situation.

I showed them how dangerous it was to help Barco.

own will.

When Dmitry did this, it meant that he would attack the forces of the regiment with Barco equally.

Roman’s warning.

no one came forward

The nobles of Cairo kept their mouths shut, and the knights of Barco only pretended to hold their swords and did not rush.

“I’ll just go.”

took a step back

As if walking alone through the front door.

Although blood dripped down the path Roman was walking, no one stood in his way.

like that.

Leaving behind Viscount Barco’s screaming voice, Roman disappeared from public view.


Their collapse was instantaneous.

Viscount Barco, angered by his son’s death, tried to get revenge somehow, but the reaction he got back was cold.

“I’m sorry. As you know, we are not confident enough to help Barco against Dmitry. I admit that we had a good relationship, but Barco touched an enemy that was too dangerous.”

I drew a line.

Roman’s actions were extraordinary.

I went to Barco’s bedroom and killed Anthony Barco in front of Viscount Barco.

It was an act that certainly puts an end to ambiguous antagonism.

Roman Dmitry made it clear that he was not the only one who intervened in Lawrence’s affairs, but that he was the main character in charge of revenge.

Besides, the reason was clear.

Anthony Barco’s threat.


And even the judgment of Viscount Barco who allowed the duel of the referee.

The nobles who thought they were on Barco’s side became witnesses who said that Roman’s actions had a cause.

was an outsider.

For Barco, there was no way to get outside help.

Even though his son was murdered, his cause was taken away, and he ran to set his feet on fire and asked for help, but no one answered.

It was no different because it was the connections of the central government.

Even though he was from the Barco family, he was rather reluctant to say that this incident made his situation difficult.

The lofty tower collapsed.

Roman’s judgment was correct.

When the cornered rat was completely trampled on, there was no way for Viscount Barco to overcome the crisis.


“There are only three days left until the time you promised to pay the principal and interest. If payment is not made by then, Golden Bank has no choice but to exercise its rights as a creditor. Viscount Barco. 3 days. Even if you sell your soul to the devil, be sure to pay back the principal and interest you borrowed from us.”

It was an ultimatum.

Due to the infamy of Golden Bank, which is famous for collecting principal and interest by any means, Viscount Barco knew that it was completely over.

It was a disaster caused by greed for the land of Lawrence. In desperate reality, he finally took the last resort.

a few days later.

Viscount Barco attempted to escape at night.

He fled with minimal luggage and property, but he was found dead in an unknown mountain after a while.

The Barco family that once had a prestige in the northeast area.

It was the moment when they fell in vain.

* * *

It was a moonlit night.

Hans, who was just out of the hallway, asked when he saw a man shining in the moonlight.

“Where are you going at night?”

stand tall.

The man stopped walking.

Roman turned his head, looked at Hans and smiled.

“The moonlight is bright. It’s been a while since I went for a walk.”

Is that so?

Hans laughed softly.

He walked over to Roman, took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the red stain off Roman’s clothes.

“Everyone is very worried. It’s a great joy to see the mastermind being recognized by people, but I can’t hide my anxiety because he’s doing dangerous things like war. young master. The master is the eldest son of the Dmitry family. As he will one day become the owner of this land, you should not think of the master’s life entirely as his own. Always be careful. And if you need any help, say anything. I am always ready to do my best for you, behind you.”


Hans meticulously cleaned the stain.

It was only when the stain became invisible that Hans took a step back with a proud expression on his face.

that look.

Roman looked down.


“Say it.”

“I told you before. You are mine.”

“I remember.”

starting a new life.

Roman was the first to accept a man named Hans.

That meant a special relationship.

Cheonma Baek Jung-hyuk.

He slaughtered numerous enemies until he reached that position, and he lived so engrossed in slaughter that only the blood of his enemies made the sea.

It wasn’t human life.

People called him a vicious demon because of Baek Jung-hyeok’s behavior of thoroughly trampling on enemies, but on the contrary, people were always by his side.


Baek Jung-hyuk put one principle first.

At least for anyone who came within his fence, he did his best for them.

than hundreds or thousands of enemies.

One person in the fence was important.

That was enough.

If Barkora had left the threat, one day, the fence might have become a mess.

“I, too, will do my best not to put my people at risk.”


They were no longer a threat.

Because the dead cannot do anything.

After finishing his last words, Roman turned around and went into the room.



The door where Roman disappeared.

Hans stood still and watched for a while.

* * *

The capital of Cairo.


At a place where large crowds from all over the kingdom had gathered, an unbelievable news arrived.

” Is this true?”

Yes! At first, I didn’t believe it either, but there are many witnesses who saw Homer defeating as it was a battle of great warriors. Isn’t that really awesome? A guy named Roman Dmitry is an unknown person whose name is not even known, far from being listed on the rankers. But then, he defeated a 4-star swordsman with one blow!”


Priest Willas, who manages the Cairo branch of the Valhalla Temple, narrowed his brows in the face of the Shinto fuss.

‘It’s practically impossible.’


Ranked 49th.

It is a deity that the temple of Valhalla has been keeping an eye on, but he was killed by an unknown person out of nowhere.

The problem was the identity of the opponent.

The area northeast of the Kingdom of Cairo is so remote that it is not necessary to look at it, and I had never heard of a person outstanding enough to defeat Homer there.

Who the **** is Roman Dmitry? Had his name been known at all, he would have tried to comprehend this shocking news.

said Willas.

“What is certain is that Roman Dmitry is only 25 years old. If this report is true, it would mean that an unprecedented genius was born in the Cairo Kingdom. I need to check the facts first. No matter how likely it is to be a lie, the ripple effect when it is true cannot be ignored.”

Valhalla Temple.

They belong to the Valhalla Empire.

Usually, rankings are managed through ‘ranking battles’, but it was necessary to mobilize manpower in such cases.

Interest turned.


Is it a rumor that came from the periphery?

Or was it really the birth of a monster-like genius?

I wanted to see Roman Dmitry’s face.

“Get your bags right now.”


I didn’t know then.

From the northeast of the Kingdom of Cairo, the fact that the wind that would cause a great change on the continent is blowing.

Nangzhongjichu (囊中之錐).

A sharp awl began to pierce the pocket little by little.


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