The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life Chapter 45:


Participation in war (3)

destruction of the flare.

It was a sign of retreat.

Roman and his men retreated as quickly as they suddenly appeared, becoming Barcoman’s chicken chasing dogs.

“Whoop, whoop.”

series of situations.

Chris let out a shrill breath as the breath reached his chin.

His condition was a mess.

He frantically swung his sword to follow Roman, and Barco’s soldiers were helpless by his sword burning with an aura.

Maybe that’s why, his golden hair that looked like a nobleman was completely soaked with blood.

Chris wiped away the water droplets, whether it was sweat or blood, and burst into laughter for a moment.

‘Are you sure. Your master was right.’

this battle.

Chris used the aura in a different way than before.

In this world, it is normal to maximize the power of the aura with an explosive eruption, but while dealing with Roman, I realized that it was not the answer.

So, after much consideration, I reduced the size of the aura.

Instead, he tried to condense the aura as much as possible, thanks to that, the mana consumption was not large even in a fierce battle.

laughter came out.

Despite being ignored by those around him as to why he was following Roman, Chris was slowly finding the possibility of growth.

breathing calmed down.

When he looked around later, Chris found out that his condition was a yangban.

“Heh heh, heh heh.”

“I really think I’m going to die.”


Roman soldiers.

They fell to the floor and were like corpses.

A person about the size of Chris was able to follow Roman’s pace, but the rest of the soldiers clenched their teeth in order not to be isolated.

The duration of the battle was short. However, the extremely intense time completely depleted their stamina, and some of those who fell to the floor threw their heads down and vomited.


There were no deaths among them.

Of the 30 soldiers, no one was left behind, and no one seemed seriously injured.

They knew the truth.

Why were they able to survive?

Although all the soldiers had troubled faces, they could not take their eyes off Roman, who was looking around alone.

‘Aren’t you tired?’

‘It was a real monster!’


He didn’t stop breathing.

Clearly at the forefront and taking on a more dangerous role than anyone else, Roman did not appear to be at all difficult.

It was an unbelievable sight to see in person.

There were only a dozen soldiers that Roman had slaughtered, and even though someone who seemed to be the leader of the Bergue mercenary corps rushed in, Roman handled it as easily as if he was dealing with Soldier 1.


It cannot be expressed in other words.

I experienced Roman’s strength in the private test, but today’s battle was beyond common sense.

Awe (敬畏心).

The soldiers looked up at Roman, drenched in blood.

Rather than appearing cruel to Roman, the fact that his master was so strong made their hearts warm.

When everyone is somewhat stable.

said Roman.

“Our role is over. Now let’s go back to Lawrence.


As a hero who sounded a triumph, now it was his turn to return to gold.

* * *


The gates were opened.

At the sight of Roman and the soldiers entering dignifiedly, the people of Lawrence who were lined up from both sides sent enthusiastic cheers.


“Roman! Roman!”

“Roman! Roman!”

“Dmitry’s hero!”

reputation has changed.

Seeing Roman Dmitry, who was once called Dmitry’s nerd, people cheered as if welcoming a great man.

I had no choice but to do so.

Their perception was not created by this incident alone.

At least in Lawrence, Roman’s perception of Roman was changing little by little due to the subjugation of Blood Fang.

Dmitry’s hero.

It was a fitting expression.

Appearing like a prince on a white horse and destroying flares, he left a strong impression on the citizens of Lawrence.

“Thanks to you, we are alive! Thank you very much!

“From now on, Lawrence will never forget the grace of Roman Dmitry for the rest of his life!”

I love you!

The women were outraged.

Viscount Lawrence smiled bitterly at the sight of them crowding into the streets and reaching out to touch Roman.

‘It’s a shame.’


He was an outstanding talent.

From the moment we first met, he knew that Roman was unusual, but today’s scene of destroying the flare proved to be a greater talent than he had imagined.

It was far away so I couldn’t see it properly.

However, he saw the scene in which he slaughtered Barco’s soldiers at the forefront and used an aura powerful enough to directly destroy the flare.

Dmitry gave birth to a tiger.

And if things hadn’t gone wrong, the tiger would have been his son-in-law.

I swallowed my saliva.

Looking at Roman Dmitry’s imposing gait made him thirsty, but Viscount Lawrence struggled to turn away from reality.

‘I promised to respect Flora’s life in the future. No matter how coveted and attractive Roman Dmitry may be, marrying him is a matter of Flora’s choice. So there is no reason for me to go out.’

suppressed desire.

And then.

When he saw Roman approaching right in front of him, he greeted them with a wide smile.

“Dmitry’s hero! Nice to see you again like this!”

The welcome ceremony was brief.

The war wasn’t over yet, and Roman walked into the building, receiving enthusiastic applause from the people.

That was then.

Just behind him, he heard a familiar voice.

” Thank you.

It was Flora.

A fierce battle put her in a mess.

Her skirt was torn and her face was tanned, but Flora didn’t care.

“We didn’t do the bait job as planned. If you had abandoned Lawrence, we would not have deserved the blame, but I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for not abandoning him and ignoring Lawrence’s crisis.”

face flushed red.

My first meeting with Roman wasn’t good, so I was a little embarrassed to express my gratitude in front of him.


I had to say something.

Without Roman’s help, Lawrence might have been captured by now.

said Roman.

“I just did my part as promised. And Lawrence did what I expected.”

” !”

Roman’s words.

In an instant, Flora’s heart broke.

He was someone I didn’t even know.

It’s enough to just say thank you, but Roman drew a cold line, boldly telling him to keep his promise.

I wasn’t angry.

No matter what Roman says.

It didn’t change the fact that I had help from him.

Roman was Lawrence’s benefactor, and Flora was grateful for the decision to help, whatever the reason.

“I am glad that Lawrence did what he expected. You seem to think you don’t deserve my thanks, but as Lawrence’s representative, I want to repay you. So if you want something, you can say anything at the meeting. Even if your father shows signs of trouble, I will unconditionally stand by your side and make sure you are rewarded.”

It was sincere.

By firing arrows from above the wall, Flora knew how difficult it was to fight on the battlefield.

so that.

Thank you Roman.

For saving Lawrence from danger.

It must have been a difficult choice, but for keeping my promise until the end.

Roman looked down at Flora.

The difference in height between the two was quite large, and Flora looked up at her with a smirk.

“Let’s go to the conference room. No matter what I say, if there is no change in my heart to repay the favor, then I will not hesitate.”

Lawrence’s conference room.

There, the leaders gathered.

Viscount Lawrence, who was seated at the top, and the vassals of the families who sat on either side of the table, put a string around their necks and expressed their opinions.

“We need to send a messenger to Barco right now. They will lose momentum in the siege and lose their flare, so no more sieges will be possible. Now is your chance. I think it would be a good idea to suggest an appropriate carrot and stick to Barco, and end this war of territory as it is!”

“That’s right. There are still many troops left in Barco. Rather than causing a crisis with them for nothing, we should bury the past and find peace. That was the only way Lawrence could survive.”

The opinions of the vassals were unified.


They wanted the war to end.

When I think of the moment when the wall almost collapsed, my legs are still shaking and my mouth is dry.

Self-esteem didn’t matter.

Having confirmed that Barco’s strength was strong, he had to somehow find a way to avoid the next battle.

Viscount Lawrence said.

“Your opinion is right. Although we were able to win the first battle with Roman Dmitry’s help, Lawrence’s strength will never stop Barco’s attack. So, prepare the messenger right now… .”

“Can I speak?”


he stopped talking

Normally, the vassals were in a situation where they should be angry, but they only looked surprised at Roman’s achievements.

Lawrence’s meeting.

In fact, Roman only attended as a courtesy, but was not in a position to argue about what Lawrence was supposed to do.

“Speak up.”

Thank you.

Roman stood up.

With everyone’s attention focused, he slowly walked around the table and opened his mouth.

“Looking at the siege against Barco, I think Viscount Lawrence knows exactly what the advantages of a long fight are. Barco is probably under financial pressure. They must somehow capture Lawrence to pay off their huge debt, and that’s no different now that Flair is destroyed. If you send a messenger for peace. I dare to expect that what we will receive will not be a message of peace, but a blood-stained head of a herald.”


Everyone was coughing.

Although he struggled to turn away from the realistic fear, as Roman said, the probability that Barco would accept peace was very slim.

“Actually, that’s not the point.”

Roman’s voice changed.

A hoarse, suffocating voice pierced the ears of the people of Lawrence.

“Barco falsified documents and attacked Lawrence. Lawrence had done nothing wrong, but many people had to die, and even now, soldiers are still carrying corpses outside the walls of the city. Can’t you feel anything when you look at it? We must not forgive Barco. In order to live a peaceful life within the fence of Lawrence, we must clearly show the world how to take revenge on the heinous people who touched Lawrence.”

Roman’s speech.

rebuked the vassals.

I turned around, but that was obviously pointing the finger at those who spoke of peace as cowards.

corpses of soldiers.

Why don’t you get angry when you see it?

At Roman’s remarks brimming with strong emotions, Lawrence’s vassals blushed, but could not say anything.

only one person.

The head of state representing Lawrence was different.

“We don’t even know that. We want revenge, too, and we want Barco to get paid for touching Lawrence. But what about the lack of power? Barco still has hundreds of soldiers and Berge mercenaries, and continuing to fight them is suicidal.”

It was a cold reality.

because the power is weak.

Lawrence was sacked, and even after winning, he could not get revenge.

said Roman.

Only one. There is a way.”


He made eye contact with Flora.

Like a drop of water falling on the still water, there was a big ripple in her pupil.

“Suggest a great war battle. That is the only way to get revenge on Barco beyond the difference in the forces.”

battle of warlords.

A battle to win or lose on behalf of the family.

At Roman’s suggestion, the conference room was shocked.


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