The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life Chapter 30:


Recruitment (3)

At first I thought it was strange.

When told to go to the outskirts of the castle rather than a shack in a slum, Kevin showed a puzzled look as he did not understand English.

‘Why are you going here?’

I never thought I would have moved.

Kevin’s parents did not have enough money to move to the castle, and they used all of their emergency funds at the threat of Blood Fang.

So I simply understood that there was a ‘business’.

That was the common sense that Kevin could think of, and with the intention of meeting his parents and sister, he stopped by a bakery to buy baguettes and whipped cream.

‘Marie will love it.’

Marie was her sister.

Marie ate hard bread every morning, complaining about why we couldn’t eat freshly made bread.

At that time, I couldn’t say that I would buy it, even as I watched them put the bread down with a gloomy face.

The price difference between freshly made bread and bread that had cooled and hardened was more than double, and in particular, I couldn’t even dare to buy fresh cream spread on bread.

You can be a luxury once in a while.

But, knowing that the price of luxury is hunger, Kevin, who grew old at an early age, stuffed a hard bread into his mouth.

And now.

It was different from before.

There was still a lot of money left to buy bread and whipped cream, and Kevin was going to give it all to his parents’ pocket money.

laughter came out.

With a light footstep, we arrived at the place where we were told.

By the way.

” What is this?!”

Mouth was wide open.

sight in front of you.

There was a sense of disparity.

My parents, who were living in a shack, were drinking tea in the yard of a stylish wooden house, and warm bread was steaming on the table as if it were lavish.

It wasn’t just that.

My sister, Marie, who was wearing shabby clothes made from pieces of fabric, wore a pure white dress and watered the flowers in the yard.

The world has changed.

Kevin’s family was no longer the poor, but lived a life of ordinary people who could enjoy everyday things.



Kevin’s family found him belatedly.

Marie ran up to her in a month and hugged her, and Clark and Michelle also had tears in their eyes as they saw their son after a long time.

It was time for a reunion.

Although the bread and whipped cream he had prepared for the most part turned out to be colorless, Kevin was truly relieved to know that his family was doing so well.

And I wondered.

family changes.

I mean, what happened in the past.

About him, his father, Clark, spoke on behalf of the family.

“At first, we were very confused. Master Roman’s servant, Mr. Hans, came to visit and gave us a house and land to cultivate in the future, saying that it was Master Roman’s order. Not only that, but he also gave me connections and financial support so that I could get a place in the castle. the last few days. This father seems to be living in a dream. In the slums .”

My father’s talk was long.

He talked about how his life has changed and what has happened in the past.


Kevin couldn’t hear his father for a moment.

The fact that the changes in the family came from Roman, reminded him of what Roman had said to him.

“In the future, your family will not have to worry about their livelihood. In a warm house that blocks the cold wind, eating three delicious meals every day, you will live a life that not only spends each day with hard work, but also enjoys hobbies. Living like that is simple. I plan to do that in the future.”

The day Roman accepted Kevin.

Roman promised.

Kevin thought that he should sacrifice his life for Roman based on the grace he had received, but without realizing it, Roman was keeping his promise.

Kevin’s family was no longer worried about their livelihood.

The wooden house kept the cold wind out, and the food on the table was a clear indication of a prosperous life.


I cried.

With a burning feeling in his chest, Kevin lowered his head and swallowed a cry.

‘ Thank you very much.’

Thank you.

In a hierarchical society where the difference of status is heavenly.

Roman did not turn away from his promise to an ordinary boy who was nothing.

His beliefs were not wrong.

Roman was a man worthy of giving his life, and now it seemed that if he died for him, he could die laughing.

‘Let’s go back.’

Now is.

This is not the time to relax.

Since he knew how helpless he was at Barco’s social party, he needed to train a ghost magician as soon as possible to become stronger.

Even if he died in the process, it didn’t matter.

Roman will keep his promise to take care of his family, and as long as he has that confidence, he has no regrets about this choice.

blast furnace.

will be strong

Once again, Kevin made up his mind for Roman.

By the way.

Clark, who had been talking in utterance until recently, looked at Kevin’s face, and his expression hardened for a moment.

” Have you ever been beaten by Master Roman?”

wounds on the face.

The red, swollen cheeks were clearly signs of violence.

The human heart is deceitful.

Kevin’s parents, who had just expressed their gratitude to Roman, showed a ferocious face for a moment.

“Tell me honestly. Really, did Master Roman touch your face?”

I could have been mistaken

Dmitry’s nerd.

Rumors that undermined Roman’s reputation included the evil deed of throwing swords at commoners.

If the.

If the traces of violence are due to Roman.

Kevin’s parents seemed unbearable for being so hospitable in return for Kevin’s suffering.

No. Master Roman is never like that!”

“Then why does your face look like that?”

“That’s actually .”

Kevin hurriedly waved his hand.

In response to his parents’ desire for the truth, he reluctantly recounted what he experienced at Barco’s social party.

” For that reason, I was slapped in the face by a knight of the Barco family. However, Master Roman did not neglect it, but rather came forward and provided it for me. Conversely, he punished Barco’s knight in front of everyone, asking why he beat his own person, and thanks to this, I was able to avoid becoming a clown in front of people. So, don’t misunderstand Master Roman. I know that Master Roman is called by a bad nickname, but in reality, the master I have experienced is not a violent person at all.”

“Is that true?”

Yes. You know I’m not the one to lie to my parents. Master Roman, please respect me.”

Kevin’s words.

The Clarks looked at each other with puzzled faces.

It would be fortunate if it wasn’t Roman’s fault.

However, when you think of common sense, hitting Kevin rather than punishing Barco’s knight is a very easy way to solve the problem.

Still, Kevin said that Roman punished Barco’s knight.

It was certain.

It was different from the rumors.

If what Kevin said was half true, then Roman was completely different from the kind of person everyone misunderstood.

said Michelle.

“You are a very grateful person. It is not enough that you value our son, and that he takes care of us as a family. son What Master Roman did was by no means an easy decision. We must remember that fact and dedicate ourselves to him beyond what we received from Master Roman.”

okay. If there is anything we can do for you too, please come and tell me.”

It was the truth of my parents.

I didn’t know then.

The reaction of the parents was truly moved.

They were completely engrossed in Roman’s personality, and the fact that that was the starting point to ignite rumors.

The reunion was short.

And the aftermath spread quickly.

* * *

The day after Kevin returned.

Clark, reunited with friends from the ghetto after a long time, couldn’t stand his tickling mouth and talked about what had happened.

“I can’t believe the rumors of the world. You all know well that we, Kevin, serve Master Roman, right? But in Kevin’s words, Master Roman is a truly noble noble who deserves a noblesse oblige.”

“Dmitry’s nerd? surely!

“Hey, this guy. How did I get the house I live in and the land to cultivate? Master Roman gave it to us for Kevin. You can tell the character of Master Roman well just by looking at it. And not only that, there was an incident this time when Kevin was following Barco’s social party. There was an argument with the Knights of Barco, but Master Roman said he would protect his man, Kevin, and blew Barco Knight’s cheek nicely in front of everyone. That person is Roman Dmitry.”

“Is that really true?”

okay! Whose house is it really? One person saw it right.”

At first, it was a small rumor.

However, the rumor quickly circulated around Dmitry, and Michelle who heard it set fire to the rumor.

Village laundry.

Michelle, who was doing the laundry, answered the questions of the wives around her.

” Are the rumors true? You mean that Master Roman severely punished Barco’s knights for Kevin?”

“Mom, where else did you hear that? That being said, Master Roman is a person who really values his people, including Kevin. So, even though Barco’s eldest son shouted that he would punish Kevin, he sided with Kevin. Have you ever heard that there are such nobles in the world? Dmitry’s nerd? It’s all bullshit. I don’t know what kind of guys dare to tarnish our Master Roman Dmitry’s reputation, but in reality, the halo makes it impossible to look up properly.

“Didn’t you say you saw Roman Dmitry in action before?”

“What! It must have been that I saw something in vain, or that a guy similar to Master Roman was doing something wrong.”

son’s benefactor.

Michelle has remodeled (?) even bad memories.

The days when he was called Dmitry’s idiot and now, were too different to be the same person.

Rumors start from the bottom up.

Clarke and Michelle’s words spread around, and they grew fatter and completely reversed Roman’s image.

people said

“Roman Dmitry is a man who values his people. If you trust him, you can live a completely different life than before. Kevin from the slum and the Clark family who succeeded in entering prove him.”

Rumors were rife.

and just in time.

Roman posted an announcement that he would be recruiting enlisted men.

That was never the intended timing.

” For this reason, many people want to apply for this enlistment recruitment. So give up All the guys in Dmitry saying they’re going to use their body a little bit and they’re all going to apply, so don’t waste your heart for nothing.”

The old man finished speaking.

Private Revolt (大亂).

At one of Roman’s posts, Dmitry was moved.

Lucas, who was quietly listening to the old man’s words, responded that he was confused by the discrepancy in his memories.

‘The Roman Dmitry I know isn’t the kind of guy who deserves such a reputation. Has Roman Dmitry really changed? Even if what happened at Barco’s social party, starting with the subjugation of Blood Fang, is only half true, Roman is not a bad guy enough to be called Dmitry’s nerd.’

Interest turned.

Roman Dmitry.

What changes happened to him?


As a rumor, if you are someone who values your people, it is worth considering the enlisted job as Lucas as well.

‘The problem is that there are no such nobles in the world.’

That’s something to check for yourself.

At first, Gumi pulled.

It’s not too late to take the test and leave late, so I thought I’d have to take the test for fun.

At the same time, the mercenary job was boring.

D-3 days until the application deadline.

Cases like Lucas were not alone.

Because of those who broke down the barriers of prejudice, on the day of the test, a large number of people headed to Dmitry Castle.

recruiting soldiers.

Due to unintentional rumors, it has grown on an unprecedented scale.


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