The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life Chapter 31:


Recruitment (4)

the day before the exam.

Baron Romero, sipping a small teacup that did not fit his size, received a report from Captain Jonathan.

“All preparations for the test are complete. We are only going to support a minimal number of control troops, and we ended the conversation with Master Roman taking care of the overall progress of the test.”

“Is that time already?”

Yes. The number of visitors from early in the morning has increased dramatically, with people willing to volunteer for the enlisted soldiers.”


Baron Romero remembered the moment he first heard the plan.

Even at that time, the thought of nurturing enlisted soldiers took precedence over the possibility of a plan.

‘Roman told me. He said he wanted to nurture private soldiers for individuals, not for the Dmitry family. That’s not allowed in the aristocratic world. When the question of succession is not resolved, giving personal power to a son is a choice that can have irreversible consequences.’


Baron Romero readily agreed.

Most of the opinions were that the second son rather than the eldest son of Dmitry should be the heir, and even though it was not a small expense to pay 8 silver to 30 soldiers a month, he did not even ask Roman’s purpose.


Roman’s recent actions were full of incomprehension.

When I was told that I was going to Barco’s social party after breaking up with the Lawrence family, I thought that Roman Dmitry was trying to use his connections to collaborate with Barco. future succession plan. To push out the second son and seize power, Barco’s support was a very attractive card.

However, the results were different.

In front of the aristocrats around the northeast, Anthony Barco blew the knight’s cheek even though it was dry.

crossed the line

Anthony Barco was a narrow-minded and narrow-minded man, so he was sure to have a grudge against Roman for humiliating him. It will not pose a direct threat.

It means that Dmitry’s background is strong, but for Anthony Barco, there was enough way to get revenge on Roman, even if it wasn’t like that.

For example.

They may also intervene in the succession scheme.

If he takes the side of the second son rather than Roman, he will be disqualified from succeeding due to internal and external support.

so that.

Baron Romero granted Roman’s request.

Roman Dmitry, who had gnawed away his reputation as Dmitry’s idiot for decades, began to live an ‘independent life’ starting with the Blood Fang incident.

I wanted to watch.

I know the gap is too big to follow the second son in the succession structure, but I still wanted Roman to do everything he wanted to do.

Abby’s heart.

I couldn’t help but cheer for my sore fingers.

His second son is living an elite life, where his talent is recognized in the capital anyway.

said Baron Romero.

“So, how many applicants are there? 50 people? 100 people? Considering Roman’s reputation, it would be a good thing if there were more than 50 people. Being a private soldier, not a family, would not be very pleasant for people.”

That’s right.

private soldiers.

As the word enlisted implies, roles primarily used for personal affairs were not favored by people.

It is different from the privates of noble families.

Still, soldiers raised under the title of protecting a family are preferred as stable jobs, but individual soldiers are easily abandoned depending on the circumstances.

50 at best.

It was Baron Romero’s prediction.

To the extent that testing was virtually unnecessary, I thought that not many people would want to enlist.

By the way.

Jonathan shook his head and said.

“As soon as the guards determined the purpose of the entry, they said that more than two hundred people had already visited Dmitry for the enlistment exam. Besides, it’s not yet test day. With the current generation, we estimate that at least five hundred people will be tested on the same day.”

five hundred people.

Baron Romero, who was about to take a sip of tea, had more people than expected, and Baron Romero’s body was frozen.

” So much?”


It was Baron Romero who still felt that he was underestimating Roman.

that time.

Dmitry’s inn was truly a doorstep.

Inside the inn bustling with people, Lucas sat at the bar and drank a beer.



Swallowing the neck was an art.

At the characteristic stoutness of Dmitry’s dark beer, Lucas frowned and carefully examined the surroundings.

‘It’s been a while since the day before that people flocked to me. There will be more applicants than expected. The problem is that beyond the simple fact that there are a lot of applicants, the level of people who apply for enlisted soldiers is higher than expected.

This enlisted recruitment.

Recruitment of ordinary soldiers.

Eight silver per month is a decent enough reward, but veterans like myself had no reason to do it.

Still, the reason Lucas applied was out of curiosity about Roman Dmitry.

I wanted to see for myself how much the person called Dmitry’s nerd had changed, and whether he really valued people, as the rumors say.

blast furnace.

Lucas was a special case.

I thought that most ordinary people would apply, but more talented people than expected appeared in my eyes.

‘Three men talking loudly at the table in the corner. Judging by the same-colored IDs hanging from their waists, they are most likely C-class mercenaries. And the guys drinking side by side at the bar. They don’t look like mercenaries, but they are well-versed in fighting just by looking at their physique and posture.’

inn here.

One of the many inns in Dmitry.

However, even in this small space, if five or six decent applicants could be seen, the level of applicants far exceeded expectations.

Of course, even then, no one was seen beyond him.

In the world of mercenaries, the difference between B-class and C-class was very large, and he was a precious being who deserved treatment wherever he went.

Lucas had a question.


Even the general public would understand, but did the men who ate their own swords apply for enlistment?

I didn’t think it was just because of rumors.

It is great enough that Roman changes the lives of the Clark family, and that Kevin is valued enough to punish the knights of the Barco family.

But in the end, the most important value is money.

Eight silvers a month was a price that only ignorant people would pay for, and it was an offer that people like him wouldn’t be interested in.

‘I don’t know English.’

wiggle wiggle.

I even drank alcohol.

And as I was about to get up from my seat, I heard a voice that caught Lucas’ nerves.

“Henderson. Why are you here who wanted to become a member of the Lawrence family?”

A conversation between two men.

Lucas sat back down and listened.

The situation was like this.

A man named Henderson.

He was from Lawrence.

In preparation for the war against the Barco family, Lawrence conscripted the permanent residents of Lawrence.

As a result, most of the strong men responded to conscription.

Henderson, of course, was going to fight for Lawrence not too long ago, but an incident changed his mind completely.

Henderson said.

“As you know, I was going to join the conscription even though I wasn’t eligible. If Lawrence, my hometown and hometown, was destroyed, my life would have no meaning anyway. But when I saw Roman Dmitry subjugating Blood Fang in Lawrence, I changed my mind. I knew that that was the real leader.”

that day.

Henderson was one of those in the square.

It was a new world.

A master from a noble family, who must have been raised with dignity since childhood, appeared covered in blood in front of the common people.

Roman grabbed Ben Miles’ hair with one hand and dragged him along.

Knowing how dangerous he was, people like Henderson held their breath in a flash.


Roman executed Ben Miles.

Those who were not present did not believe the events of the day, but Henderson could not forget the moment.

“Blood Fang extended his demonic beasts to Dmitry. He plunged Dmitry’s territories into a pit with his filthy craftsmanship, and even showed an intention to kill me who interfered with it. Blood Fang’s sin is clear. Therefore, in front of you, I will uproot the root of evil.”

said Roman.

In order to punish the Blood Fang who touched Dmitry’s people, he even came to Lawrence and took the sword.

blood splashed

Ben Miles’ head flew away.

The children screamed and closed their eyes, but Henderson clearly witnessed the splash of blood.


There was a shudder.

Look at Roman!

A leader who raises his sword for Yeongjimin!

There was such a person in the world!

Henderson, who was talking about the moment with a hot face, explained why he wanted to become Roman’s private.

“People doubt and deny what happened in Lawrence. I don’t think Roman Dmitry would ever be able to do that. But I saw it and felt it. Roman Dmitry is not a weak human being as rumored in the world, but a leader who can fight for his people. And this enlistment recruitment is a great opportunity to become Roman Dmitry’s man. I want to pass the exam, get Dmitry’s permanent residence, and live as a Roman Dmitry man.

reputation that has fallen to the floor.

On top of that, new stories piled up one after another.

Subdue Blood Fang.

Clark family.

Kevin’s case.

The reason people flocked to see Roman’s name was not because of a single event, but because of a synergy from multiple events.

people thought

if it’s roman

Wouldn’t it be worthy of allegiance?

He treats people with respect in return for their loyalty, treats people with respect, and does not hesitate to draw a sword, even when fighting evil hordes such as Blood Fang.

I couldn’t help but support. Even those who thought they were worth more than 8 silver, their blood boiled in their hearts as they listened to Roman’s story.

This private uprising was no accident.

People have eyes and ears.

so that.

Slowly, the true face of Roman was revealed on the surface.

* * *

on the day of the test.

The day was bright.

In the exam hall crowded with people, Lucas was still immersed in his own world.

‘If everything I heard was true. What kind of choice do I have to make then?’

this place.

So were the others.

Those who are dubious and have expressed their intention to support will soon face the truth of Roman.

That was the moment of choice.

Are you serious about taking the exam?

Or, will it fall out after watching the seasoning in moderation?

Lucas, who spent his whole life at the forefront and earned a B-grade mercenary trophy, was seriously contemplating whether it was worth investing his life in, even at the price of 8 silver.

It’s a condition you wouldn’t normally look at.

However, the sense of Lucas, the sense that made him a B-class mercenary, led him to the testing ground.

The exam hall was noisy.

At least five hundred people.

Since there was no one to sanction, so many people were making noise as if they were on the floor of the market.

“Ah ha ha ha ha ha.”

“Did that really happen?”

“After the test, let’s go get a beer!”

That was then.

No one tells me to stop

No one shuts people’s mouths.

Suddenly the commotion subsided.

People’s eyes naturally turned to the noise that disappeared from one side as if the ground was being turned off.

Lucas was no different.

It is also the moment you shift your gaze.

” !”

I was out of breath.

hair stood up

The front line fighting for their lives.

As the extreme tension that could only be felt there was revived, Lucas unconsciously lowered his head.

It seemed like it had to be.

one man.

of his appearance, of his gait.

Lucas, like everyone else, bowed his head to greet him.

‘The rumors were true.’

Roman Dmitry.

He appeared through the crowd.


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