The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life Chapter 21:


blind trust (3)

Kevin was equally embarrassed by the situation in front of him.

In the atmosphere of the vicarious match being completed even though he didn’t intend it, Kevin said with a white face.

“Are you saying that I should have a vicarious match with Knight Chris? That’s nonsense. At the most, I’m just a kid who’s been practicing swordsmanship for a week, but isn’t Knight Chris a master of using a two-star aura?

It was a natural reaction.


who is he

Isn’t he a disciple of Jonathan, the leader of the Knights Dmitry, and a genius swordsman recognized by Dmitry?

It is not something that ordinary people can handle.

Besides, Kevin isn’t the kind of guy who usually fights, he’s just a teenage boy.

No matter how much fighting is known, there are battles in life where the outcome is obvious.

said Roman.

I know. that you are at a disadvantage But do you have anything to lose if you lose in Dalian?”

” There is not.

“There is something you need to keep in mind from now on. There are countless people stronger than you in the world. Blood Fang, who oppressed and used violence against your family, was no different, and Chris, who is staring at you right in front of your eyes, is no different. Will you take a step backwards every time because your opponent is strong? If not, we need to take this situation differently now.”

A boy in his mid-teens.

Kevin is young.

He is still at an age that needs mental care, but if he chooses to use it as a sword, he has to live differently from before.

“Dalian is not a real battle. The only thing you will lose from this fight is the frustration and physical pain of being defeated. If so, don’t you think it’s a great opportunity? A chance to clash with all your might against an enemy far stronger than yourself. Even if the process is accompanied by physical pain, I don’t think it will break your will to pursue strength, even by cutting off your arm.

Life has boundaries.

life of commoners.

aristocratic life.

And, life as a swordsman who has to sacrifice his life to become stronger.

Roman looked at Kevin, who was still a teenager, and told him to completely break down that boundary.

As if he had cut off his own arm.

To face the enemy named Chris.

Even if this is a real battle, show him wielding his sword against the evil one.

“What are you afraid of?”


Kevin swallowed dry saliva.

The relationship with Roman was a series of choices.

There was no law that forced a single path, and in order to follow him, he told him how to walk on his own.

throat burned


Having to fight an opponent who only looked up to while watching the procession of knights.

It was a reality unimaginable before, but from the moment he cut off his arm, Kevin became a different person.

” Let’s try it.”

had poison.

At Kevin’s strong grip on the sword, Roman gave a small smile.

Kevin and Chris.

The two men looked at each other.

With his physique proving that the fight was at a disadvantage, Chris felt his blood gushing upside down.

‘You have to compete with a beginner to win or lose.’

It was a miserable feeling.

look at your opponent

Kevin’s posture was a mess.

Still, I thought it was probably because of the reason that Roman suggested the vicarious match, but the way he was holding his sword while looking at him was truly a spectacle.

He had no experience as a prosecutor at all.

At a glance, it was full of loopholes, and I was skeptical about whether the lower body, which was out of balance, could do well in defense.

last week.

Time was short to digest all the teachings.

As Chris thought, Kevin wasn’t a genius, and he wasn’t even qualified to be a prosecutor yet.

so that.

‘It’s pathetic.’

A strange feeling arose.

25-year-old Chris.

I learned swordsmanship through Jonathan from a young age, and the time I spent as a swordsman rather than the time I lived as a commoner decorated most of my life.

The black is his pride. Due to his innate talent and his efforts to develop more than anyone else, he achieved the feat of reaching the status of two stars at the age of his mid-20s.

If you enter the class of 3 stars before you turn 30.

He, who was evaluated as a talent on the outskirts, can emerge as the divinity of the Cairo Kingdom in an instant.

That’s the guy Chris.

Just because he was rotting in Dmitry, it wasn’t a talent to be ignored.

‘I don’t know what you’re thinking, but you’re wrong this time. Variables also have limits. If I lose against Kevin, I will completely give up my life as a prosecutor after this showdown.’

It was a desperate promise.

In my mind, I didn’t even want to fight.


The reason he was holding his sword even though he made up his mind was because of Kevin’s eyes looking at him.

“It really bothers me from one to ten.”

eyes filled with poison.

Kevin was serious.

As if he could defeat Chris, he was showing his sincere attitude towards this battle.

So I got more heat.

The other party did not know the subject.

He didn’t know how humble and lowly he was, so he was trying to deal with himself who had dedicated himself to the sword for decades without even swinging his sword.

Roman admitted. Roman, who had seen the sword face to face, was a well-deserved man, but Kevin deserved punishment just for his eyes.

‘I’ll finish it in a minute.’


He gripped the sword strongly.

That was then.


Roman signal.

When the match finally started, Chris immediately kicked the ground.

This Dalian.

There was no reason to waste time.

Chris dug into the space in an instant, and attacked Kevin’s loophole, who had not yet come to his senses.


A dull sound was heard.

I don’t know if it was intentional or a coincidence, but Kevin blocked Chris’s attack with just a few moments.

But that’s it.

The difference in strength caused Kevin’s arms to bounce back.

Kevin tried to cover the exposed chest with a bewildered face, but Chris’ kick exploded in his stomach.




It was such a shock that it made me dizzy, and Kevin fell out with one kick.

In fact, the game ended with just one attack.

Chris didn’t push his opponent further, but glanced at how Roman was judging the situation.

‘Are you sure you want to see the match?’

Roman was calm.

He explained the rules of the match silently, and Chris turned his gaze away and immediately attacked Kevin.

‘Let’s finish it at once.’

A sword aimed at the opponent’s arm.

Kevin, who had just been moaning in pain, jumped up from his seat at Chris’ attack and threw himself away.

Suddenly, the sound of breaking the wind rang in Kevin’s ears.

If he had been hit, it wouldn’t have been strange if he had broken his arm, and Kevin’s whole body had goosebumps.

difference in skill.

It was obvious.

It was a mountain that Chris could not dare to approach, but Kevin swung his sword in a counterattack right after dodging the attack.


The sound of the sword was different.

It was slow and light.

For Chris, he let the attack flow without hesitation, and once again put a kick in the opponent’s abdomen.



swallowed a moan

Kevin, who had endured the pain of cutting off his arm, staggered with a face that looked like it was about to explode.

It did not collapse even with a strong impact.

He barely stepped forward and avoided subsequent attacks, but Kevin was powerless and weak to the point that the matchmaking was virtually meaningless.

one-sided confrontation.

It was strange.

Roman offered a match as if he were himself, but Kevin didn’t qualify as a winner.

‘What the **** do you mean?’

next to ten steps.

Roman watched the situation.

It was said that the meaning of the surrogate match was to use Kevin as an avatar, but he didn’t even show how to teach something by upbringing.

In the end, the story was as expected.

The situation would not have changed if Roman had told him the secret method, but he was rather angry at the futile match.


continuous attack.

Kevin’s arms trembled.

He couldn’t stand Chris’ attack with his will alone, and while his posture was disturbed, Chris’s blow blasted through Kevin’s whole body.

It was Chris’ concern.

No matter how much a match was conducted with a wooden sword, Chris deliberately did not use the sword at the perfect opportunity, hoping that his opponent would not be fatally injured.

just that much.

There was a difference in level.

Even if Kevin struggled, he could not overcome the wall of Chris, who had been training for decades.



” Crackle.”

He bit the blood foam in his slashing fist on his stomach.

Kevin staggered like he was on his knees, and Chris let out an angry voice at Kevin.

“Just give up.”

The fight is over.

Even though he had already had several chances to finish it, Chris only cared about it.


Kevin endured with evil.

Forcefully grabbing his shaking legs, he aimed his sword at the opponent as if he was trying to block the next attack.

‘Why are you doing this?’

Kevin’s appearance.

It was miserable.

As he rolled over the ground several times, his clothes became rags, and his torn top revealed a reddish abdomen.

And he spewed blood out of his mouth.

It must have been that he had suffered a major shock to his internal organs, and the blood coming out of it made his heart cool.

was the limit.

This could be a really dangerous situation.

Even though victory or defeat was clear, Kevin’s appearance with his sword was beyond Chris’ common sense.

“Don’t assume you’re a great person just because you’ve been attacked a few times. From the beginning and throughout the match. I never did my best. I could have smashed your tofu-like head from the first time we exchanged the workshop, but since this is a matchup, I put the **** in my hand. that’s the difference between you and me I don’t know how you came to this battle, but I think you’ve done well enough if a normal person who doesn’t even know how to use mana endures this much.

told the truth

Chris vs Roman.

It was different then.

Chris couldn’t defeat Roman with all his heart, but Kevin didn’t even need to do his best.

a word of power.

That alone made Kevin miserable.

And that was the limit of the patience that Chris could accept.

“Tell me one last time. If you show the will to fight more, be prepared to **** one body.”

Last warning.

It was the last consideration.

Kevin is just a puppet.

There was no reason to be offended by him.

When I was told to admit the reality, a smile appeared on Kevin’s face to his surprise.



As if he couldn’t stand it without a smile, Kevin didn’t bother to hide the laughter that rose from within.



“You do it all the way.”

He gripped the sword properly.

I knew Chris wasn’t wrong.


This one-sided battle was completely different in Kevin’s world.

From start to finish.

Kevin followed Roman’s instructions, so he had no intention of giving up on this match without Roman’s orders.


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